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Sonic was holding a small Chao that had fox ears and twin tails, the two hedgehogs had adventured off into what was called the Chao Garden, Myers just smiles at Sonic, as he was sitting down on the grass, petting a normal chao.

It was rather a relaxing in this area that wasn't bothered by the outside world, and other surroundings, Myers just wanted Sonic to feel relaxed, than terrified...he understood that a big place like G.U.N HQ could be scary, his ear twitches when heard a soft tune, he glances over at Sonic, who was just humming a song that was in his head, as he was smiling, as the chaos that were around him, the darker blue hedgehog just felt butterflies in his stomach, Sonic was definitely something, that he didn't want to lose, after all he's spent five years with the hedgehog.

Myers ear twitches, and he got ups from his spot, it sounded like voices and they were getting close the darker blue hedgehog went over to Sonic, who also heard the voices, he placed a hand on Myers' arm, he was mostly curious than scared.

"Are you sure we can trust that robot..." A male voice said.

"If anyone can find the Princess it's those agents" A female voices said.

Princess...but that can't be Sonic, after all that photo of the missing princess was wearing to much make up, and a puffy dress. Myers thought to himself, the two mentioned a robot, they must be talking about Omega. The crunching the leafs started to come closer, The darker blue hedgehog takes a hold of Sonic's hand pulling him along out of the Garden and to safety.

When the two hedgehogs were safe, Myers let's go of Sonic's hand and checks to see if he had hurt him with his metal claws.

"I'm okay..." Sonic signed.

"Good...Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Sonic shakes his head his ears titled back.

"There you guys are..." Myers quickly pulled an arm out to protect Sonic, as he turned his attention to the black and red hedgehog.

"What do you want Shadow?..." Myers growls.

"Nothing I just wanted to know where you guys ran off too...I didn't mean to leave you guys alone" Shadow said.

"Bullshit...I heard those knights, they are looking for the Princess, and I know damn well that G.U.N is working for the Queen to help her find, the Princess" Myers protested.

"Tsk...I hate how smart you can't be...Metal" Shadow growls. "But yes, I knew Sonic looked familiar...did you find it strange that we found her the very day that she went missing"

Sonic held onto Myers arm, his ear twitches when he heard deep footsteps, the blue hedgehog shifted his gaze over to Omega.

"And I doubt the Queen would actually harm her kids, after all she only h-"

"Triplets, two females and one male." Shadow interrupted.

"Tsk...Like hell I'll you take back..." Myers said.

"Oh sweetie, you know you can't out fight Omega, and your nothing compared to Shadow" Rouge said as she was flying over head "Now hand over the Princess, I promise a cutie like her wouldn't harmed"

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