Chapter 3 - Visitors

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Subject: Commander Urak
Species: Kna'ak
Ship: KR Angiyuq
Location: Sol-System

"Take a seat." The Admiral gestured to one of the chairs facing his desk. His office is quite spacious with several shelves full of books stacked all over it, the floor also seems quite hard yet somehow still has a soft carpeting. "So Commander Urak, currently we try to tow your ship to bay and begin the repairs, can you provide us with engineering crew and information about your ship, we are a little unfamiliar with this kind of vessel."
I nod. "Sure we can provide you with information regarding our ship. How much do you know about our technology?" "It looks like tech we used a few hundred years ago, but we would appreciate any information." Admiral Anderson replies. A few hundred years ago? Is he really telling me that his race is hundreds of years more advanced then we are? "We are not allowed to upgrade your ship to union standards, we will just repair it enough to not fall apart while in space. I suggest that we tow you home and open relations with your government." Anderson proposes. "That would be great, thank you Admiral." I reply. "The next step is to get your crew some rooms assigned, we will see you as refugees. You will get food and everything your species need to survive, so please tell us if you need something else commander." Admiral Anderson adds. "That sounds like an excellent idea." I agree. "Multiple Vessels detected." The board computer announced.
"Lets move to the bridge." Anderson suggests. The bridge is just a few seconds away from the admirals office. We turn around the corner and entered the bridge. There are two humans standing by each of the consoles.
"Status". The Admiral asks. "We detected multiple Vessels incoming behind saturn, those are not ours or anything we know." One of the bridge crew replied. I walk over to the other console to check out what they are talking about. "Commander Urak, are those your friends ?" The Admiral asks while showing me the ship signatures on the screen. "No, they followed us. It's the empire! They have no mercy and they slaughter every species in their way." I yell knowing what monsters they are. "They destroyed our ship, they probably want to confirm the kill." I added. "Get us infront of their exit point and ask for assistance, the TUAF Proelium should be close." Anderson ordered his men. The Bridge crew begin pressing buttons as the monitor displays more information. 6 ships of the empire leave hyperspace right in fron of the messor. "High alert, hail them." Anderson commands. "Yes sir!"
"Please identify yourself. What is your business in this sector". One of the officers on the bridge asks the arriving ships over comms. A few second pass but there is no response. "Enemy weapons are charging up" A crew member yells. "Prepare for battle!" The Admiral orders. The Admiral looks in this situation very battlehardend, he is not breaking a sweat. I notice how easily the Admiral handles things. I wonder how many times has he fought before. Suddenly two more ships are arriving behind the Messor. "The TUAF Proelium and the TUAF Luna arrived and are here to assist us." One of the officers reported. Both of the ships are a little smaller then the Messor but the Weaponry looks way more dangerous. Those have to be Battleships i thought to myself. "Give orders to the destroyers they are clear to engage. And send 3 fighter squadrons with them." Anderson orders. "How are destroyers fitting on this ship? I thought this is a battleship." I had to ask Admiral Anderson this question. "I think you had the wrong idea, the Messor is an armed carrier." Anderson states proudly. I only can watch what is happening out there. Can the humans really handle this situation? The Empire destroyed many of our fleet, it takes 5 of us to bring 1 of them down. We are fighting a hopeless fight. The Empire has to be on the technological level of the humans. Suddenly the two battleships are jumping between the formation of the empire and are unloading salvos on them before jumping back. It just took a few seconds all 6 ships of the empire are exploding before I even realised what really happend.
"This isn't possible! How do they manage such destructive power?" I jap. "Commander Urak, are you alright?" Anderson asked concernedly. "Yeah of course. My bad." I reply. I take another look at the destruction. The enemy ships were obliterated. Just how big is the gap between us and the humans? It seems impossible but there it was, it's real. "Scan the wreckage for survivors." Anderson instructs to the bridge staff. "There is no sign of life." The bridge personnel say. "Now they know that we are here, the attack is a declaration of war to the human race. We will answer, I have to talk to command on earth. We have to take the next steps with caution. Send a science team to the wreckage we need all the information we can get." The Admiral orders. "Peace time is over I guess". The crew mumbels. "Commander I have to talk to command, please get to your quarters and your crew. I will reach out to you if I have any news."
Anderson adds. After giving instructions to his crew the Admiral leaves with one of his officers. And I have to tell my crew what I just witnessed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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