Fight With Sakura Empire

869 31 10

December 10 1967

Azurlane Base

After the attack on the base most of the damage were still being repaired but the base is now operational and They could start planning to defeat Sakura empire.


While In Sakura empire many were angry and Eager for revenge after hearing that Akagi and Kaga were Captured or Possibly Killed .

They Planned to attack them on one of the abandoned Islands.


Cleveland: Are you going?

Akashi: Yes as we need to end the war

Cleveland : Take care

Akashi: I know *Kiss Cleveland in the cheek*


Denver: Are they really that close ?

Montpelier: Did they do the deed ?

Columbia : What ?

Denver: What the hell ??

Hornet: Probably Yes

Cleveland who hears it was blushing.

Denver Montpelier and Columbia that were looking at Cleveland Face.

Denver: Can't believe that my sister is like that .

Montpelier: Wait how did you know ?

Hornet: Well i was going around and i came across a room that was making some noise so i lean on the door to listen and i heard it .

Columbia: Are you a pervert?

Hornet: Huhh ??

Denver : well you kinda are one

Hornet: Hey hold up .

They started arguing while Cleveland got back to her room.

Abandoned Island

On One of the ruins of the city that once  stood Sakura empire Shipgirls were preparing to attack Eagle Union.

But It was spotted By Akashi who Alerts Yorktown of the danger .

Akashi Then decides to go alone against them all while Yorktown along with the others are to attack at the right time .

As Akashi Approaches She was attacked By Zuikaku, Shoukaku and Taihou but she managed to block all of them (German Tech be like)

Zuikaku: Who are you and why do you look like one of us ?

Akashi:  I am One but i do not serve you *as she ready her Sword *

Taihou: Traitor!!

Shoukaku: Taihou No!!


Taihou was stunned seeing her arm cut off While Zuikaku tried to attack Akashi .

Akashi: You do not know the purpose of your Weapon.

Akashi then Attacked Zuikaku and Shoukaku Injuring them enough until Nagato and Misaka Appeared.

Nagato: Stop !

Everyone stopped While Yorktown and her fleet is approaching

Akashi: Why ?

Nagato: We surrender

Akashi: That's it ?

Misaka: The War was lost since the beginning.

Nagato: We couldn't Recover our loses if we keep this up .

Taihou who was struggling to scream in pain .

Taihou: Nagato We can still fight!

Nagato : Not when all of you are injured.

Everyone now know that this war was not worth it at all .

Nagato : So do you accept  ?

Akashi: Of Course but you personally will have to present yourself when all faction attends the Peace Conference.

Nagato: I'm Fine with that .


Although It was Quick that peace was agreed on many were angry but knew that it's Futile for them to resist as they are the last one Fighting this war. And the only one at that .

The Peace Conference was to happen In December 15 1967 .

Attended By Every Single Faction .


Ironblood base

Kaiserin Elisabeth: That was Quick .

Prinz Einhorn: Really Quick

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Although It's Time for us to show our identity when that Peace Conference happens .

Sms Verzweifeln: Our Identity?

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Yes ..... *Notice Haube was not here* wait where is SMS-Haube?

Prinz Einhorn: Last time i saw her was with Bismarck while i was bringing Illustrious here .

Kaiserin Elisabeth: I think I know what they are doing .

Sms Verzweifeln: Yeah i think it's Predictable.

Prinz Einhorn: Wait how did you know ???

Sms Verzweifeln : Well it happened a month ago when i saw SMS-Haube And Bismarck entered a room and you know stuff happens......

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Okay............ Since the Peace Conference is going to be held in December 15 Will That Doppelganger be there ?

Prinz Einhorn: Yes As she is representing royal navy even though she is a siren.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: How About We kill the Doppelganger on the meeting .

Sms Verzweifeln: Great idea

Prinz Einhorn: Well it's been some time when i brutally mutilated someone and putting them in the Chambers.

Kaiserin Elisabeth: Oh yeah i remembered you doing that to the Communist .

They talked and laugh on what they did in the other world .


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