Asa awoke on top of a pile of bodies, the stench of death invading her nostrils. She looked at the bodies, the smell of blood engulfing her nostrils. She tried moving from them, some still warm beneath her.
Despite that her limbs were supposed to feel sore, she could move with agile, feeling stronger than usual. Her hand slipped between two corpses, and she pulled it, looking at the crimson color covering her hand. A sudden urge attacked her, and she felt compelled to taste the liquid. Dipping her fingers into her mouth, she savored the taste.
She gripped the closest warm body without thought and plunged her fangs into their neck. Blood pooled into her mouth, and the strong desire that burned down her throat disappeared.
An overwhelming feeling ascended as an awareness took over; disgusted and scared, she gripped the body close and cried. She choked on the blood as it spilled out and traveled down her neck, over the grime of the battle.
She shoved the body away and wiped at her tears. She looked at her victim atop the bodies, trying to regain control of her emotions. The lust and haziness disappeared with the blurry tears. As she looked at the body, a strangled cry brought back all her emotions.
"No!" Her voice was raspy and broken. She crawled to her discarded feast and cradled Aman close. Cries full of anguish filled the room as she pressed him to her body, not loosening her grip on him.
"No!" The agony clawed from inside and spilled out in self-loathing. What had she done?
Bowing her head, she left a soft, tender kiss on his forehead. Wishing that he had not met such a fate.
She heard the footsteps before the intruders entered but paid them no mind, keeping Aman in her tight embrace.
"What have you done?" Faron's voice was but a whisper; the words, though, spoke volumes. Asa stared at her, happily surprised that she was still alive.
Asa's relief vanished when she saw Faron's accusing eyes, staring daggers at the body she cradled. She hissed at the offending woman, a primal need taking over her body again.
Red liquid still dribbled from her mouth as she barred her teeth, clutching Aman protectively. His blood was still flowing freely from his neck. The onlookers looked afraid at the ghastly sight of their chief in the arms of a monster.
The men around her wielded weapons, ready to use. Asa looked between them, another hiss leaving her. Slowly, they lifted the deadly objects, and Asa fell into a defensive stance across Aman's body.
"You drank from him? Monster!" Faron shouted, her voice growing angrier with each word?
Asa moved forward, still crouched down. "You left him here to rot! As if he meant nothing to you!" She spat the words in her direction. The warriors in the room were ready to attack, the threat growing eminent.
The strength pulsed through Asa, and she knew the moment her lips touched blood what had happened - she wasn't a part of the pack anymore; she most likely never was, to begin with. Moreover, the transformation had rid her of any blind loyalty that was etched into her former self.
Faron stared shocked at Asa, unaware of the boiling hate happening within her. "You loved him?" Although it was a question, it was apparent Faron knew the answer. The warriors were shocked at the revelation. A quiet stretched the seconds into hours as everyone stared at each other. "And he loved him..."
It was as if the thoughts were transmitted into the air as the cogs in Faron's mind worked. "That's why he died! Isn't it?" The hostility in her voice soaked into every molecule in the room, commanding a response from Asa. But, instead, she gave her a curt nod, enough to set her off.
"You couldn't do what you were told just once?" She hissed again at the hostility and hatred that Faron emitted. "He was my husband! You had no right to feel anything towards him! Because of you, my child will be fatherless!" Faron gave the go for her warriors to attack, and they sprinted, not bothering to change form- thinking Asa was still too weak.
They charged at her and ripped her from Aman's body, throwing her to the side. A spear dug into her stomach, and she growled at the hint of pain. Then, grabbing the handle, she broke it like it was a twig and smacked the attacker hard enough to fall to the ground.
She clutched at the pieces sticking out of her stomach and extracted the object painfully. The room was quiet as everyone watched her in awe as the tears in her skin grew shut, faster than was possible from any creature they knew. Yet, remarkably, her skin was smooth, s if she wasn't impaled mere seconds ago.
Asa released a menacing growl towards the warriors, fear prominent in each member. The men tried to charge again but were stopped by their new chief. "Don't. She's a vampire now; one bite, and you could die." She righted her stance at the statement made of what she had guessed. Then, smirking, she took a step close to the frightful men. She wasn't just a mere vampire; she was a new creation altogether. More robust and faster than any creature could imagine.
Testing her newfound abilities, Asa sped toward the closest man and twisted his neck. He fell to the ground before anyone could stop her.
"Back down, or I will let them kill you!" Faron threatened, her eyes squinting hard for Asa to obey with newfound hatred, trying to subdue the monster.
She stepped forward, challenging the alpha's competence, feeling superior in the moment. She had no alpha and no compelling notion of following her; it was the first time she felt the power, and she bathed in the feeling.
Asa smiled threateningly at the soldiers, glancing at the fear in each one. She stared at the most prominent man the longest, Lagot. Grinning at him, Asa showed her teeth - he'll be the first. She dashed forward and jumped on top of him, ripping him limb from limb. She worked through the warriors, ending them quick but gruesomely.
