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The maids were guiding the Acorn Family through the castle, Maximilian Acorn, a brown square dressed in a blue suit, with yellow assents to it, a golden crown on his head, gray hair and mustache, bright blue eyes. Beside him is Alexis Acorn, a brown chipmunk, with red hair that was in a neat braid, wearing a yellow dress, a golden tiara on her head, bright blue eyes as well as. The two kids, Sally Acorn, and Elias Acorn. A brown female chipmunk, wearing a blue short sleeve jacket, and black shorts, blue boots, and cyan blue bracelets, bright sapphire eyes. The male squirrel, where a blue light blue suit, that with yellow button, and a red belt, trim on the collar, and sleeves, and bottom, black pants, with ankle high red shoes, a red cape draped over his shoulders, the squirrel had short red hair, and a red stripe on his tail.

Sonic was standing up straight, he was wearing a light blue dress strapless dress, with a white ribbon around the waist that was tied in a big bow that was rest on the side of his hip, the same black choker, a light headband with a bow, light make up on his face, white leggings with black heels. When the Acorm family walked through the doors, the two royal family greeted each other.

"It is so glad to see that your back Michelle" Alexis said with a smile.

Sonic only nodded forcing a smile on his face, he wasn't happy to be here. Not after the painful lessons he went through all day yesterday and the day for that. He followed his lessons that he had to real learn he held his hand out. Elias taking his hand giving a small bow, "It's a Pleasure to Finally meet you Princess" he said placing a kiss on his hand.

"Now that you have arrived, let up have lunch, and you four to the sleeping quarters to get some rest from the long travel" Aleena smiled as she smiles and started watching.

Sonic didn't say anything to Elias, which the squirrel was aware of, it didn't stop him from wanting to spend time with his Fiancé at the dinning hall table, he was next to Sonic, his tail wrapped around Sonic's waist. It wasn't long before the two were left alone, Elias smiles down at Sonic. "I'd never had any idea how cute you were"

Sonic only looked away, he didn't really feel the same emotions that he did when he was with Myers and Shadow, his hand was being intertwined with Elias' hands, "And to think that we have a week to be together" Sonic only nodded and pulled his hand away from Elias. "Is something wrong?"

Sonic rubs his scarred arm, Elias lets out a sigh, it was difficult to actually have a conversation with Sonic, because of his mental disorder, Hell he didn't even know what his voice sounded like now, after that force surgery and the emerald healing him into a hermaphrodite, his voices had gotten softer, and sweeter like that of a females, he can just tell because of his sobs. "Is it me? Or the sudden marriage?" Elias asked.

Sonic shakes his head, he squeaks when he was pulled into Elias, into a hug "Well those people that kidnapped you...won't ever hurt you again" Sonic blinks he wasn't kidnapped he ran away, at least that's what he remember. Elias leans down to try and kiss Sonic who quickly turned his head away. "...Sorry, I guess it is a little to soon for that" The squirrel said.

Sonic didn't know if Elias knew sign language, but he didn't want to test it, he just pulls away from Elias a second time. He just made a motion with his body to tell the prince that he wanted to be alone. "...Ugh, Fine, but I'm not giving up on us...I will see you in the bedroom" Elias said, the words made Sonic scared of being alone with the prince, but he watched as the squirrel walked away. Sonic dug his fingers into his bare arms, looking at his peach fur on his muzzle, underbelly, and arms they have gotten to be a much paler shaded, same with his blue fur, he hadn't left the castle, to see the sun for five days, and today was the started of the week before the forced marriage.

He sniffs as he just fell to floor on his knees in the middle of the small room. He just want to see the two hedgehogs, he thinks about them everyday that's out here, they were the ones that got to see him for he was, not some fucking, princess. He gets himself up off of the floor, he lets out a deep sigh, before walking out of the room, that last thing he wanted was to have the knights come and drag him to his room, that he is now sharing with the prince, sleeping with him, just to be comfortable with them when they do finally get married.

He looks at the stain glass window, before continue down the hallway.

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