"Soooo....." Harry said to break the silence.

"So, let's play a drinking game." Fred chimes in.

"Not you Ginny." George added.

"Why not?!" The youngest Weasley complained.
The twins tussled her hair while she angrily glared at them, crossing her arms.

"Because you are too young." Ron noted.

"Technically, we all are." Hermione noted.

"Goody two shoes." Ron whispered to Harry while rolling his eyes.

"Fine, I'm in." Hermione declared.

Everyone else agreed and now all eyes were on Oliver, Percy, and Marianna.

"I'm definitely in, should be fun." Oliver smiled, he bumped shoulders with Marianna.

The Ravenclaw witch nervously played with the hem of her turtle neck sweater.
"I guess it wouldn't hurt." She agreed quietly.

The twins cheered and ran up the steps loudly to collect the fire whiskey they had hidden away. Charlie had disappeared somewhere while Bill was with Molly and Arthur. It was just the youngest siblings left to play.

"Here's your juice baby Ginerva." Ron joked as he handed his sister a glass of fruit punch.

Ginny punched Ron in the arm, he attempted to act like it didn't hurt but it honestly had almost brought tears to his eyes. She was very strong.

"What are we playing?" Oliver asked as he poured out some Firewhiskey for himself and Marianna.

"How about never have I ever? It was a game I used to play in primary school, without the alcohol of course." Hermione noted.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Are you playing Perce?" Oliver questioned.

The twins laughed out loud.
"Yeah, Pompous Percy play a drinking game." Fred chuckled.

Marianna couldn't help giggle slightly at the thought. Percy noticed this, anger welled up inside his stomach. He leaned forward angrily, pouring himself a glass of firewhiskey. Marianna finally looked at him for the first time all day, wondering what had just gotten into him.

The twins were right, Percy wasn't known to break rules. He often told Marianna that party games were just an excuse for horny teenagers to make mistakes. So she was fairly surprised to see him join in.

"So? Are we starting?" Percy questioned in a annoyed tone.

Everyone looked at him with a shocked expression, but Hermione shook herself from her thoughts to explain the rules. Fred started out strong after she finished.

"Never have I ever fancied someone in this room." Fred said as he eyes everyone in the room, in hopes of getting exciting info.

Hermione, Ginny, Ron, George, Percy, Marianna, and Oliver all took sips of their drinks.

"Hmmmmm." Fred noted.

Percy was curious when Oliver took a sip, there wasn't many people in the room and he seemed truthful when telling him he had no feelings for Marianna. Then again Marianna took a sip as well.

"Never have I ever kissed someone." Ginny said proudly.

Oliver, The Twins, Ron, Percy, and Hermione took sips.

"Really Hermione? Who?!" Ron asked rather shocked.

Hermione blushed a bright red.
"I don't remember his name." She admitted.

Ginny almost spilled her drink while laughing at Ron's expression. She was actually impressed with the curly haired Gryffindor girl.

Percy didn't notice the commotion in front of him, he couldn't stop thinking about how Marianna hadn't kissed anyone yet. How could that be so? She was so beautiful and well liked in school. He couldn't stop himself from looking at her lips again. He was so close to being her first kiss at the book store, though at the time he had no idea.

My Sincerest Apologies- Percy Weasley Where stories live. Discover now