She allowed the last member to slump against her, removing her fangs from his neck. She licked her lips, staring straight at Faron. She dropped the body to the ground and climbed over him, her gaze locked on Faron's. Her hand was ready to tear into Faron when she stopped millimeters away from her stomach. She looked at the bulging stomach, and emotion seeped into her human-less attitude.
"Are you ready to kill the last part of the man you loved?" Faron asked quietly, taking advantage of the only emotion that could control Asa. She stepped away from the mother and ground her teeth hard against each other.
Asa took her last, longing look at Aman, walking forward and laying a hand on his arm. "Did you love him?" She asked.
"Yes." She looked at the woman, searching her eyes for the truth. It was bloodshot and sunken, pain outweighing the strength in them. Truly, satisfied with the answer, Asa stood and walked toward the door but stopped and turned. "Will he have a proper burial?" This time the woman only nodded.
"Don't come back here; I will inflict more pain than my father ever did." Faron accepted her defeat; she alone could not kill this monster - she was unsure anyone could. So instead, she allowed this danger to be unleashed into the world.
Asa stepped out of the hut and into the sun; breathing in deeply, she scrunched her nose with the overwhelming scent of decay and burnt flesh. Smoke wafted around the village up in the air, like a lightning storm brewing.
The smell of blood clung to every particle in the air, almost pushing Asa to drink again, only the thought of Aman restraining her.
Everything was ruined; families, homes, and lives. There was a twist in her stomach as she thought of the extra lives she had taken moments ago.
Breathing in deeply, she allowed the monster inside to consume her. The strength was overpowering as she stepped into a life of freedom. At last, she could escape the burden the pack lived under; being prisoners to their own lives. She smiled at the life she was leaving behind.
She inhaled, closing her eyes and forcing the memories to the back of her mind. Rather she concentrated on the pulsating strength and the throbbing thirst in her throat. She had died with Aman; she was no longer the weak human, a new demon was born, and she would ensure the world would fear what it had created. No more tortures would be endured; she would only have it dealt out.
She didn't look back, she didn't cry, and she didn't care.

* * *

It was a beautiful summer's day, a breeze in the air ruffled through Asa's hair. Sipping on the glass of wine, looking from the terrace of the little cafe. She smiled at the quiet street in the tiny town, hidden between two great cities.
Her attention was turned to the couple whispering fondly to each other. She smiled admiringly at the lovers. Humans were dreadful for keeping company, but as meals, they were delectable.
She kept her eyes trained on them, waiting for her moment. They didn't notice her at all - not until they had left the restaurant and walked their way into danger. She followed them, not bothering to stay hidden; she wanted them to notice her, and when they did, her game begun.
The woman noticed first, peeking at Asa from behind her locks and whispering to her companion, who quickly turned and frowned. When they walked for a few blocks, checking to see if they were still followed, fear started to spike in them. The scent rolling off them, and like a drug, Asa breathed in. She watched them like a predator watching its prey. That was the situation, after all.
Finally, the male had decided to find the courage and stood his ground, unaware that he was far outmatched. "Do you have a problem?" He enquired arrogantly.
She walked up to his large frame and grabbed his throat. Then, without a second thought, she plunged her fangs into his neck and guzzled down the blood. The woman's scream tore into the sunlit sky as her love writhed in the monster's arms. It made Asa feel powerful in the few seconds until he stopped moving - the feeling was lost again.
Asa turned to the woman, whimpering on the ground, and smirked; they really were pathetic. She crouched down to the woman, petting her head like a puppy. "Shhh." She soothed the terrified woman. She looked at the man's body and back at Asa, a sob breaking through her. For the first time, she had half a mind to escape. She scrambled to the floor and tried to run, but Asa was far too strong and agile for her prey.
The adrenaline was still a drug for her, so she let the human think she had a chance, allowing her to run until she disappeared from Asa's view. Then, she caught up with the human and snatched her from the public's view.
"Please, please don't kill me." She begged, her face wet with tears.
"Don't worry," Asa whispered in her ear and bent down, grabbing her delicate neck and bit into it.
She enjoyed her meal when she heard the footsteps approach; she could smell them before they appeared. Her eyes were pinned to where they would emerge, almost forgetting about the cowering woman, barely alive, in her arms.
Facing a dozen of them would be terrifying to most vampires, but Asa felt no fear and smiled when they arrived. A few stepped closer, growling and huffing, trying to intimidate her. Again, she smiled and straightened to her full height, dragging the woman with her.
"Let her go, and we will show you mercy." The leader demanded, his voice help no options. He was broad and muscular, his presence exacting respect.
She looked down at the human and back at the alpha, pouting dramatically at him. "Her? But I wanted to play some more."
He growled at her child-like antics and took a threatening step forward, causing Asa to narrow her eyes. Then, without a thought, she snapped the woman's neck, looking into the eyes of the alpha. The woman fell to the ground, and Asa kicked her for added effect. The entire entourage started growling, but she held her hand sup innocently. "I let her go."
