It was the first time Asa was welcomed into their territory. Finally, after a long trip in silent tension, they arrived at the pack. Every villager seemed elated to see their return. As the men stepped out, they were embraced lovingly, leaving Asa standing awkwardly.
"You came back!" She turned in time for small arms to wrap around her, Mera hugging her tightly. Shocked, Asa had no idea what to do, looking up to see some of the other members smiling at her. "Michael told me you were joining us," Mera spoke as she pulled away. A genuine smile graced Asa's face, smiling back at the woman.
Asa looked up to see Keldar in his normal brooding position, watching over his people. Everyone made their way to their houses, and she walked up to the alpha himself.
"Thank you." She spoke softly, getting his attention. "or allowing me to stay here with your pack." She didn't dare mention his brother, the trip back, having spent in agonizingly short conversations.
"Your life is now linked to mine; I can't let you venture off and get yourself killed." He nodded nonchalantly as if it meant absolutely nothing.
"Now, my life depends on your fate instead of your brothers. You staying alive means keeping me alive as well. I'm sure you can find other things to hate more." She pursed her lips, trying hopelessly to get back to when they hated each other.
He squinted at her and moved just an inch closer, his voice dropping an octave. "If anything happens to come between you and my brother, I don't think he would survive that." She raised her eyebrows at his puzzling words. The way he nodded was to gesture that he meant more than just her death would hurt his brother.
It seemed that they were going to revert back to their cold, hateful acknowledgment of the other.
"Keldar…What happened in the woods…" She started her sentence wanting to clarify what happened, but she couldn't find the words. What did happen? They were merely trying to heal…it didn't mean anything for either of them.
Why was it so challenging to talk about then? And why did h rather not say or hear the truth from either brother?
"Don't say anything." He muttered to her, his gaze disappearing elsewhere. "Your hovering is quite bothersome, brother." She turned to see Keran walking closer, hands folded neatly and a never-ending smile.
She smiled at him, wondering if he had overheard. A quick glance towards his brother made the sweat drip a little more down her back. He seemed just as curious as she was.
"I am not the one hovering, Keldar. I came for my girl." He smiled sweetly at his brother and stretched a hand out towards Asa. His tone was casual, but his words suggested otherwise. Terrified and guilt-ridden, the words that were supposed to put a smile on her face made her gulp instead.
She looked at Keldar, his face as passive as always, and she knew that she had to forget what happened like he had. She took Keran's hand, and he smiled brighter. And that made everything worthwhile because, after all this time, she had someone to spend the rest of her days with.
"I have a surprise for you." Keran ignored his brother as if his mere existence was wiped from his memory. She shoved the thought of Keldar in a box and moving it to a part of her brain that would shut off for the time being.
They waled deep into the woods, and faintly she recognized the path she walked on long ago.
Keran spoke up, making her nerves subside. Everything was back to normal. "I told the Oracle that you were here. Of course, she already knew, but she was delighted nonetheless. She wants you to visit her."
She smirked at him. "Of course, being the Oracle's apprentice gives you a certain advantage."
He smiled at her, stopping in front of the infamous hut; it looked exactly the same as it did centuries back, seeming as if though nature didn't even touch it.
"I think this is something that you have to do alone." She looked at Keran, trusting his intuition. "Just go in. She's expecting you."
"Of course." She spoke softly and stepped in, the hut enveloping her like an old friend.
Blue fire already raging wildly in the middle, the eerie color bouncing off the walls. Asa looked around, noticing a few details for the first time. No longer the cowardly human she used to be, she refused to cower away from the deity; she waited patiently.
The oracle appeared out of thin air, suddenly standing in front of her. The blue fire grew dim, and daylight shone into the hut. Like magic, the atmosphere changed from unearthly to enigmatic. Having seen her before, Asa thought she would have no reaction to the woman's appearance, but her beauty still shocked her. Her long, white hair almost dragged on the ground, framing her beautiful tanned face. She was much older than Asa, but her beauty was beyond comparison. She was the encompass of exquisiteness. The oracle's eyes stared at Asa, welcoming her with friendly familiarity.
Then her velvety voice spoke, soothing, with a hint of raspiness that made it commanding. "Asa, dear child. I have been awaiting this day for so long." She stepped forward without hesitation and embraced Asa in a hug. "I am so happy that you are alive and found Keran just in time. But I always knew you would."
"Thank you. You could have told me it would take this long to find the end." She spoke into the embrace, feeling uncomfortably safe in her arms. She wasn't a tiny woman, nor was she burly built either; she was just…incomparable. The oracle always had a way to make Asa feel comfortable and at ease, and for a moment, Asa wondered if it had anything to do with who she was and whether all oracles had these powers.
"I could only tell you enough so that you would know what to do and what to wait for. The rest is up to fate." She took a step back and smiled, grasping at two cups nearby. Then, quickly moving towards her strange fire, she sat down and gestured for Asa to do the same. She took the brew and sipped as commanded.
"If you knew how long to wait, you would never have suffered as much. Keran fell in love with your suffering. He saw a vulnerable human within you, hidden behind the strong beast everyone else sees." The oracle spoke again, her voice soothing, but a part of Asa crawled with the sound. Was it because she was a vampire in a sacred wolf space?
"It never mattered either way; we broke the prophecy. We are free from the curse." Asa forced a smile, feeling proud that she had overcome her fate.
"Did you now, child?" The oracle questioned, her eyes ever-knowing. "Is Keldar not at risk now? Will he not die if you die now?"
"Yes, but he agreed to it. And he is strong enough. So we can fight anything that comes our way, together."
"Together? So it progressed from hating each other. Do you call yourself friends now?" Her tone sounded condescending, and for once, she wasn't the beautiful vision of a lady that could do no wrong. Asa quirked her head to the side, wondering what this woman knew.
"You know what happened?" Her words formed a question, but both knew it was rhetorical. The answer was already floating in the air; nevertheless, the oracle replied patronizingly.
"Every small detail." The words stabbed Asa, and she was scared of what was said next. "I am sure that Keran knows too. If he doesn't, he would soon; either through his dreams or someone might tell him. He was supposed to be the next oracle, after all." She stared at the woman, unsure if she was giving advice or making a threat.
"He can never know." Asa raised her voice, making the point very clear.
"Oh dear, did you honestly think you can cheat your way out of your fate? The prophecy I gave you still stands; Keran will die. After his death, yours will follow swiftly."
"We went to the shaman. Keldar did the transition with me; the ritual was performed successfully." The oracle's unwavering gaze spiked the fear in Asa. What if she wasn't lying? What if the curse was unbroken?
"If you are lying about this, I will end your life, witch." Asa sneered. The beauty that surrounded the deity disappeared, and there was no fear left that Asa felt toward her.
"No need for that, child."
Asa rushed out of the door, barging past Keran, speedily making her way to the main house.
"What happened?" Keran's worried voice followed her, but she ignored it, picking up pace as she drew closer to Keldar.
What if she wasn't lying? What transcended in the woods would all be for nothing.
"Nothing. I need to speak to Keldar." She tried to brush off his worrisome gaze.
"Keldar? Why do you need to talk to my brother?" She stopped, molding the oracle's words in her head; he knows. She wasn't sure what to say to make it all vanish; there was only one person that knew every view of this situation, and she needed to know what his thoughts were.
"I need to talk to the chief." She tried to explain without having to confess anything. The guilty feeling worsening. She turned and ran straight into the house, barging into a room where he sat comfortably with a few members, smiling.
His smile dropped when he saw Asa's expression, his brother hot on her heels. Keldar gazed at her questioningly, setting his glass down.
She nodded her head, and he quickly followed her into an empty room.
Once inside, she inspected Keran, unwilling to move, and turned back to Keldar: "We need to talk. Alone." Keldar looked confused and turned towards his brother, gesturing for him to leave the room.
"Asa, please. Just tell me what is going on. I can help. He won't care as much as I do." Keran spoke, trying to force his way further into the room.
"Leave, brother. I will make sure everything is fine. I am her alpha, after all." Asa wasn't sure who was more shocked by the statement, herself or Keran. It stunned him long enough for Keldar to shut the door in his face. The atmosphere changed the moment Keldar was alone with her; the tension thick in the space between them.
"My alpha?" She questioned Keldar, not knowing where to start.
"What else am I to you?" He retorted, her gaze flickering towards the door for a moment, wondering if Keran was listening.
"He can't hear. Privacy is a big thing in a house with super hearing; the rooms have built-in barriers." He soothed her racing heart, wondering if her following words were something that Keran was not supposed to hear.
"My alpha." She confirmed softly, convincing both of them.
He nodded and stepped away from her, briskly changing the subject. "What do you want to speak to me about?" If her statement had bothered him, he made no sign that it did.
Her mind drew to the reason she was alone with him in a room. "The Oracle said that I was silly to think the curse was broken. Do you think it's possible? Would the shaman have fabricated the ritual? What will happen if all of it was a hoax?"
"I'm not sure." He started pacing back and forth in the room, his eyebrows scrunching together. "I rushed to Africa the moment the oracle told me the truth of my brother. I didn't see a reason to check into it, either; I thought my brother would take all the necessary precautions with anything concerning you." He stopped and stared at her, wondering if he was supposed to take the necessary precautions. He started pacing back and forth again. "We killed Dea, and everyone else will soon know about the ritual, thinking that he is out of harm's way. We need to find out what the shaman did before anyone suspects."
"What are we going to do? If anyone doubts the ritual for a second…they would come for Keran." She paced behind Keldar, stepping in his prints, his worry flowing over her, hysteria growing with each second passing. "What about Keran? If the ritual really didn't break the curse, I would have to leave. This will break his heart. What if what happened in the woods was all for nothing?"
Keldar stopped and turned, gripping her shoulders tightly, silencing her. "Anything that happened up until now was not for nothing. Keran won't find out what happened. Ever." His strong voice commanded, and she saw the scary man peeking out from under his friendly facade, but she wasn't scared of him anymore; she had grown accustomed to his threats and glares. And at that moment, she almost found it soothing.
"He might already know." She whispered to him, not sure of his reaction.
It was the first time that she ever saw any feeling similar to fear on his face. He didn't want his brother to know either. "Why would you think that?" He asked quietly.
"The oracle…" She replied just as soft.
He released her from his grip and grasped at his hair, the stress overtaking his calm demeanor.
"Let's test it then." She stared at him confused as he stomped towards the bed; without a breath, he broke off a post and shoved it into his gut.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed and rushed towards his body. Blood started gushing from his open wound. He dropped to his knees and ripped the impalement out. Asa tumbled down with him, pain overtaking her body. Her stomach ripped open magically, and blood pooled over the clothes, her wound identical to his.
She grunted out in pain, ready to smack the man next to her. "What was that for?!" She growled at him, her healing quickly taking over the pain.
"Just wanted to test a theory." He grunted at her. "If we're connected, she might be lying about everything else."
Asa stared at him wide-eyed. "You couldn't just scratch yourself?" She hissed at him, doubting his intellectuality for the first time. All he did was shrug.
"We're connected." His words were soft and had more meaning to them, leaving Asa speechless again, the anger disappearing.
She did feel the connection, but what was she supposed to do with the awaiting brother outside.
They sat in silence and stared at each other, knowing the moment would disappear far too quickly. Their wounds healed completely, and they would be forced to leave the room, ignoring everything yet again.
After a few minutes, the gashing holes were gone, and they walked towards the door. She turned away from Keldar, drawing in a deep breath, and jerked it open, frightened as Keran stumbled into the room. He quickly gathered himself and stared at them, his demeanor changing from prejudice to worried in a few seconds. "Why are you covered in blood?" He looked Asa up and down, stepping inside, ready to fight his brother until he noticed his blood-stained shirt as well. "What did you do?" He seethed.
Keldar sighed, keeping his eyes on his brother. "We thought the curse wasn't broken. We had to test it." Asa's head whipped towards Keldar incredulously. What happened to keep it between us? She thought.
"Why would you think the curse wasn't broken?" Keran asked, anger vanishing immediately, his face flushed with concern.
"The Oracle said something to Asa. We just needed to-." Keran dashed from the room down the hallway, cutting off his brothers' words, leaving the pair to stared confused at each other. They quickly trailed after the mad man.
"Keran! What is going on?" His brother commanded, but Keran wasn't stopping for any pleas or commands. So they ran after him all the way to the Oracle's hut, shouting for him to stop and explain.
His figure disappeared into the hut, a string of curses followed after, causing Asa and Keldar to stop in their tracks.
They looked at each other inquisitively, unsure of what to do.
A broken scream bellowed from the hut, and Asa sprinted forward to help, but Keldar's arm stretched out fast, preventing her from entering.
The look in his eyes stopped her struggles, allowing him to release her and step into the hut himself. It was only a second later that another scream escaped, and she dashed inside.
The blue flames that were raging before had died out. The room was bare and lifeless; everything that had made it enigmatic before had disappeared. The floor was covered in shards of glass, herbs, and liquids of mixed scents dulling their senses. A cold shiver ran down Asa's spine as she scanned the disorder.
In front of her stood a rigid Keldar, his posture reflecting her emotions. She moved to see what he was looking at and gasped.
The worst thing in the hut was the rope hanging from the overhead barriers, taut and firm, taunting them with the weight it held. At the end of the rope, dangling like fish caught on a hook, was the oracle. The beautiful long, white hair was grayed and frizzled up. The smooth, young skin was shriveled beyond years and stained to a sickening color. Her clothes had formed into rags and seemed to ash off her body.
Keran screamed again, Asa taking notice of him for the first time. He appeared more angry than heart-broken with his mentor's passing. Asa stepped closer, apprehensive of the agitated man.
"Keran?" She questioned, reaching a handout. He screamed again, frightening her enough to back away. His face was red from the screaming, veins popped from his neck, and saliva dripped from his extended canines. His claws grabbed at the oracle and ripped her from the rope.
As if carried by the air of nature, she almost floated into his arms. His anger disappeared slowly, replacing it with hurt, and muffled cries were heard as he held on to the corpse.
"Keran, let us take her and bury her. You will only get more hurt the longer you are with her." Asa tried to soothe him, mistaking his tears as someone who lost a loved one.
"No!" He shouted at her, and she backed away again, stumbling into Keldar, who helped steady her.
Quiet descended upon them, the two looking down at the broken man, leaving him to cry.
"I need you to wait outside." Keran's voice was hoarse.
Asa didn't know Keran in this state; in a way, she felt like she didn't know him at all. She didn't really have a leg to stand on when it came to knowing who he was. So instead, she stared up at the brother, ready to follow whatever Keldar told her to. He nodded slowly and gestured for them to exit the hut.
They waited in silence, hearing glass and scuffling inside the hut. Asa rubbed at her shoulders, not sure of what to do. Now more than ever, she wanted to leave, but having an alpha a few feet away from her, stopped her from dashing.
They remained far apart, not glancing at each other even for a second, and after a while, Keran stepped out, entirely composed and seemed his usual self.
"Are you okay?" Asa asked him, feeling very unsure of his rapid change.
He nodded and turned around to stare at the hut., pulling out a match and lit it.
"What are you doing?" Keldar asked, questioning his brothers' mental state. Keldar tried to stop his brother as he threw the match at the hut, but it was too late as it went ablaze. Flames enveloped every part of the hut within seconds.
Shocked, they stared at the hut, not noticing as Keran trudged away.
"Why would he do that?!" Asa asked, shocked. A few villagers appeared quickly, noticing the flames and smoke, breaking their reverie. They tried in futile to dose the fire.
