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GoodWitchLuzura: this is bad.

IllusionKing: What happened?

GoodWitchLuzura: i'm experiencing

GoodWitchLuzura: ✨️gender dysphoria✨️

Camilmom: Ah, this again.

Camilmom: Don't worry everyone! This happens frequently.

Veehee: Yeah, Luz is all like "i'm having a gender crisis!" and i'm just like girlypop my gender is a BASILISK

GoodWitchLuzura: Like I feel like I'm a girl but also not???

WitchChick128: Maybe demigirl? I'm pretty sure that's what I am.

GoodWitchLuzura: well no because then again at times "girl" doesn't exactly seem to fit me

katyarawr: agender?

GoodWitchLuzura: eh i feel like i'm not strictly in the middle, i'm like floating in the space of what is gender

Hello_Willow: Possibly bigender?

GoodWitchLuzura: nah i'm already bisexual, i can't be both

BadGirlCoven: kid that's

BadGirlCoven: that’s literally what bisexuality is

GoodWitchLuzura: how do you know?

BadGirlCoven: ...I'm bi

GoodWitchLuzura: WAIT REALLY???

BadGirlCoven: How did you not know this??

Chilly.Lily: Wait, you're bi?

BadGirlCoven: I CAME OUT TO YOU 30 years ago!!

Chilly.Lily: ...I thought you were saying "hi"...

BadGirlCoven: lily you imbecile

Chilly.Lily: Be nice to me I'm aroace :(

RulerzReachF4n: Ah, gender dysphoria

RulerzReachF4n: My old, longtime friend

WitchChick128: YOU, the golden guard, have gender dysphoria?

RulerzReachF4n: oh yeah

RulerzReachF4n: my mind telling me that i'll never be a real boy is killing me

IllusionKing: like pinocchio???

RulerzReachF4n: what

RulerzReachF4n: what is that

GoodWitchLuzura: trust me

GoodWitchLuzura: you don't wanna know

Hello_Willow: Hunter, you're the best man I've ever met. :)

WitchChick128: Willow, why'd you say that?

Hello_Willow: Huh? Because I think he is!

WitchChick128: No, I mean that he's sobbing into a pillow now

IllusionKing: AWW!

MatPresento: gus you are slay

IllusionKing: ???

GoodWitchLuzura: ah yes, that's the human expression that nobody taught him

Rainey.Day: Tired of gender? Try skeleton today!

Darination: Oh, you are NOT advertising your little scam here, Songbird.

KINGOF<3s: No, I wanna hear it!

-No organs
-No skin
-No dysphoria
-No gender
-You're literally just a skeleton
-You don't even have to wear clothes
-Quit your job and fight in the skeleton war


BadGirlCoven: I'm in!

Rainey.Day: Ha! Checkmate. 😎

Darination: Oh, come on! She's obviously only joining because she's still in love with you.

Rainey.Day: One member gained!

Rainey.Day: ...wait, what?

The Owl House Group ChatOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora