Akashi And A carrier ~

Start from the beginning

Roon: It's Ready to go .

Akashi: Good i will go to my room to rest for a while


Prinz Einhorn: So you are sending me to go visit the Royal navy base ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Yes

Prinz Einhorn: But why ?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Because you need to find a woman .

Prinz Einhorn: Oh come on i just want to be single .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Do i look like i care ?

Prinz Einhorn:Bu--

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Nono no you go there and find some woman .

Prinz Einhorn: Fineeee

Kaiserin Elisabeth: By the way how is the siren we captured from the base ?

Prinz Einhorn: She is currently being tortured as of now .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Good Keep it up .

Prinz Einhorn: Yes your majesty

Kaiserin Elisabeth: The world is almost at peace huh .


On a random cell we could see Arbiter III getting tortured.

Arbiter III:(How did this even happened )

She remembers what happened on that day .

It was just a normal day for them when suddenly they were attacked, many sirens though that they were safe in Antarctica but it was proven wrong when Ironblood attacked them killing many sirens until all that was left was Arbiter III who was captured.

After she was captured she was tortured and rape everyday .

Now Arbiter III looks at the one who was about to raped her .

Arbiter III: (When will this Hell end ?)


November 25 1967

Ironblood base

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Are you sure about this ?

Akashi : Yes , as i need to save my Homeland .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Well then be sure to wear your uniform, And also stay on Dragon empery for some time .

Akashi:You have already  prepared huh .

Kaiserin Elisabeth:Don't worry about it .

Akashi : Well Goodbye your majesty.

Kaiserin Elisabeth : Have Safe Travel

Soon Akashi left the base while Kaiserin Elisabeth goes back to her room to take care of Friedrich.


November 28 1967

Royal Navy Base

Prince of Wales : Welcome To the royal navy base .

Prinz Einhorn: Thank you

Prince of Wales: So what purpose are you here for ?

Prinz Einhorn: I don't know (Can't tell her that i was ordered by Elisabeth to find a woman) but probably i was sent here to a vacation.

Prince of Wales: Ah a vacation have a very good day staying here .

Prinz Einhorn: Thank you

Wales then guided Einhorn to a room where she will be staying for now .


Prinz Einhorn:Why do you even sent me here Elisabeth.


Prinz Einhorn: Coming

Einhorn opens the door to see Illustrious.

Prinz Einhorn: Illustrious why are you h---

She was then pinned to the wall by Illustrious after locking the door .

Prinz Einhorn: What are you --

Illustrious: Are you Unicorn?

Prinz Einhorn:( Shit)

Illustrious: Answer Me !!!!!

Einhorn then pinned her to the bed

Prinz Einhorn: How do you know Big Sister~~ ?

Illustrious: Is it really you ?

Prinz Einhorn: Yes I am

Illustrious: Where were you , we thought you were dead .

Prinz Einhorn : I was transported to another world but luckily managed to get back here.

Illustrious: Um can you Get off of me so you can expla---

Prinz Einhorn: Maybe you should consider touching this

Einhorn then holds Illustrious hand and guided it to her bottom part .

Illustrious: !! (Don't tell me)

Prinz Einhorn: You want it ?

Illustrious: Unicorn get off of me we shouldn't be doing thi---

Einhorn the uses her hand to block Illustrious mouth .

Prinz Einhorn:  We should be silent.

Illustrious was trying to say something but she can't.

Einhorn then started to touch Illustrious Boobs Making Illustrious Embarrass While Einhorn rips Illustrious clothing making her barely clothed.

Einhorn then undid her clothes while having a forceful kiss with Illustrious who was trying to resist.

Einhorn was now naked showing off her Thing to Illustrious but she managed to get out of Einhorn grasp and was about to run away but She was pinned to a wall and she feels Einhorn thing near her *Entrance*.

Illustrious: Please St--

Einhorn suddenly hold Illustrious neck and slowly choking her while she push her thing inside Illustrious.

Illustrious:  please stop !

Prinz Einhorn: Shut Up , Thrust her whole thing inside .

Illustrious: ???♡?♡♡♡♡

Einhorn looks at Illustrious face who was in shock due to Einhorn *thing*

Prinz Einhorn: Surprised huh

Einhorn started thrusting quicker and Illustrious was Moaning.

Illustrious:♡♡♡♡♡ more~~

Prinz Einhorn: Have my Child would ya ?

Einhorn then came inside Illustrious who was panting after what they did .

But Einhorn didn't stop and continued to rape Illustrious for 3 hours , After that Illustrious falls asleep due to exhaustion while Einhorn was cleaning the room .


Prinz Einhorn: Coming

Prince of Wales: Hello Einhorn have you seen Illustrious?

Prinz Einhorn: No why ?

Prince of Wales: Well Co.John is inviting her to a date which i disagree a lot .

Prinz Einhorn: I will inform you when i find her.

Prince of Wales: Okay thank you .

*Closes the door*

Prinz Einhorn: It seems that you were a little to late Co.John as I'm going to fuck Illustrious again and again and she would have my child and i will take her away and bring her back to ironblood.

Illustrious was crying as she was pretending to be asleep .

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