Keldar stepped closer to her, his voice lowering to reach only her ears. "Your boyfriend is insane." He whispered quietly before turning to the villagers, "extinguish the flames as fast as possible. We don't need it to spread and bring unwanted attention."
Taking Asa's elbow, he started to drag her away as the flames were smothered. When they were out of earshot from any prying ears, he whispered again. "Something must have gone wrong with the ritual, and I think both the oracle and my brother knew. We need to find him before anyone else questions what is going on."
"Why would the Shaman connect us if he wasn't able to break the curse." She questioned, keeping up with his fast pace.
"By killing Keran, you will die, the infamous immortal hybrid. Add the strongest alpha to the mix, and I'm sure we have a lot of volunteers to do the spell."
She stopped, looking at him, shaking her head wildly. "No, no, no…" He gripped her tightly, looking into her eyes.
"I'm sure Keran has a good reason for this. We just need to find him."
"What if the curse isn't broken, Keldar? What if my life is now linked to both of yours? What if I am the reason Keran dies? And you…you would have been kept out of it if I didn't push you to do the spell…"
"Asa, stop. The curse hasn't been activated yet. We can still stop this from catapulting into a bigger issue." She nodded, still unsure of their next moves, but loyally followed her alpha.
They searched the entire pack territory, trying to find Keran, who had disappeared into thin air. Again, he left; this time, no goodbye, no letter, no reason. He took nothing with him, everything untouched.
No one had seen him leave, and no one questioned his absence.
Only a few hours later, Keldar called a meeting, having Asa sit in on it. A few members stared at her apprehensively but remained silent.
"My brother is missing again. I want a few volunteers to follow Michael to where we suspect he will be and bring him back." The members nodded, ready to help; they were all warriors, their bodies adorned with marks and paint with the honor.
"I have to warn you," Keldar spoke again, looking from Michael to Asa. "We have learned that he still wields the magic of the oracle, and until our next oracle ascends, he may be more powerful." A few warriors looked at each other confused, wondering why Keran was being portrayed in such light. "Be careful, and come back alive."
The meeting ended shortly after, and Asa stayed behind as the members prepared. However, her residence in the pack became unclear with the disappearance of Keran.
Keldar looked at her, waiting for the door to shut before he spoke. "We will find him soon enough. I'll keep you up to date with any information I find. Michael is taking the warriors to Africa; hopefully, he can find the shaman and Keran so we can get to the bottom of this." He moved toward the door. "In the meantime, find yourself a room where you can stay in; you're still a part of my pack."
She nodded, grateful that she was still accepted.


A few days passed, the constant buzzing was endless in the big house. Asa stayed in her room for the most part until Mera dragged her out to assist with any duties.
A routine started forming, and like every previous day, she rose early in the morning and trudged down to meet Keldar, trying to find out any news on his brother.
She walked down the corridor, hearing the excited chatter in the house. It seemed busier than usual, begging for her attention. She walked slowly until she reached Keldar's office, the room crowded with pack members. All of whom were shouting across the room. Keldar sat in the center, quiet and observant, his eyes darting from one person to another.
The energetic voices ceased when they noticed her, all eyes following. She looked around the room, noticing Michael's return.
"Do you need any help?" Keldar asked, eyeing her up and down.
"Anything new on Keran?" She asked, making sure everyone heard her. He nodded his head, the rest of the pack still seeming uncomfortable. Within the few days she had been there, she had somewhat become a part of the pack; still left out, for the most part, she at least wasn't tortured or cast out. The strangest part was that no one mentioned her presence without Keran; they accepted her there as if she simply was a member.
"I will speak to you later," Keldar spoke again, nodding for her to leave. The doors closed in front of her confused expression, the noise starting up just before it was cut off.
She decided to walk through the house for the first time, looking at every picture and painting hanging from the walls. Soon, she had found herself in a spacious room, stopping in front of a painting of Aman.
She had never known he had one made, but she recognized him immediately and saw how he resembled Keran. He looked like the proud warrior she had known him. Taking in every tiny detail, looking at the fine dots that covered his face, some of which she had forgotten he had. Time passed by as she stared at it; it seemed real, almost life-like. She wanted to reach out and touch him, entranced by the picture, she didn't hear as someone approached.
"Does it resemble him well?" She jumped at the voice, feeling mortified that Keldar had caught her. Then, calming herself, she replied honestly.
"It does."
He nodded his head and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. A thick atmosphere formed instantly. He stepped closer to her until the tiny hair on his jawline was visible.
"Do you wish you could go back and be with him?" His voice was low and added to the growing tension. The strangest feeling swiveled up her spine, and she wanted to dart out of the room.
"I do."
Slowly his hand lifted, caressing her cheek, and he stared into her eyes.
"Is he the only one you wish that of?" Her breath caught in her throat, but she kept eye contact, feigning calm. Finally, she opened her mouth, ready to answer, but he stepped back and made himself comfortable in a seat. Changing the subject at lightning speed.
"We found a lead on Keran; I will have a few members out on a search tonight."
"Thank you for telling me." Asa stood awkwardly in the same spot, contemplating whether she should leave the uncomfortable environment. Prepared to retreat back into her room, she stopped and turned.
