29 | ALEXITHYMIA: Feel Something

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Y/n got to the address that led her to a barn, she looked around inside but no one was there. Then Giselle's phone rings, Somi is calling her so she answered it

"Jeon Somi"

"Woah, Mirae? Wow, I didn't expected you'd have Giselle that fast" Somi said

"I bet you're at the barn, aren't you? Did you think I'd be here just because this is the last location Giselle went to?" Somi laughs

"Jeon Mirae is such a fair person, if her best friend dies then my best friend should too, right? I really know how you think and it makes it easier for me to execute my job"

"You're right, Jihyo is equivalent to Giselle to you. But we're not the same because if Jihyo is alive, I wouldn't let her die.. I give importance to the people around me unlike you"

"Hmm.. sacrifices.. Did Giselle relay the message? Me and Tzuyu are hanging out, wanna hear her?"

Y/n heard Somi's footsteps and also sound of water fountain from the background

"Speak little sister, Mirae is on the line!" Somi cheerfully said

"Unnie.." she hears Tzuyu's helpless voice

"Save yourself, it'll be better if one us gets to live than have the two of us dead"

"Heard that, my twin? Go save yourself!"

"I told you, don't ever lay your hands on her!"

"Or what? You'll kill me? I'd like to see you try, if you can" Somi laughs out loud

"I might not see you at this moment but I just know you're damn furious, aren't you?"

"If I come there and see a slight bruise or wound, I really wouldn't let you go off alive. I swear to god, you'll gonna die in any way possible.. I'll rip your head off"

Meanwhile …

As Chaeyoung got caught by the authorities, she's now being transferred to a much secured facility because she's too dangerous to be put to other inmates. They're on a bus, a nurse, Felix, and Jeongyeon are with her. She thought of escaping and finding Y/n. While their guard is down, Chaeyoung fastly took the gun from Felix and pointed it on his head while holding onto his neck alarming Jeongyeon and the nurse

"Put the gun down!" Jeongyeon also took out her gun and pointed it out on her

"I'll blow his head off if you don't let me go! You don't understand, I have to save Y/n!"

The two detectives then got a notification from their phone, Chaeyoung snatched Felix's phone while still pointing the gun at him. She reads the message saying Y/n reported that she revealed her location and they'll be ready for her arrest. Which made Chaeyoung distracted and Jeongyeon took the opportunity and stole the gun away from her then pulled Felix away

"None of this is love, Son Chaeyoung. It's all obsession so stop this madness"

"What do you know about love? This is love!"


After two days, Y/n still haven't got to find Tzuyu and Somi's whereabouts and it makes it hard for her to move because she's already on the police's radar. She first went to the town studio but they're not there and then she remembered that she heard a fountain from the background while they're on a call. That reminded her of something, Mr Jeon's house has a fountain in his previous home in Hunsan so she went there

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