"You will not live past this night." The alpha growled. She quirked an eyebrow; indeed, they must have known she was no ordinary vampire? She was out in broad daylight!
"What are you going to do about it, wolf?" She took a defying step forward. The men looked at each other and a few transformed, ready to pounce. The leader nodded his head, and his minions descended, trying to rip Asa apart.
She skillfully eluded their sharp teeth and smiled arrogantly. Another wolf tried to bite at her arm, and she threw a punch into its face, watching as it collapsed to the ground in a whimper.
"Wait, stop!" She heard a voice call from the back of the group, grabbing the attention of everyone. She took a step back as a vaguely familiar face appeared. She took her chance and kicked at an unaware wolf, causing it to slam against a nearby wall. The wolves averted their attention back to her, ready for the kill order.
"Stop!" The voice sounded again, but no one paid attention to it until the man transformed into a giant wolf and stepped in between her and the attacking wolves - barring its teeth at his own kind. Asa stared, confused at the transgression.
She took her chance and jumped on top of the wolf, wrapping her arms around its neck and pulled back, ensuring the animal couldn't escape her stronghold. The leader sneered at her, and the wolves backed down, standing behind their alpha.
The wolf squirmed under her firm grip, and the leader took another step forward, provoking Asa. She tightened her hold, and the wolf let out a whimper.
"I know how much you love your pack, so call off your dogs, and this one will live." He seemed hesitant at first, but she knew he would give in; for his people, a chief would do anything.
"I want him to morph back first." She looked down at the wolf and back to the leader, slowly nodding her agreement. "You need to let him go to transform-it takes a while."
"Don't play with me." She growled, giving a tight squeeze. "He can morph back to his human form, or you can carry a wolf's carcass. The leader pursed his lips and nodded at her victim, an ever-creasing frown on his forehead. The slow shift of bones remolding forced Asa to ease her grip.
"Asa...?" She heard her name whispered from the man and shoved him forward in shock. He fell to the ground, coughing, turning to stare at her. Staring into his green eyes, she understood why he seemed so familiar. She lunged forward, slamming his head into the cold cement, choking him as sound judgment left her.
How did this wolf know her name?
She felt overwhelmed and let her emotions cloud over. Her fangs protruded to their extent, and she revealed herself as the anomaly she was, the infamous hybrid.
Indomitable arms wrapped around her, pulling her from the man. The leader threw her into the wall, and she fell hard to the ground. She groaned in pain, but stood up, hissed, and charged forward, feeling immense pain as he shoved her back into the wall.
She was more potent than any creature she ever faced, yet this alpha had more strength than a hundred wolves. She was like a rag doll to a dog.
For the second time, the other man stopped the attack on Asa. "Don't! We can't kill her." She stood from the ground and stared at the pair.
"Why not?" The bigger man asked, looking from the man to Asa with a sneer.
"She's the hybrid the oracle told us about." The man swiveled fully to face her, looking at her head to toe.
"No." He seemed almost disappointed. She stared at the two, confused with their interaction, noting their familiar similarities. "She tried to kill you; I can't let this go. She has to pay."
"We both know there is only one way to kill her." The smaller of the two spoke to his alpha. They knew about the curse. That much was evident, but how?
He growled at the information and stepped up to Asa, grabbing her throat and pushing her against the wall. He stared so heatedly at her as if to end her life. She clawed at the oversized hand, trying to free herself.
"How do you know about that?" She choked out, growing angrier at her inferior position and lack of information.
The other man stepped closer, locking eyes with her. His eyes had the opposite emotions to the leader. "You were my prophecy." His words held a universe of possibilities and meanings attached to them. His look made Asa feel like she was the strangest creature he had ever seen, making her unsure of how to react. Her grip loosened, and she stared at the leader, confused with the interaction.
"Chief, let her go." The man whispered to the giant beast still holding on to her. He was completely sincere in his request - this man that she had threatened to kill moments ago was begging for her life.
The other men seemed ready to fight, no matter the outcome, but they were waiting in anticipation for the outcome as Asa did.
"I will let you live, not out of mercy, but for my brother." The leader spoke, nodding to the man. His grip fell from her throat, and she grabbed at it, coughing at the relief of pressure. The brother bent down, ready to help what he thought was a damsel in distress.
"Let it go!" The alpha reprimanded. He took his brother's arm and dragged him from her. "You are forbidden to go anywhere near that thing. You will not talk to it, look at it or even seek it. I'm ordering you, as your alpha." The brother looked towards Asa and back to his alpha, bowing his head and stepping back.
The leader then turned to me, "Come near him, and I will find a way to kill you." He turned without another word and summoned his pack to follow him. The brother turned one last time to steal a gaze at the hybrid, a hopeful smile grazing his lips. Then it struck Asa; it was him. He was the last person to ever love her. She sent a piercing glare at his retreating back, silently vowing to kill him.
