Rules, Reasons, and Requests! the three Rs!

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So! New chapter of my Wattpad life, new book!

First off, characters!
I will write about literally any character. Cassandra? Boom. Meatsweats? Hell yeah. Loathsome Leonard? F TO THE U TO THE CK YEAH.

Groups I will write about willingly!
Mad Dogz (Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, April)
Mud Dogs (Loathsome Leonard, Dastardly Danny, Malicious Mickey, Heinous Green)

Groups I will write if requested!
Humans (April, Cassandra, Casey JR.)
Evil League of Mutants (Meatsweats, Ghostbear, Repo, Those crab guys, etc)

Rules for requests!
1. Do not take your anger out on me or others who read this if I don't write your request.
I understand you may be upset, but reasons I may not write a request are I may not have seen it, I may have declined it politely, or I may not have the mental will and/or time to write it. In any scenario where you are upset, do not take your anger out on people for it. Maybe ask somebody else if I don't! There's always people who are willing to write about things, even if it's unfortunately the weirder side of the fandom(looking at you Tcesters and sexualizers).
2. I will NOT be writing Tcest, pedophilia, smut, etc etc.
There are simple reasons as to why. One, incest and pedophilia are crimes. I'm mainly talking about turtle shipping or even shipping with April. Sorry Apritello shippers, not here not today and probably never. For the pedophilia, I'm mainly talking about shipping Mikey or Raph with Meatsweats and Ghostbear. It unfortunately exists on AO3 and I cannot explain for disgusted I am with words. Smut makes me uncomfortable in the context of the TMNT. I will not be writing any smut, especially of the turtles, April, Casey Jr, etc etc. If they're literally any age, they aren't getting written like that.
3. Depending on how nice I'm feeling, I may write an extra chapter for y'all.
Not really a rule, but something important. It may be a follow-up of a request, a random extra scenario, or just me dumping my brain again. Pretty simple.

Some things I will not write about.
Tcest, smut, pedophilia, etc were mentioned, but I'm going to make some other things clear here!
Extreme g0re. Like guts and stuff. I'm fine with cuts, maybe even a life threatening one, but if it comes to guts? Ick. No.
Anorexia/Eating Disorders. I physically cannot push myself to write about this. I mainly am worried I will misrepresent it or I will trigger somebody if they don't read the warning. So please bare with me with this.
Suicide or topics of self harm. I'm so sorry for this one, but I CAN'T write it. It's mainly from how uncomfortable of a topic it is for me. I also don't wanna misrepresent it. The farthest I'll go is a suicide ATTEMPT, but to it unfortunately succeeding? I just can't.

I am fine with most things to write about! Ask me any wacky, angsty, or fluffy scenario you want and I might write it!

Important notes!

Emojis I will use to show wether or not something is safe to read.
🌹 Safe! General, for all people to read safely!
🥀 Caution. May set some people off, but could be read by most.

🍉 Fluff! Fun for everybody
🍍 Crackish? I don't know how to explain it. Just silly stuff that was requested or written.
☕ Angst. May not be suitable for all people.
Mix them for whatever you need!

How requests work
Put the emoji for wether it is safe, cautious, or unsafe before you put the emoji(s) for what kind of fic it is. Then write down your idea with a reply to your comment. I will reply with one of the following emojis;
💛✨👍 Or 🧡☄️👐 Or ❤️💥👎
Yellow heart/glitter(sparkles?)/thumbs up means that your request has been accepted and will be written! Congratulations!
Orange heart/comets/open hands mean it's not a certain yes or no. I cannot decide at that point, I will reread it later so that once it decide, you will know. Or the answer will be unclear, being I may or may not write it, but it has been seen and is in consideration.
Red heart/explosion/thumbs down means it has unfortunately been denied for writing. If I ever do reply to your request with this, I apologize. It either has a topic that is a bit heavy for me, depending on my mood at the moment, or just that I may not have the will to write it. I apologize deeply if I ever do. Look on the bright side, though! Depending on how I'm feeling later, it may change! So keep your hopes up!

Hit me with anything that follows the rules and it will be considered!

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