Chapter 1

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6 years later.

I woke up from the sound of my alarm. Getting up out of my bed, I stood up and walked over to my closet.

Now, I know what you are thinking. 'What happened to my tail? Right?' Well, since that trip out at sea, I have learned a lot about myself. That object I found, well since then I have managed to turn it into a small necklace that I wear all of the time.

Not just that, I have learned since then that I can summon my tail whenever I am in water by merely thinking of it. I am some sort of weird mako mermaid. You know, those mermaids from the tv show, where you gain a tail every time you are exposed to water. Except I don't have to worry about that. I can simply gain my tail whenever I want. Not to mention I also can walk and run on water.

Now, my father never came back from the incident, but I did. Our boat was destroyed, leaving shreds of it at the bottom of the ocean, which I was later on able to find on my own. I had woken up after the storm on land. Due to several police and people having found me on shore having been brought to land by the ocean. I personally believe that I had swam to shore myself and passed out on land, but I don't remember what happened after that thing I found. I just call it my luck charm. Not that I have ever believed in luck, but I would probably have drowned without it. I can breathe in water, and walk on the surface of it. Since then I have found my fascination in the ocean to continue to grow.

I loved to go out and explore the ocean whenever I got the chance, to see the beautiful coral, and any wildlife that I found. Now I gave up finding those animals my father wanted to find all those years ago. I never knew what that beast I saw out at sea was.

Now you normally would think I was afraid of the water ever since my father died and forced me out there with him. The police have no idea how I survived being an hour out at sea, in the middle of a hurricane, but I did. Now I haven't told anybody about my tail, or my abilities in water, of course not. I don't want people using me for science experiments. Trying to find out how to duplicate my special uniqueness or why I am not so normal anymore.

Now I live on my own. I am currently 24 years old. I live in my own small house as a gift from my fathers will. Now my father wasn't a bad man, he just had the weirdest things across logic. There was a myth of animals being larger than normal size out in the ocean, so being an oceanographer, wanted so badly to see them for himself, but he died trying in the process.

I was 18 when he died and I was homeschooled by him. I never knew my mother. I just lived either on my own growing up, or with my father when he was actually home and not out trying to study the animals out at sea.

Grabbing a nice outfit out of the closet, I set it on my desk, while I went into my bathroom to take a shower. My beautiful blue towel with me as I hung it on a nearby hook.

Undressing, I walked into the shower as soon as the water was warm to my liking. Sometimes I even took a hot shower, but that was usually when I was sick and the water was too cold to my liking.

Massaging some shampoo into my hair, I smiled. I have always had a preference for anything coconut or shea. I loved shea butter when it came to shampoo or lotions. Lathering the stuff onto me, I started to rinse it off, before using the conditioner which was in the same exact flavor as my shampoo. I hated using different scented conditioners with my shampoo, because it then would make my hair smell weird. I shook my head at the repulsive idea.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped my towel around me, as I went and brushed my teeth at the sink. Getting rid of the disgusting morning breath, brushing my tongue and the roof of my mouth in the process. Smiling to myself, I spit into the sink, rinsing it to wash out any of the toothpaste chunks as I rinsed my mouth out and my toothbrush for any residue.

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