"Do you want him to come back?" She asked.
Although he stayed silent for a while, he stared at her incredulously. "I had several chances to kill you and almost had done so for the most part, but my brother does love you, and he is the most important person to me." He stood up and slowly stalked forward, invading her personal space once again. "I would do anything for my brother to make sure he never gets hurt." His eyes stared deep into hers, emotions overtaking every sense. It wasn't his empty threats to leave his brother alive; it was an acknowledgment of what he would give up for his brother.
"I understand." She replied. She wanted to say so much more but stopped herself instead. There was no need for Keldar to hear her thoughts.
She pushed past him to the door, ready to leave the brooding brother, but his voice stopped her. "You wanted to die." She turned to look at him, wondering where he was going with the statement. His rapid change in the subject started to give her whiplash. "You once told me that you wanted to kill my brother to end it all. To end your life as well; is that still the case?"
She smiled at him. "No." He nodded his head, seeming satisfied with the answer he received.

Asa spent the next few hours waiting for Keldar to appear with his men, ready to join the search and end things.
Keldar walked into his office, a few men trailing behind. They stopped to stare at her. "You're not coming with," Keldar spoke as if reading her mind.
"I am coming with. This is Keran we are talking about."
"Exactly; this is my brother, my responsibility." She stood up and walked to the door, refusing to move out of the way. "Move." He spoke again, trying to push her away from the door, but she refused to budge.
"He left because of what happened with me." She was unsure of what information the pack had exactly; the ritual, Keran, the oracle… "I am still the powerful hybrid; I could be a lot of use to you."
Keldar looked around at his men and sighed. "Fine, but don't get yourself killed." She nodded and moved away from him.
As she followed the warriors out, she noticed a few faces she didn't recognize. Most of them were women; Asa was shocked, not because they were warriors, but because she thought she had already met all the women.
"Asa." She looked over to Keldar as he gestured for her to climb into a vehicle.
She sat behind Keldar next to one of the strange women, not knowing where to look, so she kept her eyes on the seat in front, glimpses of Keldar's neck peaking through. Michael was mumbling from the driver's side, and the two other women in the back seat were laughing at his jokes.
From behind, Asa noticed how similar Keldar looked to Aman, even more so with his dark locks tied up messily. She had been comparing Keran to Aman so much, but Keldar's appearance was more similar, yet she didn't look at Keldar and see Aman. Instead, she looked at the locks, wanting to reach out, to see what it would feel like. Gazing at the strands as it moved with his head. She looked into the side mirror, instantly glancing away when her eyes locked with Keldar's. Embarrassed that he had seen her staring.
Slowly her eyes lifted to the mirror again, only to see his eyes still lingering. He did nothing to look away, his intense eyes boring into hers. She didn't dare look away this time and failed to notice how long they held their stare until Michael called to Keldar.
"Are you okay?" Michael asked, concerned. "I called you twice."
"I'm fine." He threw one last glance into the mirror and looked at Michael, who still seemed worried for his alpha, but said nothing else. "Okay."
Suddenly it was Michael's eyes looking at her through the mirror, making her grow rigid. She completely averted her gaze, avoiding any eye contact; she stared at her lap. "It was around here where he was seen." Michael's voice drawled monotonously.
"Stop the car. We will search further on foot."
Michael threw a hand out the window, and the trailing car came to a halt.
Jumping out of the car, Asa followed the others. "Three together; fan out and search. Only transform if necessary; preserve your strength. If anything happens, let me know immediately." Keldar took charge, and groups formed at his words. "Don't trail too far and stay safe." He walked towards Asa, gripping her shoulder. "You're with me."
Michael ran forward to his alpha. "I will join you." His eyes raked Asa suspiciously.
"Let's go." Keldar started walking into the thick brush, and Michael gestured for her to follow after. She scrunched her eyebrows at his behavior. Not everyone has accepted me, then? She thought. She didn't like the way he looked at her, as if she knew all the dark secrets Keran knew about her.
The moon moved across the sky, keeping track of their time. For hours they weren't able to smell anything but kept searching. From Asa's perspective, they were wandering aimlessly, but how Keldar and Michael behaved alerted her that they were communicating with the rest of the members. Someone had smelled something.
"Stop," Keldar whispered over his shoulder. All movement came to a halt; even the forest stopped moving as well. There were no wind nor animals depicting sound.
Keldar's head twitched to the side. "Do you hear that?" He looked towards them. Michael shook his head immediately, and Asa sharpened her hearing over the dramatic silence.
Deep in the woods was movement, and she concentrated on that. It was one person running; by the light steps, she concluded it to be a woman.
"I don't think she is from our pack." She whispered towards Keldar. Michael stared between them, confused, unable to hear as well. "She?"
Keldar seemed worried at the statement. "If it is not Keran and not one of ours, then she has no business being here." Keldar took a step in the direction the woman was running to.
"Alpha, no." Michael stopped him, hearing what Asa was unable to.
"Stay here." Keldar looked at her pointedly. She nodded as Michael tried to grab his alpha, but he was too slow. Instead, he was left with her, utterly displeased with it.
She looked at the man, second-guessing if she should follow her alpha. She took a step forward, ready to leave the beta alone. His voice was quiet as he stopped her. "He said every pack member should stay exactly where we are."
