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"Where is the prince?" Irisa walked toward Samuel who was feeding his horse an apple, "he left, he is on his way to Venusa as we speak."

"What?!" Irisa glanced at Nancy and looked back at Samuel who busied himself with working on his horse.

"He left? Just like that?" she mumbled feeling disappointed.

"I am going back to bring my luggage from the palace, Anita has prepared me a room here and the prince has asked that I perform my duty and protect you at all cost," he stated and bowed before getting on his horse and kicking, leaning her presence.

Irisa slowly made her way back into the palace with her maid by her side, she said noting throughout the journey, that they entered the small garden that was now filled with growing crops.

"He left so early, is he avoiding me?" Irisa asked quietly, Nancy said nothing and sat on a bench as Irisa started her farming.

"I was angry the night before."

"That is no excuse m'lady, you hurt the prince. You said words that were truly hurtful and vile. Nobody deserves to hear those words especially not him your husband."

"I know! I know!" she stated squeezing her face and slamming the small how she had picked up earlier down.

"Knowing what he had been through, you should be patient with him, your temper has cost us a lot of things, princess and this might be the gravest." Irisa sighed and wiped the sweat off her face.

"I was going to apologize, he just left without even saying goodbye!"

"In the end everything...."

"Princess!" Anita yelled running toward them, Irisa frowned, standing to her feet, seeing royal guards as they marched into her garden, "What is it? What is happening here?"

"By order of Empress Agnes the First, you are summoned to the palace, you are to arrive as soon as the edit is read to you."

One of the guards said making Irisa glance at Nancy who watched the guards warily. They yanked her by her arms and pulled her out of the garden. She swallowed knowing she was going to suffer a great deal.

"M'lady!" Nancy called, she nodded at her maid, Nancy frowned as she pushed her into a carriage and set out for the palace.

* * * *
Irisa was chained and was brought through the servant's entrance. Many looked at her with genuine pity, some with curiosity, some with confusion others with disdain.

Holding her head high, she knew that being punished individually would save the whole manor. She followed them into the large quarters where the Empress resided.

This was the first time she was entering it, she fell to her knees and ceremoniously bowed remembering her manners. As soon as she brought her head up, her eyes flew to Beatrice, and Jessica who sat on the right side of the Empress, they looked excited by what they were about to do.

"Princess Irisa!" the Empress called taking a sip of her hot tea, Irisa's eyes flew back to the Empress, and she bowed her head not daring to look the fierce woman in the eyes.

"Do you know why you are here today?" she asked sitting up and folding her arm, Irisa shook her head, "I do not Your Highness, I was asked to come by an edit you have commanded."

Beatrice scoffed, "liar!" she yelled, making Irisa glare at her.

"Well, if you do not know I will tell you, you have been summoned by me because you have overstepped a boundary that has been set, you have humiliated not only the royal family but the whole of Hasten!"

Princess Irisa And The Fragile Prince.Where stories live. Discover now