Chapter 3

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Demi✨: I gave my cousin your number

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Demi✨: I gave my cousin your number. I'm the cuter one of us but I could tell you was feeling him.

Eden🌸: I agree but thank you💕

Demiif he doesn't turn out to be what you want I'll be here with open legs and an open mouth 😜

Eden giggle at Demi's text message. They been texting for days and the causally flirtation has become common. Although Demi was beautiful it was just something about Zaviar that intrigued her. Getting up and making her bed she begins to water her plants. Her apartment was like a green house a plant on every available surface. Seeing live grow from her hands makes her proud, her plants more like her children. She talks to them, letting them know how proud she was of how big and strong they were growing.

"Alexa, play cleaning up playlist."

The soft melody of a SIR song fills her apartment. She carefully cleans up her countertops, bagging up melcelanous pieces of trash. Filling a small sauce pot with fabulous she leaves it to simmer on the stove.

She drags the trash bags to the door, suprised to see Zavier standing there getting ready to knock. He looks sheepish, before reaching for the bags and easily tossing it into the nearest trash shoot. Eden can't help but notice how the muscles contract in his wide back, his shirt rising to expose a sliver of brown skin. Clinching her thighs, she smiles thanking him.

"I could have done that." He waves her off.

"No woman should have to do any heavy lifting as long as there is a able bodied man around."

"Not every man shares your sentiments, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind. But I see you were about to knock, what can I help you with?" The way he looked at her made her turn to mush. As if every word was the most interesting thing he'd ever heard.

"To be honest I just wanted to see if you wanted to hangout. I heard you blasting your playlist and just wanted to see if I could possibly come keep you company?" His large puppy dog eyes were in full effect and her arm was opening the door inviting him in before she decides whether it was good idea or not. His proximity was making her pussy liquify. He gave her a curious look noticing that her bedroom was a mere foot from the door.

"It's only a one bedroom, so I converted the bedroom into a walk-in closet. And I don't have many guesses to give me the look your giving me right now." He puts his hands up in surrender, slipping off his shoes and placing them on a shoe rack next to the door.

"I like it, it makes your space cozy." He takes a cursory look around before lowering himself to the bed, long legs stretching out in front of him and crossed at the ankle. How he managed to make such a large bed look miniature was beyond her.

"How tall are you?" He smirks manspreading, drawing her attention to the very noticeable bulge on his Nike tech shorts. He follows her line of sight, and she could have sworn it jumped. She pries her gaze away heading to the kitchen for snacks.

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