Chapter 20

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The most important day of Taehyung's life arrived very early than expected. He was going to attend his first book signing event. Though the book he wrote was not so eye catching to himself. It was just some self-motivation shit he wrote. But he feels grateful for people considering it.

He was ready to go but felt like greeting his parents a good evening was more necessary. Thinking about that, he went towards their room. Without knocking he entered. He saw the older couple sitting on the couch placed in their balcony. Staring at blissful sunset.

He couldn't help but feel that need. Need to be with someone and stare at sun setting. One of his wishes.
He just shooked his head.

"Mom, dad... I'm leaving. Will be back till night. Don't wait. Yoongi is going to treat me dinner." He hummed in contentment when his mother embraced him.

"I'm so proud of you..." She whispered and kissed his cheek making him smile shyly.

"We both are!" His dad joined and hugged him.

"Thank you very much, you both were so supportive all this while." Taehyung whispered.

He was right. It has been almost a month since he stopped his sessions with Jungkook. After getting affirmation about Taehyung's state, his dad let him be. Even though somewhere he knew Taehyung needed some more sessions. He just let it go. Since then, neither Jungkook nor Taehyung contacted eachother. It's as if they forgot eachother, but did they?

"Come on now, go. And is it a date with Yoongi hm?" His dad asked in a playful tone making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"As if dad..." Taehyung muttered while shaking his head.

"We'll be watching you!" Taeri said and waved bye to him, as he returned the same.

"Our kid has grown up so well my love..." His mom said while smiling while older returned the same to her.
But deep inside he was aware about the missing piece in his son's life. He was just helpless. It was all upon Taehyung.

The event started very well. Considerable amount of people gathered with the copies of his first ever book. The real self.

Saying Taehyung was happy would've been an understatement. Because damn, he was on cloud nine.

"Line up ladies and gentlemen, you will get your autographs soon! Let him enter first." Yoongi requested. Soon Taehyung stepped towards them. Walking through the crowd like a damn confident guy, not a coward he was always called. People were literally drooling, the aura he held. The way he ever so gracefully sat on his thrown. He took the mic and delivered his utter dazzling smile at his fans.

"I'm so happy and grateful that you all took all your precious time for this event. Please feel free to ask anything... about the book ofcourse." Taehyung said as the line started.

Different different people, different faces, different mindsets and ofcourse different intentions the people held. It was getting tiring for Taehyung to maintain his composed statue. He glanced at the line and saw that most of them were done. He smiled in relaxation once the last fan got over. He got up and bowed at them, showing his gratitude. Then left towards backstage, making his way towards the room which they assigned for him.

He sat down on the couch, too exhausted to stand. Stretching a bit, he sighed deeply. It was harder than he expected.

Suddenly there was a knock, assuming it as Yoongi he opened the door and froze. There he saw Jeon Jungkook standing there, smiling showing his bunny teeth. Looking at him, Taehyung's lips unintentionally stretched into a tired grin.

"After so long..." He mumbled.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was busy. But now looking at your success, I feel jealous!" Jungkook said while fidgeting with the copy of the book.

"You read it?" Taehyung asked expectantly.

"Ofcourse I did. It was awesome. I must say, you're born to be a writer." Jungkook complimented while grinning.

"Thank you very much, I'm flattered." Taehyung said while placing his hand near his heart.

"How is it going? With life?" Jungkook asked.

"You came here for your session huh?" Taehyung scoffed.

"No, not like that. I was asking genuinely. What about your in progress book? When is it going to be completed?"

"Maybe two months later, I don't know. I don't have any inspiration." Taehyung mumbled.

"Go find one then."

"It's not as easy as it seems. Might as well find another headache for myself, just like I did before at Memoria."

"The fuck you mean?" Jungkook asked while frowning.

"I mean, when I met you. I was actually in search of motivation...instead I got you. Damn hectic life." Taehyung sighed exaggeration.

"Oh shut up, it was you who started it!" Jungkook snapped while walking a step closer to Taehyung who unknowingly stepped back.

"It wasn't me teasing some strangers about their eating habits!" He stepped closer and Taehyung stepped back again.

"So great that you think I will believe your bullshit." Jungkook said while placing his hands on Taehyung's shoulders.

"Damn but...I must say, I missed you." He whispered while roaming his hands up and down on his arms.

"To be honest, I missed you even more. I missed fighting with you, alot." Taehyung confessed.

"What's happening?" A voice rang through the room making Jungkook and Taehyung to jerk away.

"Y-Yoongi hey!" Jungkook greeted while giving a nervous smile.

"Hey what? The fuck you are doing here?" Yoongi asked while frowning.

"Came here for signing event, but got late. It was already ended so thought why not ask for an autograph personally." He explained.

"I literally saw you both against eachother. What am I supposed to understand?"

"Whatever the fuck you want!" Taehyung snapped while grabbing his jacket and leaving Yoongi and Jungkook alone.

"Told you to stay away from him." He spoke in low tone.

"I couldn't help but visit atleast his signing event." He muttered while looking down.

"I just want you to be aware of consequences..."

Ofcourse Jungkook knew...
Every damn thing in this world comes with consequences, whether it be good or bad. Consequences are inevitable.

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