chapter 66

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Samira's pov:

"Hey baby" Mairo said kissing my cheeks as soon as she approached me. "Are you still feeling sick?" She asked again making me look at her.

"No I'm not. It only happens in the mornings. I think it's just exam sickness. I have those anytime i'm writing important exams" I said which was the truth, I always get sick before my exams but not to the extent of vomiting though. I think its because this exam determines if I'll graduate or repeat that's why it's this serious.

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"
"No I'm good"

"Come here" I got up and stood in between her legs holding her waist. At this point in time the teachers don't give a fuck about what we do because in a week time we wouldn't be their problem anymore.

"I think I want to go to college" she said looking in my eyes.

I've asked her so many times in the past 2 months. She said she doesn't want to go to college, saying she wants to start up a business. I told her she can start a business after getting a degree but she refused so I left it at that. I'm surprised she's bringing it up.

"What made you change your mind?"
"You, you made me change my mind. I already made up my mind that I wouldn't be going to college so you bringing it up was weird to me at first but now I get. I would like to have a degree, I really want to be that person who doesn't let the things they went through during their childhood affect their adulthood. I want to be better for you,my siblings and if possible for our kids. Because I really see myself growing old you with you" she said staring into my soul.

"Baby, you really want me with you forever?"
"Yes, even in the next life. I don't know what you did to me Samira because I'm stuck"

She started leaning closer to me, staring at my lips. I did the same. Also leani-

"This is a school for crying out loud!"

"Matthew go away" Mairo said pulling away.

"That bitch ass invigilator just got into the school" he said

"Which one?" I asked
"The one that came the day we did the English exam"

"God whyyyy!!!" Mairo groaned.

That lady is so damn strict, she didn't want us turning our head or even making any form of noise. Mairo was nearly sent out if the exam Hall that day. She only sneezed!

Mairo's pov:

After that bitch ass invigilator woman gave us question papers and answer sheet. I started getting to work. Dumb as geography exam.

How am I supposed to know what rocks are made off?! I groaned looking at the impossible questions.

"Why isn't any of you writing?" The bitch asked. Because it's hard dummy. Come write it yourself since you have so much to say.

She better not come to this school again.

Thank God I'm not the only one finding this shit hard.

I decided to skip the ones I don't know and answer the ones I know. I don't really care about this subject because I don't really need it.

I heard mummers and decided to look up. There was two police office talking to our geography teacher and the invigilator.

Why are they here? We're not even doing any form of examination malpractice.

"This is her" I heard someone said in front of me.

"Her, who?" I asked the geography teacher who was pointing at me. What the fuck?!

"Mairo Dimeji?" One of the officer said

"You're under arrest for the murder of Sebastian James." Holy shit! They had to do it in front of the whole class?

"If you resist arrest you'll just make it worse" I'm literally not doing anything. I'm too stunned to speak right now, how did they find out?!

Okay maybe we should have buried him and check if there was cameras in his house.

I'm such a fool!

I stood up and closed my paper, so much for wanting to go to college. I guess where you came from actually determines where you'd end up.

"Mairo what are they talking about?" Samira asked as she came into my view with a worried look. She was sat at the very first seat at the front, how did she get here so fast.

"Ma'am please move away. You're obstructing us" one of the officer said pushing her aside.

"Don't push her like that, man"
"Young lady, you better keep quiet!" The second officer snapped as he put the cuff on my hands

"Samira, go back to your seat. I'll be fine"

"No you'll not. Tell them it's not true, tell them Mairo!" Well, even though I didn't pull the trigger I was the one who ordered them to do it and I refuse tot let faith and Manny go to jail for helping me out. I brought them into this. This is exactly why I decided Matt shouldn't be at the scene

"I'll go with you guys" Matt said
"Me too" Gwen said. By now the whole hall was getting so loud, you could hear whispering and gasps.

"No, none of you is going with me. I need you to take care of my siblings Matt. Can I trust you with that?"

"Yes you can. I'll call my dad, he's the chief justice if Nigeria, maybe he can help" Matt said with so much pity in his eyes. Honestly I don't regret what I did. I would go to prison again and again if it meant that I have to avenge my mother's death.

"Madam please move, you're wasting our time" one of the officer said shoving me roughly.

I heard a loud thud as I approached the door, I turned back to see Samira on the floor with Gwen and matt trying to get her up.

I was slapped hard across the face and pushed outside as I was about to ran to where Samira was. What is wrong with these police men. They are always slapping people unnecessarily.

I was dragged harshly out of the school, they didn't even let me know why Samira was on the floor.

"You're going in for a long time young lady, you should start worrying about that instead of those people in there" officer two said slamming the door as I got inside the police car.

Jail here I come.

The end?

A/N: book two? Well I'll be posting the epilogue chapter tommorow, cos I have nothing better to do. I'm still finding it hard to end a book, but I think the ending of this one is pretty okay.

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