"I am sorry Pearl, as long as your father and mother sit on the throne we will always be at war."

"That is why you are supporting Aaron's claim to the throne?" She questioned.

"Yes and he is my nephew, the only heir Silkon Valley has," he finally spilled the truth, Pearl shot up her mouth agape, "what do you mean Silkon Valley heir?"

Dominic sighed, "there is a reason for the war Pearl, one that is beyond you and I, we were born royalty meaning we have a duty to our people and we cannot allow our desires supersed it. I do love you Pearl more than anything in this world but we cannot be together if the muderer of my sister sits on a throne that should govern all of us."

"Your sister? You mean my mother killed your sister?" she almost stuttered, Dominic closed his eyes feeling the pain fresh as ever before. He swallowed and rubbed his stumble.

"Your sister is Aaron's mother," she deducted, he nodded quietly staring at her as she thought back to the many actions of her mother and her brother, it was no wonder the Empress disliked him so much, she was forced to raise the sun of her victim.

"How do you know of all this?" she asked just praying that it was not true.

"Your father himself sent words explaining in details what had happened, The empress might be your mother but she is not a good person, she has embelzzed state funds and used it for her personal gain. There are a lot of corrupt ministers in the court that sides with her and Kaley will fall not by my hands but by the hands of it rulers. Supporting Aaron is putting the rightful heir to the throne on it, and it would also be a cease fire as soon as he ascends, I will ask for your hand in the course of the alliance."

"How are you sure he will even succeed, Aaron is paralyzed, Donald is the best knight and fighter that I know, and Aaron lives in a dead manor that is falling apart, how does he want to usurp a throne with no power?"

Dominic smirked, "that is what he would have you believe princess, he has an army waiting for his command. I believe they could rival the Imperial army. They work fast and hard, he knows that if he ever make himself seem normal he would seem a threat and the Empress would eliminate him."

Pearl frowned shaking her head, "I know mother is not be the best to first brother but I cannot believe all of this, it makes sense and add up yes but knowing that everything I have in Kaley is a lie is battling."

"Do not think of this too much Pearl, everything will be fine, go back to Kaley tomorrow and wait for me. I will make sure I get you back."

She nodded and hugged him tightly, she never wanted to leave him, She closed her eyes and sleep soon overtook her.

* * * *

"We will set camp here," Aaron commanded and everyone started getting to work, the dull moon shone reflecting little, little shadows were reflective, Nancy walked toward her lady, she greeted the prince briefly before turning to the princess.

"I have found small stream where you can clean yourself up, m'lady and the guards has made sure it is safe."

Irisa nodded and took Nancy's hands, she walked crossed the small pathway with a touch in Nancy's hand reflecting where they were headed, "this way my lady," Nancy led to the small lake that looked cystral clear. Irisa's mouth almost opened, it looked so beautiful and pristine.

Nancy helped her out of her dress, she walked into the lake and took in a breath, closing her eyes. She felt relief wash over her, the day had being nothing short of stressful. From going to meet the Venusa royal family to planning with the men of the manor, she realised that planning a coup was very stressful.

Aaron ran around doing one thing or the other, he did not join her in their carriage, Nancy had settled to the carriage with her, Isabelle and Ruby later joining them. They did not say much to each other as many things occupied their minds, they were going to enter Harriton in mere hours and as much as she had tried to prepare her mind, she could not help but remember what the crown princess and the Empress had done to her.

Her body had healed, her dark skin had covered her scars and hair was growing back but her mind, her mind could not get over what had happened in the dungeon. She was glad Aaron had taken revenge but it did not make her fell any better. She sat there wallowing in self pity, something she seldomly did.

"My prince..." Nancy bowed greeting, his was was somewhat scare in the past few days, he ran around doing one thing or the other.

"Leave us..." Nancy bowed and walked away, Irisa opened her eyes as she felt someone enter the water, "Aaron."

He nodded in greeting and pulled her into his arms, gigging her, Irisa took in a breath feeling warm even in the cold water, "Are you alright?" he whispered, she nodded and started rubbing his back, this was the first time in a while that he would hug her and she wanted it to stay like this forever.

"I was sent words, the Emperor's condition is far worse than the Empress would not allow anyone to see him, I do think she suspects that something is up. The Emperor will announce me as his heir as soon as we reach, Isabelle will accompany us into the palace, I will speak to him and then we would see how things progress from there."

"You have it all planned out," Aaron nodded, she sighed, her shoulder sagging, "I just have this gut feeling that our plots might not go as planned, everything is going smoothly now but what if?"

"Shooo!" Aaron placed a finger on her mouth stopping her, "do not worry about anything. You will leave the capital as soon as I see any threat?"

"I will not leave you to your death Aaron!" she stated agitated, he kept repeating how he would make sure she leaves the capital before anything might happen.

"I do not wish for you to leave me beloved but we have to take you into consideration, we cannot let anything happen to you..."

"What of the legitimacy you have, the Emperor must choose an heir with the company of his wise ministers, we all know with whom their loyalty lies?" Irisa questioned again feeling even more worried.

"You worry too much my sweet," he punched her cheeks, "besides, I have a backup plan, those ministers' hands would be tied because they would not want to be roped into a scandal that could destroy their family and bring them down."

"I hope your plan works Aaron, the Empress is a dangerous woman! We can not afford to loose this fight."

"I will make sure we do not..."

* * * *

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