Chapter 7

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I woke up, finding myself in someone's strong arms, being held against their chest. It was warm, being held against them, though it was at the same time dark around me. I could tell I was under water, but I couldn't really see what was in front of me. I pulled myself away from them, but they merely just pulled me right back into them.

"Can you please let go of me?" I asked. "I don't like the dark."

In response, I saw two bright red orbs of light looking at me, but I already knew right away it was Megatron who was looking at me. "What is wrong with the dark? Scared of monsters?"

"Not monsters specifically, but the dark just reminds me of the storm so long ago. The darkness gives me chills." I explained as I looked at him. "Makes me feel lost and around bad memories. I have many scars, Megatron, more than just losing my father. I don't know how I will ever be able to heal."

"I want to help you heal, Dania. Just as I believe you are able to help me be a better person." Megatron spoke as he held me against his chest.

"Why me? Why am I so special? I have never felt important around anyone. Yes my father cared about me, but that was simply a father and daughter bond, not much more."

"Will you trust me for a moment, Dania?" Megatron suddenly asked, as I laid in his grip. I contemplated the question. Why would he want me to trust him? Yet he did say he wanted me to forgive him not that long ago. I felt his hands grab my own as he seemed to wait for me to respond.

"Alright. I'll trust you." I mumbled as I quickly felt his hands let go of me and felt his arms resume hugging me close to him.

"Give me a second." Feeling his arms let go of me, before I felt him move away from me. The water was cool around me, but my body felt like it had gotten used to it a little while ago. I couldn't see anything around me, only feel a rocky slab where Megatron and I had been previously laying down.

I felt the current against me, before I felt something brush against me, to feel something soft push up against me. I took a few deep breaths in the water, trying to stop myself from panicking. I felt something slightly sharp graze my tail, before something came down above me. I quickly reached my hands out to feel the walls of Megatron's mouth surrounding me from all directions again. I wanted to panic, but he told me to trust him. Why did he want me in his mouth when I already was as blind as could be? I felt myself slightly sitting against his tongue as he started to move through the water around us.

I was surprised that I wasn't struggling this time with how fast he was probably moving, but I did lose track of time of how long he had been swimming in his shark form until I felt colder currents of water surround me, able to see a faint light revealing his jaws agape in front of me. As they started to open up, I slowly swam toward the entrance to find a ton of seaweeds glowing in front of me.

Feeling the water shift behind me, I turned to see Megatron back into his original form, laying a hand on my shoulder. He didn't even say a word as he simply nodded at me. I looked forward to seeing a whole bunch of light surrounding us in the dark waters. I had no idea this was even in the tank as I swam forward seeing some other sea grasses also glowing, but as I swam past them, small particles flew up into the water around us appearing to be specks of glowing plankton that flew around us. I was amazed as I looked around us, before feeling the current change, turning to find another one of the Decepticons, appearing to have octopus-like arms, just like Ratchet did, but beside him I was quite interested as I saw a large manta ray next to him. One of the largest species of stingray. I nodded at the con, as they seemed to watch me. They eventually nodded right back at me in response as the stingray started to swim towards me, I watched as they circled around me. Like it was waiting for something.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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