She stood slowly from the ground, allowing the pain to drift away. She followed the scent of the men from a distance, staying out of range and out of sight.

Time had ticked by slowly as the group marched further into the trees, slowly recognition seeping into Asa's mind. She slowed down with every tree that announced a memory, and very soon, she stopped. There was no need to follow them; she knew exactly where she was - her old pack grounds.
It was the first time she had been back since she first transformed - hundreds of years if kept away, memories came pouring out. She gritted her teeth and marched forward, stopping at the borderline of their territory, stalking around it like a predator.
She could still smell the same fire-roasted meat, the fresh cut of the day, and the sweat of the warriors mixed with blood. The incense hung in the air. She recalled every smell, every sound, and touch - every sensation in her first years there.
Remembering every face that had lived there during her time, especially the Oracle that could still be alive is the one that the brother was talking about. A sliver of a memory of Aman tried to break through the walls she had cemented centuries ago, but she held it back, the piing extra weight of hatred on top.
Pacing back and forth, she gladly made herself aware of the warriors on patrol. It was only a short while until they came rushing to her.
Four men stalked up to her, and one snarled in her face. "You have no business here, monster!"
"You have something of mine." She spoke with calm. Some of the men seemed confused, but the top dog held his composure.
"Leave now, or I will summon m Alpha to force your hand." His threat was minuscule, and she cared nothing for it, taking his arm and twisting it around to prove her point. Unconsciously she stepped over the boundary.
The warriors attacked at once and pushed her to the ground, catching her off guard with a tactic she recognized, one Aman had taught her.
Jumping to her feet, she punched at the closest man, causing him to stumble back. Another advanced, and she kicked up, hearing a definite crack in his jaw. She kicked again, and the man fell to the ground clutching his jaw.
Two transformed into snarling wolves and lunged at her. She sidestepped the attempts and grabbed fur from the closest one, pulling him back and shoving him into the ground. She stomped hard on its hind legs and felt satisfied with the splintering snaps.
She turned fast enough to catch the other wolf and punched its snout. A yelp leaving it, she kicked at its side hard and watched as it fell to the ground, whimpering.
A wolf ran up to her from behind and snapped at her with its massive jaws. She glided in between the solid front paws and yanked at them forcefully. The animal's legs buckled and gave in half on top of her. She wrapped her legs around the beast and threw it off her, delivering a blow to its ribcage. The three wolves were whimpering alongside their one comrade as he shouted at Asa. She stepped to only human warrior, stepping on his chest hard, slowly applying more pressure.
"Where is he?" She gritted through her pointed teeth.
Suddenly she was ripped from the man and rammed into the dirt, a heavy mass holding her down. She gripped at a limb, squeezing as hard as possible; her fangs protruded as she morphed into the monster they feared most, half vampire, half Lycan. Unexpectedly, a foot came down hard, and she yelped.
"I told you to stay away." The monotonous tone of the alpha sent shivers racing down her spine. She clawed at his stature until he loosened his grip. She slammed at the leg until she could free herself; struggling to get away, unnaturally strong arms enveloped her. He gripped tightly, and the breath left her as he took one arm and bent it skillfully until a bone crackled. She cried out and hated herself for the weakness she showed.
He jerked at her broken arm, damaging her arm into a feeble limb. "Leave him alone.
Like a shot, it was the old chief before her, the fearsome man who had become the first chief that tortured her. She tried to ignore the pain, but distinguishing between the past and the present seemed to be difficult at the moment.
Immersed in the memory of an alpha demanding torture, she felt fear bubble inside of her, threatening to spill out in tears. Instead, the alpha's hand met her head and thrust her head into the soil, her nose breaking under the fierce pressure. She screamed into the dirt, the quick healing doing nothing to relieve her immediate pain.
"I need him; it needs to end. I want it all to end." She whimpered softly into the weight of the man. He looked down at her, shocked, and lifted a little, taking some of the pain with him.
"What?" The alpha asked, perplexed. He grabbed her hair and lifted her bloody face to look at him. The silence seemed to rule; even the warriors were too scared to breathe. The alpha stared deep into her eyes, trying to determine if her words were lies or not.
"Let her go, brother." The silence broke when her savior emerged from the woods. She stared at the man who seemed intent on keeping her safe - had done so already twice in one day. She felt unnerved at his untimely, quixotic behavior.
"She's still trying to kill you." The commanding man spoke.
"And she won't stop, but she won't succeed either." The brother smiled at his alpha and then at Asa.
He let go of her head, shoving it as far away as possible, and she did well enough to add more distance.
"I hope you are right about this thing, brother. She seems superior to the stories told about her." The brother smiled and patted the larger sibling's shoulder. He seemed at ease and carefree compared to the other men, and just like before, Asa was left confused at their interaction and the knowledge they silently shared between themselves.
The alpha trudged back, demanding extra patrol along with his territory. Glancing one last time at Asa, he turned and disappeared, leaving his brother looking at her as if she was a helpless dear instead of the so-called monster. Asa stared at the man as he held out a hand to help her and snarled at his act of affection.
"I could kill you now that your protector has left you at my mercy." She was disgusted that he even needed a protector and showed in in every uttered word.
"I know how I die, and it's not in words at night or by your hand." He smirked arrogantly at her expression. "I'm not afraid to die. I stopped him because I didn't want you to die." For a moment, she mauled the words in her mouth, wondering what he possibly knew of the curse.
"You're lying." She hissed, but to her, it felt like she was staring down a barrel of a gun - one that played Russian roulette.
She tried to move away from him, but her arm protested in pain. She would find a way to kill him later, but for now, she had to get away; the expression he bore made fear crawl over her skin.
A howl resounded from afar, and his demeanor broke down. "I need to get you away from the border. They follow him blindly; if anyone sees you, they will lock you up." He moved closer to her, stretching his arms like he was greeting an old friend.
"Don't touch me!" She threatened and shoved the friendly embrace away.
"I know my brother hurt you, but please let me help you."
"He broke a few bones, but my legs weren't apart from those." Determined, she pushed down on the ground with her good arm and painfully lifted herself, staring daggers at him every time he tried to assist. He lifted his arms to apologize and took a step back as she stretched to her full length.
He stepped past her into the thick brush, away from the boundary. She followed behind him, staring bewildered at his thick dark locks - the same locks she had gazed upon for many years. Could it be?
"I will kill you the moment my arm is healed. Helping me won't change that."
He chuckled and turned to give her his most dashing smile. A smile that has always looked out of place on another face, but it seemed perfect with his. "You can try, but it won't work." She shook from her reverie and stared in disbelief.
"You're not a warrior; I can take you on without a struggle. I saw how you fought today; it was pathetic." He didn't seem fazed by her insults at all.
"No, I'm not a warrior. My brother is the warrior; he also trains the other warriors. No doubt you've already noticed some of the tactics that your alpha used." She stopped dead in her tracks - she knew these wolves were of the same pack, but how did this man know information that she kept fearfully locked away?
He stopped when he noticed her absence and smiled again. "You haven't figured anything out yet. Want to know the truth?" He smiled, stepping closer as if he had some wager to bargain for.
She snapped at him, releasing a bit of her monstrous appearance. "Nothing matters; I just need to kill you, and it will all end now."
"That's not true either; you haven't killed me yet -,therefore, I surmise that there is something that you need to know, something that stops you from slashing my throat right now. Let's be honest; if you wanted, you could end me with two arms behind your back." He stepped closer again, thinking himself charming.
"I'm only procrastinating since you can't die tonight."
"And not because I resemble a forgotten face?" He spoke softly, stepping closer. He was too close for her comfort, but she couldn't move. A single word left her mouth.
"Aman?" She whispered, unable to move away from the man who stood so close, it seemed almost intimate.
"Yes." He whispered. "And that's not even the half of it." He frowned at her exasperated expression and replied softly. "I'm sorry for what your prophecy had turned into."
"Are you referring to me becoming a beast?"
"Yes-... I mean no. She said this would be challenging, but I had hoped everything will fall into place." She rolled her eyes at the man. Of course. She seemed to spew lies to everyone. She had promised Asa a new life; instead, she had to endure lonesome centuries stretched only with pain and grief.
He stopped suddenly, causing her to almost bump into him. She huffed and stared daggers, only for it to be returned with a smile.
"You can sleep here for the night; I promise on my life that you will be safe." He smiled dashingly at her, and she almost grinned at his jest; instead, she bit back.
"I don't need your protection." She sat down, clutching her arm; the bones almost completely healed.
"Don't leave, Asa. I want you to stay for a while. I promise my brother will do you no further harm."
"I can see him agreeing to that." He did not hold back his grin to her wit and gave a genuine smile.
"He's only scared that I will die." He opened up like a blossom on a warm, sunny day. She had to force the urge back to trample all over his happiness. Nevertheless, he sat down next to her as if a welcoming invitation had been extended.
She ignored him and asked curiously, "Because of me?" She huffed. "Something tells me you don't know everything."
"You're wrong yet again." He smiled sweetly, and her impulse to hit him faded a little. "I know everything about you; your curse included." He sat back against the tree, and she frowned at the man making himself comfortable.
"From the day I received my prophecy, I started dreaming of you. I dreamed of everything over and over until it was embedded in my memory. Even the days before you were bitten by the vampire."
She stared at him curiously. She poked at her injured arm and hissed with pain. It was possible to kill him, yes, but her curiosity seemed more critical at the moment. She frowned again and decided she could wait until it fully healed; clearly,, he lacked the smarts to stay away.
He continued, unfazed by her inner thoughts bubbling on her face. "I have seen every intimate moment of your life. I saw every moment you spent with Aman, saving Faron from a treacherous end, the torture you had to endure." His sentence stopped short as he recalled a memory that was not his own. "The curse is bound to whoever loves you, like me." He said it so nonchalantly, she almost thought she imagined it, but his huge smile that stretched like a puppy getting milk betrayed that.
