When Hells Fire Burns Bright Part 2

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Blitzø: Y/N is going to find us one way or another. We need to find a way to get Millie somewhere safe while we calm Y/N down.

We all sat there in thought for a moment before Moxxie broke the silence.

Moxxie: Loona, do you think you can carry Millie out of here?

I bent down and offered Millie a piggyback ride.

Loona: Hop on Millie.

Millie: T-Thank L-Loona. I'll find a way to repay you, hun.

Loona: Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can thank me later. For now, we need to find a way out of here.

I heard Blitz scream from behind me.

Blitzo: We were just going to leave Y/N HERE.

Loona: Of course not. He's family after all.

We heard a roar from behind us, meaning Y/N was finally able to fit through the laboratory doors. We all looked at each other, nodded our heads, and got to work. All around us, we hear things breaking and people screaming, hallways covered in blood, and bodies everywhere. We were lost in the maze of a facility. After running around some more, we realized we went in a circle back towards Y/N. We heard heavy breathing behind us. We all turned around to see Y/N. Blood dripping from his claws and teeth. His eyes were black and dead. He looks over at us and begins charging right at us. We all looked at him in fear of what he might do if he was able to get a hold of us, so we turned around and ran the other way.


Please stop, I don't want it. Just let me have control, if you're going to. hurt them.

Moxie's pov

We've been looking for an exit for a while now, and sadly, we couldn't find it. Instead, we came across a fork in the hallway, with one path leading left and one leading right.

Loona: Oh, for fucks sake.

Moxxie: We can't stand around for too long; we need to think fast.

Blitzø: Well, we've lost him for now, but what are we going to do now?

Moxxie: We might have to split up.

Loona: So I'll take Millie and head left; you guys go right. He's not going to be able to go after all of us at once that way.

Blitzø: Good thinking, Loony.

Millie: Hey, guys, I can hear him; he's not that far from us.

Loona: Alright, let's get moving. Try not to die, will you?

Moxxie: Thanks; that makes me feel so much better.

Loona: I was talking to Blitz.

Moxxie: Ow.

Blitzø: Aww, thanks Loony

We heard something standing right behind us while we were talking. We turned around and saw Blood dripping from Y/N's claws and teeth.


Blitz and I headed right, while Loona and Millie headed left. We looked behind us and saw that Y/N went after us and was able to find us; he looked back and forth, then headed left to go after Millie and Loona.




Blitz and I looped back around to try to get Y/N from behind, only to fail as Y/N picked us up and chucked us into the wall.

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