26 | favorite couple

Começar do início

"Aren't we supposed to be at the party?" I ask because I'm suddenly a nervous wreck around him especially since he's taking my room in. It makes me feel self conscious because it makes me wonder what he thinks of it.

"We will be," he says, finally turning to meet my gaze. "After you decide to drop your plane tickets to Alaska."

I unwillingly trudge towards my closet and grab a handful of clothes before heading to the bathroom. As soon as I reach the door, I warn, "Don't touch my stuff." And he gives me a two finger salute before sitting on my bed.

I face the mirror and rub my cheeks to add more color to them. Flynn is in my room doing god knows what at the other side so I swiftly unzip my parka. I'm a little conscious though, so after I'm sure there's no tiny hole or gap where he could be looking at me from, I take off my clothes and try a neon green gown. It's a night party at the beach. I don't know why I can't just decide on what to wear.

I zip up the dress and open the door. I meet Flynn standing over my table and reading my writings plastered to the wall. It's weird enough that I feel comfortable letting him see it but it's even weirder that I feel more conscious than usual. He turns his head once he hears the creak of the door and then he sizes me up.

He shakes his head once. "It's not a homecoming dance."

I give him the finger and stomp back into the bathroom. It goes on like this for several minutes. Josephine Pryce coming out with several outfits and Flynn Cauley disapproving each of them with a flick of his finger, a shake of the head, a mocking grin, an upturned nose and a usual jab to spice things up. Once he asked why I didn't have any sexy lingerie to which I smacked him on the head.

"You are insatiable," I taunt immediately I step out in a jeans and an everyday top. He gets to his feet and walks towards my closet with a determined look on his face.

"What are you doing?" I ask, standing behind him and watching him search through my clothes.

"Looking for something for you to wear," he says. "Don't get me wrong, you don't look bad in any of those clothes but—yes. Found it." He steps out of my closet with a white and floral blue mini sundress in his hands.

He tosses it to me. "Try that."

I raise a brow. "I'm positive I wore this recently."

"Huh." He says, his voice sounding a little bit distant. "Guess I didn't notice. Come on," he grabs me by the shoulders and steers me towards the bathroom.

I sigh and take off my current plain Jane outfit before stepping into the chiffon sundress. It's a tie back that leaves a fraction of my back exposed, so I reach behind and tighten the cloth around me by tying up the strips of material. I adjust the spaghetti straps and fluff my hair a little more before stepping out of the bathroom.

Flynn is back on my bed. He's sitting sideways, so his legs are sticking out of the bed and he's leaning back on his elbows while reading the sheet of paper in his hands.

"Well," I clear my throat. "I don't even care if you don't agree with it. So you'd better get your ass up and let's go."

The paper falls flat on his chest and his eyes slowly travel from my toes to my head. I fiddle with my thumbs as I watch his eyes judge me from a short distance. His lips move but I don't catch his incoherent words.

The Flynn Effect Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora