Blitzkrieg To Paris

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Blitzkrieg To Paris

March 4 1915

As There are only 20k troops defending Northern France The British arrived with 150k troops to reinforce the French while the French Send 400k troops .

As Elizabeth received the information from her spies , She made a plan to Force British and French armies Into attacking them Forcing them to get other army groups to reinforce Leaving the trenches with small garrison . While the other army group Personally Commanded by Elizabeth Will attack the trenches that have Small Garrison And breakthrough and encircle the British and French Large armies to the Shore lines , While the other army groups go deep to the enemy territory and set up to siege Paris and also to prevent the other French armies from attacking her army she ordered 5 army groups to attack The Maginot Line While the other 5 army groups will Force the French to engage to either slow them down as much as possible .

Aircraft as well will support the attack and provide the German army with air cover as to prevent the The French and British Aircraft to Attack them .

Elizabeth Army Numbering around 300k with 5 Tank Divisions Support Personnel 30k Includes 3k 7.5 cm KwK 37 – Panzer IV tank gun (which was used as an artillery before being put to the panzer 4) Aircraft 200 .

While the Entente outnumbered her army still Elizabeth has the best Weapons and Equipment and also Her troops which were Veterans with some coming from the Russian front .

Elizabeth then ordered her army to be ready and rest as they will attack French and British forces tomorrow .

March 5 1915

5 Am

Artillery from the german army started firing on the artillery position of The French and British Silencing them immediately.

Which only wake up  the commanding officers and few Soldiers  .

On the trench line
The sounds of Tanks approaching wake up Many French who are confused as to what is happening were killed instantly by the tanks , While the infantry equipped with Flamethrowers
Burned their way through every soldiers in every  trench Forcing The French General  to order some infantry to the other army group to reinforce them just as expected by Elizabeth .

8 Am

Elizabeth Army group sees one french trench line guarded only be 5k troops , Immediately Elizabeth ordered the advance followed by 5 tank Division and 15 army groups .

The French garrison unaware of the German army were killed quickly by the artillery as the German army group rushed to encircle the French and British forces .

The German army group that was attacking The French immediately start to push the French and British back

As the British and French continue to fight the German army unaware that they were getting encircled with their backs to the sea .

10 Am

It was too late when The French general and British generals realise that it was a trap and soon they were encircled And the Germans started Killing the encircled French and British troops.

While Elizabeth army group have gone deep in the enemy lines and soon the French army groups tried to attack them only  for 5 German army groups to Engage them , While Elizabeth army arrived on their positions near Paris and soon set up their artillery , fortifications And supply lines .

At this point of time the British and French armies that were encircled were slaughtered leaving only 367 Troops as prisoners.

It was a disaster for the french and the British who were panicking on what to do against Elizabeth army .

While Elizabeth has rested her soldiers
On Underground to protect them while she posted many guards .

Meanwhile a Certain Soldier wakes up in her sleep .

??????? : Where am i ? Big Sister Illustrious Where are you ? *she looks around to find she is resting in a room and find a Stg44 and Combat gears on the table *

?????: Where is my plushie?? *Silently speaking*


Elizabeth: Why did i feel someone important was transported here ?

Elizabeth: Nah that's impossible *Turns off the lights and heads to the bed to sleep*

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