She stared at Michael, taunting him, her voice matching his volume. "You admit I am a part of the pack then?"
"Only in name." He retorted, causing her to dramatically roll her eyes.
"The curse is broken. There is no reason for your disdain." Although she knew it was a lie, she didn't know what she could reveal to Michael.
"Why did Keran run away?" He stepped closer, glaring at her. She looked away, unable to answer as she had no idea herself. "Maybe it wasn't broken."
Michael stepped closer again, and for the first time, he didn't seem like a pathetic puppet. He continued, "Maybe he found out the truth. Maybe he even realized what an abomination you really are." Asa felt uncomfortable under his gaze but refused to give anything away.
He stood there staring her down, unblinking. "Maybe he found out that you have a thing for his brother." She snarled at his last statement and shoved him to the ground, climbing on top of him, her hands enveloping his neck. He was strong, the strength of a beta bloodline running through his veins, but he was still no match for her. His hands flew to hers, trying to pry it off, but she pressed tighter, baring her fangs at him.
He pushed her, trying to get the upper hand. With a swift movement, Asa stood and dragged him up with her. Staggering, he lost his balance, and she took the opportunity to bang him into a nearby tree. He grunted with the loud thwack it made.
"Don't say anything like that ever again; I will not tolerate any disrespect towards me or your alpha." She snarled in his face.
He smirked up at her. "How long do you think he is going to believe this new improved you? How long until the monster returns and kills anyone in front of her?" With his words out in the open, her grip loosened, and she backed away, trying to prove wrong every word he uttered. He straightened himself and stepped closer, looking smugly up and down.
"You're still the abominable hybrid with an uncontrollable bloodlust. Even if you've been domesticated." Her hand moved quicker than she could think, smacking him across the face, and her heart swelled with the satisfying sound.
"One more word and I will kill you and make it look like an accident. Keldar might disapprove, but I can assure you Keran will take my side WHEN he returns."
She walked away from him, stopping to have one last say. Even if the words were lies on her lips, it would be true to his ears. "I am here for Keran and only him. Whatever you thought you knew, you're wrong." She disappeared into the trees, not caring for any orders.
She followed Keldar's scent, trying to find the woman, but soon she lost Keldar's scent, the overpowering smell of blood subduing everything else. She was consumed with the sweet smell, pursuing the origin of it.
Her steps grew more hesitant the more substantial the scent became. Coming to a halt when she reached a woman. Carefully she stepped closer, an eerie feeling shuddering through her.
The woman turned around, shocking Asa with her familiar face. Asa took a deep whiff of the air and recognized why the smell was so sweet; she had tasted it before. But there was something else intertwined with the scent; someone else's. "Essel?"
With lightning speed, the vampire was in front of Asa, her face precisely the same it had been when she first joined Alpheus's coven. "They said you would come.
"They? Who are they? Essel, how are you alive?" Asa tried to search her memories, remembering when was the last time she saw the vampire. Essel tugged at her clothing, revealing a silver spear gleaming through the fabrics.
"Who are they?" Asa enquired again, strenuously aware of the spear.
"You know her, of course. You killed her husband." Her lips pursed into a thin line. "You are the reason he is dead. Dea told me everything, including the part about how that wolf is the key to our revenge." Asa squinted her eyes; Dea was long dead. How did Essel not know that? She also realized that they did not have Keran either.
"You don't know?" Asa pouted at the woman. "We killed her. We ripped her to shreds and lit her on fire." The woman snarled, lifting the spear in the air.
"I am not alone in these woods; we already captured the wolf you came with." Despite the threat, Asa knew better. She snorted at the woman's words.
"You have the wrong brother." The woman's eyes grew wide, wondering how truthful Asa was. There must have been a reason no new information had been given to her.
In the blink of an eye, Asa grabbed her arm and yanked at the spear, releasing it from her grasp. She was shocked for a second, allowing enough time for Asa to strike her. Essel hissed, grabbing her head where it had thwacked her.
Asa took a step back, pointing the spear to keep the vampire at bay; she wasn't as old or strong as Asa, but she was cunning.
Essel grabbed the spear and pushed it back, plunging the back end into Asa's stomach, blood spluttering from her mouth.
Asa spat to the ground, pushing the spear with more force until it drove through Essel, pulling her closer until they were face to face. Asa grabbed her head and pulled it to the side, burying her fangs deep in the skin. A startled scream left the vampire, and she started to struggle.
Hungrily drinking from her, Asa gripped tighter, feeling as her neck crushed beneath the weight. Ripping away from the flesh, Asa inspected the mangled mess and dropped to her knees. The dead body dragging down weight on the lodged spear.
Asa hissed with pain, gripping the spear firmly, her flesh trying to heal around it. She tugged at it, and a new searing pain started as she pulled it out completely. She sat still for a moment, allowing the wound to heal.
She stepped toward the corpse and dug her shoe in what was left of her neck, separating the head. She made a disgusted noise and threw the head a few feet away, wiping her hands on her shirt.
"Asa! Are you okay?" She heard Keldar before he appeared, his concern turning into terror. His shirt was soaked in blood, a wound still healing from where she had been stabbed. She was fully aware that he could handle himself; she couldn't help but feel responsible that he got hurt in the process.
"I'm fine."