"You would be dead by now if that was the case." She rationalized, breathing her words softly into the air.
"Reciprocation." He said arrogantly. She wasn't entirely sure what he meant, but slowly she was puzzling it together. Still, a pain swelled within her, clawing to burst out.
"Your feelings need to be returned for the curse to take place." He spoke quietly, watching her movement as the gears clicked into place and went overdrive. With her struggle, he still continued: "The curse took Aman because you uttered the words back." She slapped him across his face for his candor.
"I want you to leave." She gritted between teeth, barely holding herself together. He stood without another word and disappeared, leaving her to break down.
She sat under the tree until dawn broke, with loneliness that had veered its evil head. She felt lost and broken, all because of the two siblings. For a moment, she had wished she left the couple alone, moved on like she originally intended. Instead, she cried like a pathetic human. She wanted to feel powerful and intimidating again; she had felt weaker in the last day than she had in the last century. All thanks to the boyish man and his formidable brother.

She trudged through the tall buildings, the warmth of the afternoon soaking into her skin. The forest was left in the distance with the peeking mountains. Massive skyscrapers loomed above her, casting shadows over the smaller buildings. She pushed all thoughts of the past two days away and focused on the present. She needed another meal before she faces him. She needed answers, and after that, she would kill him.
She walked for a while until she spotted her victim. Strutting up to him, she waited until his attention was drawn to her. When he noticed the woman, he immediately put away his bothersome gadget and smiled.
"Hello, gorgeous." She smiled at him. "Do you prefer bacon or pancakes?" She turned on her heel as he started talking and walked away, hearing his voice trailing behind her.
"Actually, I prefer cereal." He stumbled into step next to her. "I'm Jonas. What's your name?" She stepped into a small opening that was shrouded in darkness and turned around. A wretched smell wafted in the air, and she had half a mind to walk away. However, she proceeded with sultry steps until she was an arm away from him. He didn't seem to notice any of his surroundings, anticipating her answer.
She advanced again until they were almost touching, and his heart sped up; she could smell the sweat as he rubbed his hands not so subtly on his trousers. She pushed him forward until he smacked against the wall; within seconds, she bit into his neck, allowing his succulent blood to flow down her throat.
He struggled against her, but no matter how massive built he was, his fighting was futile. Her hand covered his mouth, and she enjoyed the force giving her strength.
The bigger they were built, the more powerful she felt, enjoying the feeble attempts.
"I asked you not to leave." A voice dragged her away from her peace. Irritably she removed her fangs from her prey and turned to see the valiant man leaning against the wall. He didn't seem fazed in the slightest that a human was half dead in her arms.
"Where's your chaperon?" She mocked him, allowing the unconscious man to slip from her grasp, her meal all but forgotten.
He chuckled. "Keldar is probably looking for me right now." He pushed himself from the wall and stepped closer to her. "Don't leave, please." He begged again.
"How is your brother worried about the curse taking you? I'll kill you long before then; you are most pitiful." She turned to the specimen of a man lying on the ground, admiring his beauty. "Now, he has a better chance of receiving my love than you do." She huffed at the incredulous wolf.
He stepped closer yet again, and she noticed his height. He was a very tall man; if she hadn't known of his harrowing attempts to fight and his perpetual begging, she might have found him intimidating.
"Leave the poor guy alone. He doesn't need to die."
"Are you jealous?" She joked again. "Are you going to lock me up as your brother threatened?"
"I don't care if you spare the human or not; my brother is the moral one between us. Although, I will admit that I am jealous."
She took her opportunity and pounced on him, both of them falling to the ground. "Then I can kill you." she barred her teeth and growled. Morphing to an extent, she applied weight to his throat. She stared into his winsome green eyes as he coughed and scratched. For a moment, a locked memory bounced in her mind, and she loosened her grip, seeing this feeble man as one she had loved before. His face was still turning red, and his deficient attempts to break free weakened.
"No..." He whispered, barely audible.
Teeth sunk into her shoulder, and she was flung from the brother. She snarled at his savior and sprinted towards the giant wolf. Like a menace, she grabbed at his neck, trying to eliminate the solicitous alpha. More wolves descended upon her to aid their leader. Her hand plunged into the closest wolf, scratching against his rib cage as she dug out his heart, squeezing the pumping organ of all life.
She discarded it and punched another, grabbing its neck and twisted until it fell to the ground. She dropped the body and moved to the next one.
Her neck was swiftly enclosed with large canines that dragged her across the floor and flung her into the side of the building. She dropped to the cold concrete, looking at the advancing, ferocious wolf. It pounced and clawed at her skin, tearing it as screams tore from her mouth. She grabbed its paw and twisted until it snapped. She jumped to her feet, her injured leg groaning in pain, and tried to wobble away from the malicious alpha. Her fleeing was slow and short-lived as a loud thwack resounded her head, greeting the wall.
