"Anything really. What type of food are you wanting?" Yibo asks.

"Honestly? I don't really want fancy. I kinda want fast food," Zhan says.


"I mean yeah, I want something that's really satisfying and as nice as fancy food is, cheap Chinese food sounds extremely good right now."

Yibo smiles at Zhan and nods. "Okay, Chinese food it is."

"Alright, that's not far at all. Five minutes from here," Zhan says, switching lanes and making the turn that leads to the restaurant.

The car ride is short, but Zhan appreciates it nonetheless. Yibo let him pick the music and they blasted it, driving with the windows down and the wind messing up their hair.

"Come here," Yibo says to Zhan before they walk into the restaurant. Zhan does as told, walking over to Yibo who then stands on his toes and reaches up to move his hair back into place. "There."

"Thanks," Zhan says with an amused smile.

As they walk into the restaurant, a small bell chimes, signaling the door has been open. There's a small line, one that's not too long and not too short. Can a line ever be too short?

Zhan looks around and loves what Yibo has done with the place. He is really proud of him.

Zhan ge, why don't we go into the office and ask the chef to make something for us? I want to spend more time with you. Yibo says, pulling Zhan over to the entrance of the kitchen.

Yibo walks in and tells the chef to prepare Chinese for them and with that, they both walk to the office and sit down.

Once they get situated, Zhan grabs a fortune cookie from the table and opens it, reading the small little paper inside.

"What?" Yibo asks when Zhan chuckles at what it says.

Zhan just looks up and hands Yibo the paper.

'You will live a long and fulfilling life'

"Zhan ge that's not fucking funny," Yibo says, not being able to hide the small smirk that appears from the ironic message.

"I think it's pretty fucking funny," Zhan argues, taking a bite of the cookie.

Of course he felt his heart shatter at what the paper said, but he refused to let it ruin this moment. He was happy that even if they were both dying inside, they could still laugh together.

And that was the thing about Zhan. No matter how upset Yibo was, Zhan always could make him smile genuinely. Their food arrived moments later and they ate in silence.

"Thanks for doing this, Bo, it really means a lot," Zhan says as they both finish up eating.

"Don't thank me, I'm so so happy I got to do this, that we got to do this. You don't deserve what you're getting, and I don't know how it even happened, how there wasn't another retrial or something, but this really is the least you do deserve."

"Yeah, I don't know. I tried to appeal again but lawyer Yang says once the jury decided then that's what other jury's would do" Zhan says.

"It's not supposed to be so though, the justice system sucks, and I'm honestly surprised because of that, you're a white attractive male, and the story was that you did it to protect me, I don't know how you ended up in this position."

"The Yang's family had a great lawyer and the jury was biased I think. Like in their religious and political views."

Zhan talked about it so casually. As if he had just accepted it a long time ago and Yibo just didn't understand how he could be that way.

Six months to live (ZhanYi)Where stories live. Discover now