"What happened?" He asked, taking notice of the body. "What did you do?" The look on his face was filled with disappointment. "We needed her alive! The others ran away the moment we stopped. What if she knew where to find Keran?"
"She was useless; they don't have Keran. She thought you were him." He didn't seem to believe her, so she continued on. "She didn't even know we killed Dea."
"You can't keep on killing everyone." He stepped closer to her with a calculating look. "One of the scents match the one that was with Dea when we rescued Keran." The scent was vaguely familiar, but she could have sworn she never smelled it before and knew it did not belong to someone from Alpheus's harem.
She thought back to Michael's words and stepped away, wondering if there was any truth to his words. Will Keldar soon banish her when he realizes she will always be this monster?
"I'm a vampire-werewolf hybrid; I can do what I want, including killing whoever I want." She turned around and started to walk back to their vehicles. Not wanting to see the disappointment.
They reached Michael, his eyebrows lifted high. "Chief." He bowed his head.
The rest of the members were already at the cars, waiting for them. Everyone was looking at each other confused, making different faces every few seconds. Asa looked towards Keldar and noticed they were communicating, a link the members could use as they wished.
Everyone bowed their heads and got in their cars. "What was that about?" She asked Keldar before climbing in
"Pack business." He replied. Seeing Michael smirk at her from the corner of her eye, she gritted her teeth.
"I am a part of your pack... What was that about?" She asked again.
He sighed and turned to her. "If you're in my pack, you obey me. I can't have someone running around causing havoc." He looked at the other members, all eyes on them as he berated her like a child.
"You're a vampire-werewolf hybrid…" He threw her earlier words back, "your loyalty doesn't belong to me. Some things are best if you don't know." He threw a glance towards Michael, making her head between them.
"What did he tell you?" She asked Keldar, noticing the tension rising.
"Nothing." He ushered the women to get in the car, Michael sliding in, a massive grin on his face.
"I have no loyalty to that coven anymore, and I can promise you they don't care for me either. If this is about the vampire, I killed in the-."
"It's not." He stopped Asa's rumbling words, shutting the door, but the appearance of privacy was simply an illusion
"Then what? You took claim to be my alpha."
"They don't feel it's enough." He gave in and sighed. "You can disobey orders. You can refuse to follow me."
"I am in the middle of a pack that would do anything to kill me. What makes anyone think that I will jeopardize that?" Keldar leaned against the car, staring in at the faces that peeked with curiosity, his face full of emotions. Asa looked in, the passengers growing uncomfortable, shifting in the car. She looked at Michael, who was the only one at ease.
Then it dawned on her; what Michael had shared with her, he shared with the rest of the pack as well.
"Oh." She wanted the world to swallow her whole, knowing that Keldar heard those crazy ideas as well. She jerked open the car door and climbed in.
The car was only quiet for a few minutes as they sped off, but soon the unbearable atmosphere grew too much. Her eyes jumped to each person in the car until it landed on Michael, who seemed increasingly happy.
She kept her eyes on him, speaking aloud, her voice strong without any tremors. She would make them believe it, even if she didn't. "Keran is the reason I am here and why I am loyal to this pack. He saved me, and I will lay down my life to do the same. No matter what, I am no longer a threat to anyone in this pack."
Michael's smirk was still on his face, and she wanted nothing more than to smack it off, but everyone else remained silent. Nothing else said back on their way to the territory.
The moment they arrived, she ran straight into the house up to Keran's room. It was the first time she entered it since he left. Too ashamed and scared to be in his private space. She looked around the empty room, wondering what it would be like to have Keran there. Although they had shared a few stolen kisses, she didn't feel any connection to him, making her uncomfortable, as if she was trespassing into a stranger's room.
She sat on the bed, smelling Keran everywhere. Sighing deeply, she rested her head in her hands; he was alone somewhere, doing who knows what, while she was getting comfy in his house without him.
She had to find him; the sooner he could return, the sooner she could leave. Something that she thought she needed to do and now no longer had any option. She looked around again; there was no place for her here, next to him, or elsewhere. She didn't want this particular place either.
She fell back on the bed, wondering how long it will be until she could finally see the end to all of this. Killing Keran had long since been scrapped from her mind. When she told Keldar she didn't want to die anymore, Asa was telling the truth, but it wasn't because Keran loved her or that she had loved him. She could no longer see a future with him in it, nor did she want one. She couldn't get what she wanted. The only option left for her was to disappear.
"Asa." She opened her eyes, looking around Keran's room. Confused, she stared at the person calling to her.
"Keran" She asked, unsure.
"You haven't forgotten me yet." He spoke softly, smiling at her.
"Is this really happening…"
"Yes, and no. I can only reach you if you allow me in." Keran took a step closer to her, trying to take hold of her hand. She stood from the bed, not wanting to give in to his touch. He pursed his lips at the movement.
"Keran, you need to come back. Why did you leave" She asked him instead, folding her arms across her chest. "The curse isn't broken, Asa. I thought I could trust the shaman, but I should have known he was too eager to help us."
"We had a suspicion it wasn't. You didn't have to leave for that. But, why would the shaman want to connect me to Keldar." She asked quietly, causing Keran's eyebrows to scrunch together.
