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* * * *
One week later.

"M'lady, you should get out of bed, you having been sulking for one week," Nancy shook Irisa and she groaned and rolled over. She had gone to bed that night sad and angry, she sneezed in her handkerchief.

"I don't want to," she rolled off already used to the bed's hardness.

"The prince has asked of you once more but I told him that you were still sick in bed, you know you will have to face him one day! You can't always be like this!" she pulled the duvet up to cover her face.

"M'lady!!!! You can't stay in bed forever! It's evening already," she sighed and looked up and asked Nancy to leave her.

"I will leave you then," Nancy sighed tired knowing that her lady wouldn't budge.

* * * *
Irisa opened her eyes and yawned tiredly, she felt refreshed and exhausted at the same time. She turned to her left to find Nancy sleeping next to her, Aaron had suggested for her to move to another room but Irisa had refused.

After the incident in the palace, she could not face Aaron, not that she necessarily knew why she felt that way, but the guards had humiliated her and it had taken a huge blow to her ego. She couldn't imagine someone humiliating her.

She moved out of bed and got into her slippers, sniffing her body she almost budged. Her stomach growled loudly, she held it and walked towards the door trying as much as possible tonot wake her maid up. She flinched as the loud creaked very loudly, she stepped outside and shivered, it was easy quite cold that night and she felt colder because of the lack of fold in her stomach.

She made her way to the kitchen, it looked fairly neat and relatively clean, Irisa entered it looking around, she prayed there was something she could eat because she was extremely hungry. She opened the cabinets and found everything to be practically empty, she groaned and closed her eyes, she couldn't go back to sleep with an empty stomach. She needed to eat something at least.

She started opening the old cabinet furiously, feeling practically helpless. She closed her eyes and sighed, she needed to do something about the situation in the manor, there was nothing to eat, how could they survive for nine years, with barely anything to eat.

She rubbed her forehead and looked around, nothing! There was nothing here, she didn't know how to get to the main Harriton, she could find a twenty-four hours dinner there, but then again the woods were thick and dangerous she couldn't go out on her own.

"What are you doing?" she yelled and jumped, her skin crawled in fear, she turned and Aaron emanated from the darkness.

"You... You scared me!" Irisa reprimanded eyeing him furiously.

"What are you doing in here, in this early hours?" he asked again, she turned fully and turned the candle she had been holding, placing it on a larger platform.

"I... I..." she stammered still did oriented from shock and fright he had caused her. "I woke up hungry so I came to check if there is anything I can eat," he eyes suspiciously and she looked down self continues, she was wearing practically nothing, just a small garment to sleep.

"Did you find anything to eat?" he asked looking away, she shook her head, and he sighed, "follow me," she looked at him unsure has he turned his wheelchair, he started wheeling himself, and she finally carried the candle stand following him.

"Where are we going?" Irisa asked curiously as they both walked in the direction of his office, "as you can see to my office," he opened the door and they both walked in, the room was dark and cold, Aaron wheeled himself towards another part of the room, she just stood there.

Princess Irisa And The Fragile Prince.Where stories live. Discover now