"I warned you!" His baritone voice boomed across the alleyway. The chief was human again and sauntered toward her, bending over her torn body. "Now, I will make you suffer." It was then that she noticed the stake in his hand, but it was too late as he plunged it into her heart. Blood spluttered from her mouth as she gasped at the searing pain; it was no ordinary stake. "Let's see you escape now." She stared blurrily at him as an enormous fist barreled own on her face, breaking her nose once again.
He threw her over his shoulder, making a quick pace through the tall buildings, his henchmen following unseen close by. When they were far enough from the bustling of human life, he threw her to the ground as if he was burnt. The plunging stake moving against her heart, searing pain through her body, leaving her immobile. She was on the edge of consciousness, the pain eating at her wound. The poisoned tip dug in deeper every time she tried to touch it with her flimsy fingers.
She wished to be unconscious, but she was aware of her surroundings through her blurred vision and bloodied body. She was dragged through the woods and into the heart of the village, downstairs and into darkness. She was weak and vulnerable with the weapon lodged into her heart, unable to fully heal or protect herself from the sharp rocks and twigs that were carved into her skin. The sneers and stares were evident on every villager they passed, the cusses and curses almost as hurtful as the stone the people threw.
Yet again, the village made an ordeal to torture her again as a whole. It all disappeared as she was taken to a torture-like dungeon, a new addition, it seemed. Only the alpha trudged deeper into the abyss. The men stayed atop, leaving her at the mercy of their chief.
His bear-like hands were firm and unforgiving as his ears fell deaf to her cries. Fear grew in her with the further persecution as he strapped her to a metal chair, bolted to the ground. He wrapped silver chains around her, hissing as his skin touched the element. No matter if it burned him, he continued to braise her until she could not move an inch.
She was not as burdened by the tortured burns as wolves, and it seemed like it was less effective on this unnatural alpha as well.
"No more soldiers to do the torturing for you?" Her breath huffed out. She watched him through heavy lids as he retrieved more stakes from a nearby table, cowering in the dark as if it too was terrified of him.
"I thought it would be much more enjoyable if I do it myself." He smirked wickedly and plunged one stake into her thigh. She yelled out at the pain. "I was right; this is very enjoyable." He planted another stake through her other thigh.
"I warned you multiple times to stay away, even showed you mercy. I don't like being disobeyed.
"Here, I thought you were full of empty threats." She snickered through the pain. He twirled the third stake in his hand arrogantly and placed it to the right of her rib cage, slowly he pushed it in, puncturing a lung.
She yelled agonizingly, with the twin stakes bleeding her out slowly. Tears poured down her face, turning the dust into the mud on her face. He turned away, and she thought she could let out a gratifying word, but she retracted the hope when he pulled on thick gloves. Just as he grabbed a flask and long, thin wooden spears resembling chopsticks.
"I had something special brewed just for you. He pulled a loose chair closer and sat in front of her, staring deep into her eyes. He had the exact same green eyes as his brother's.
"I'm aware that the sun does nothing to you; another hybrid trick, I presume? But clearly, wood and silver do. So I made a glorious cocktail of allium, rowan, and wolfsbane." He took one splintered wood with a glossed tip and dipped it into the flask, careful not to spill. "silver-tipped stakes for your monstrosity."
He smiled menacingly, and what energy she had left drained.
Painstakingly slow, he speared the tips into her body, her screeches, and pleas futile with each needle-like object penetrating her skin.
"I know my naive brother talked to you. You are, however, half-informed about his prophecy." Her eyes were half shut, and she dared not make a sound, allowing him to cease his physical torture and speak. "You were my prophecy as well."
A squeak left her mouth as she tried to utter her confusion.
"Keran started dreaming of you the moment he received his prophecy. I had to spend more than a decade listening to him fretting about you; your pain, your curse, your bloodlust..." hate-filled daggers peered into her soul. He raised an eyebrow disbelievingly. "Through all that, he fell in love." He made a disgusted sound and played with another small spear. "I know you will cause his death, but somehow you are my undoing." He chuckled at the words he muttered sarcastically. "Seeing as you could kill someone you love, I see how I can be another obstacle for you."
He unscrewed the lid of the poisonous brew and stared into the bottle, taking off the glove that protected him from the liquid. "My brother, in love with the same hybrid that will be my undoing; imagine my father's reaction. After all, you are the abomination of a hybrid that caused Aman's death."
Slowly he tipped the flask over, and the brew covered his hand, and her eyes grew wide at sight. Although he was no hybrid and no vampire, the ingredients still had to affect him as wolfsbane does. It was like touching acid for wolves, but yet his response was very short of the usual. As if his body was delaying the reaction, healing faster than it had burnt. "My father ensured that it would be a fair fight when I chance upon you."