"It was all a sham to get your DNA." He turned away from her, inspecting his room. He seemed out of place as if he didn't belong there. He wasn't the usual Keran either; he was the Keran in the oracle's hut, unhinged. "Connecting you to Keldar was a bonus for him."
Thinking about what his blood could be used for, she came to a startling conclusion; there was a way they knew the spell wasn't broken. "Did you know the shaman was working alongside Essel." She questioned him suspiciously. His eyebrows rose at her speculations. "I-I…No. I didn't. Not at first, but I found out a few days ago, and-."
"Don't. How many things have you lied about?" Her voice dropped lower, looking him dead in the eye. "Asa, I" He scrunched his eyebrows, giving her an innocent look, but his eyes held his deception. "Keldar is worried about you; I hope you find your way back, but I will no longer be here when you do." She walked around him to the door, ready to leave everything behind. "No, you can't." He screamed, grabbing her arm. She tugged her arm and pushed him back, a growl leaving his lips. The menacing Keran appeared, and she took a step back. "You're supposed to love me, Asa" "No, the only part of you that I can love is Aman" With another growl, he jumped forward. She threw her arms up, too petrified to move.

With a jolt, Asa awoke, looking around Keran's the room. His way of invading her mind terrified her more than the actual conversation they had. Jumping from the bed, she flew through the house, trying to find Keldar.
She had no idea what the time was, but the sleeping residents in the house alerted her to early morning hours. She stopped in front of Keldar's room, knocking on it speedily and soft, hoping not to wake the entire house.
The door swung open, A sleepy Keldar looking at her through one eye. "What's going on" He asked in a husky voice. "Keran talked to me" She whispered quietly. His eyes opened wide, but confusion meshed his eyebrows together. "What do you mean" "It's the magic. He's able to enter my dreams, and that's how he found me before. I-I…I thought it was only dreams, but after what happened" Her voice trailing off, hoping he wouldn't be too mad. "He communicates through dreams" He rubbed his head again. "What did he say" "Care to go downstairs." She nodded at his disheveled appearance, sleepiness crawling over him.
A loud grunt was uttered, but he agreed and followed her to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee. She raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging with it.
Quickly, they were seated next to each other, Keldar sipping at his coffee as she explained. "He knew the shaman was working with the other vampires, Dea, and whoever was left of the coven. He's still out there somewhere, trying to figure out what is going on, I think" "Why would he do this on his own? It doesn't make sense" He sighed into his cup. "Keldar" He looked up at her. "I think he knew for a while now. Something is different about him; he doesn't seem like the Keran he was before" He looked at her as she explained herself, feeling nervous under his gaze. She didn't want to deliver the bad news. Especially about Keran to Keldar. What if he didn't believe her? "Keran said the shaman only helped us to get my DNA" "I thought he only wanted it because of your wolf side" Asa shook her head slowly, trying to find the words. "My…unique DNA is what creates the ability for vampires to walk in the sun" She stared as his face changed from shock, perplexed, to anger. "And you allowed the shaman to take it? He could easily create an army that could destroy all lycans" His voice rose decibels, yet still quiet not to wake others. He slammed the cup down, coffee spilling everywhere. Standing from the table, he started to pace. "I didn't know! I thought I could trust him; Keran did" She matched his tone, trying to stay calm.
He stopped, resting his hands on the chair, looking her dead in the eyes. "Does Keran know your DNA can do that"
Shrugging her shoulders, she decided honesty was the best. "I think so" Keldar slammed his hand down on the table. "Something is wrong with him" He dragged the chair back, sitting again, and lay down on his arms. Not knowing if he wanted the comfort of not, she twiddled her thumbs. After a while, his muffled voice spoke again. "There's a reason he never ascended" He looked up at her. "The oracle said that the magic was doing something to him, changing him. It's somehow intensifying a part of him, and I'm starting to think it's not his good side."
Asa thought about the dream she had compared to when she was in solitary a few weeks ago. It was so different as if it had been with two different people.
Deciding on opening up to him ultimately, she continued with the events of the dream. "Just before I woke up, I think he was going to attack me." His shoulders dropped at her words.
"Why would he do that?" The helpless, rhetorical words didn't stop her from answering.
"I told him I was going to leave." The words were like a whisper leaving her mouth, her eyes looking anywhere but at him. Keldar remained quiet, but Asa could feel his eyes on her as minutes ticked by agonizingly. Finally, coming to the conclusion that he won't reply to anything, she spoke again.
"There's something else as well." Looking up at him, etches on his forehead portrayed his deep thoughts. "Whoever was working with the other vampires is someone I don't know. I've never met them, but their scent is somehow familiar to me."
"That doesn't make sense, Asa. How could this vampire be familiar if you never met them? Could it be a vampire that walks in the sun with your DNA."
"I don't think so…I recognized the others, but this one; it's like drawing something you've never seen."
"Don't worry, Asa. We'll find whoever it is and kill them. But, as my life is linked to yours, I would prefer it if you stayed." He bowed his head and stood from the table, mumbling about finding Michael.
Stayed? She sat at the table for a while, listening to the members of the house waking up. Then, one by one, they trudged down the stairs into the kitchen and smiled at her friend. Mera sprinting in, immediately started to talk to Asa as if they had been old friends.
And with a complacent smile, she nodded at the woman's story, thinking that staying might not be that bad.

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