With a husky huff, she breathed out, "That's why you're so strong?" That was his secret, she realized. That was how he could fight against her. He was stronger than any other werewolf, and every time she had fought against him, it seemed much more arduous compared to five wolves at once. He almost seemed stronger than some vampires she has met. He was a creature against nature as well but had the audacity to call her an abomination. Hypocrite, she thought.
He cupped her jaw with his poison-soaked hand as she cried out with intensifying pain. Deep in her mind, she was applauding him for hiding the pain as well as he did. He forced her to look into his green orbs, his fangs elongated, and his face changed dramatically. He was more frightening than ever before, more beast than man. She understood then how he commanded so fearlessly and massed obedience unquestionably.
"My threats are not empty, and you will learn that the hard way. Keran might be as gullible and naive as Aman was, but I am not. I have the power and the will to end you. If so be it, I will end my brother's life to save my pack."
A shiver ran down her spine as the cold, detached words flowed with the truth. This was no empty threat; she could see it in his eyes. Like every alpha before him, his reason for living was to protect the pack and create a successful lineage.
He unlatched her jaw and poured the scalding brew down her throat. She tried to close her mouth, move her head away, anything to rid herself of the pain dribbling down her throat. He shoved her mouth shut and tipped the poison over her face, allowing it to burn holes into her skin. She tried to scream, but it escaped in muffles. His excruciating hold leaving her jaw crushed.
Within seconds, she blindly felt the multiple stabs over her body as he plunged more miniature spears into her. Then, after all her screams and silent wishes, it finally stopped. She awaited the next stab, but it never came. Seconds ticked by with him standing over her, intimidating her to the extent she feared to open her eyes.
After a while, his feet shuffled out of the dungeons, and she breathed out, slacking her pose. She wasn't aware just how much blood had been drawn to weaken her. Her eyes grew weary with pain still surging from the embedded instruments, slowly she drifted away, her body caught between pain and healing as it tried to regenerate herself.

She awoke with chains clanking against the chair, the pain slowly lifting as the objects were removed from her body. Her brain was still hazy as she tried to comprehend the mindful hands touching her. A painful jolt pierced her heart as the stake was touched.
"Don't move." A man whispered quietly. He extracted the stake with great difficulty as she cringed with pain, biting her tongue to silence herself. Blood spilled from her mouth, the copper taste leaving her senses engaged.
"I'm sorry." He whispered again and cupped her face. She had half a mind to pull away from him but was too weak to do so. Instead, she felt soft lips on her forehead and leaned into the embrace, her boundless isolation craving touch. He picked her up and cradled her close. "You're safe now."
With the stakes removed, she started healing faster and could feel her body start to function properly on its own. He trudged through the darkness as if knowing exactly where to find the light.
She started to stir in his arms and looked into the mesmerizing green eyes. "I'm okay now. I can walk."
He loosened his grip until her feet touched the ground, his hand engulfing hers. "Let's get you out of here." She wanted to pull away from him; these brothers made her feel far too weak for her liking, but his warm hand provided comfort that she didn't know she needed. So she followed him out of the dungeons, her weakened state leaving her with a liking to the pitiful man.
"Keran," he stopped at the mention of his name, a smile forming, not a care of how she learned that information. "You're brother..." His smile dipped with the mention of his sibling.
"I'm sorry that he hurt you. I promised you that it would not happen. I will get you far away from here, so I can keep that promise onward." He stood close, his hands cupping hers soothingly. She was almost completely healed from the stab wounds, but he aimed to treat her like an injured puppy.
"Would he not kill you, knowing that you helped in my escape?"
"Do you care for my safety then?" He smiled at her, and she had to ponder for a moment, the resemblance keeping her from granting fatal blows.
"You're right." She decided, gripping his neck and ready to snap it.
"Asa, don't even think about it." He spoke softly, his hand gripped onto hers, but he didn't remove it. Instead, he kept it in a tight hold. He bent down, giving her the ultimate control.
"I won't kill you." He smiled with hope in his eyes, "but I won't feel bad doing this either." She drew her head back and banged as hard as she could against his, leaving her dizzy as she stepped over his unconscious body.
She stepped in the direction they were heading and veered to the light. If she had not grown up in this trusting community, she would have doubted this easy escape, but she knew a pack of wolves trusted each other like they did themselves. Petty wolves did not own an ounce of distrust among their pack; they did not think of anything for the security inside their own territory, even after what occurred centuries ago. She was shocked that the belief stayed the same even after they built an underground dungeon.
She stepped out of the darkness slowly, keeping an eye out for any impending danger, but she did not dally. She did not hover longer than necessary, slowed down, or looked back. But fled the territory as fast as her abilities permitted. The brother would one day die of old age, and she would be free from this curse; she would trouble the lovesick puppy and his abominable brother no longer. Keldar would not search for her any further; leaving his brother alive would hopefully ensure that. She would not endure any more torture for the love-struck dog that had an imagination too big for his own good.
By the time anyone had noticed Keran lying in the darkness, she would have put thousands of miles of earth and sea between them.

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