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The door opened, two guards walked in, Irisa followed suit, holding her head high, her hands placed delicately on each other, her expression was guarded as her maid flowed suit, her face down in respect to the royals in the room.

"Are you okay?" she asked quietly looking around as the people were already in the room.

"I am fine," Irisa whispered frowning at all of them.

"Sit will you," the duke said not looking up, he was reading a scroll, people by his side were watching their every move. Irisa placed her together softly to show courtesy, Nancy walked behind her.

"I would rather not but thank you anyway," she held her head high giving Nancy the confidence to do the same.

"I wasn't asking?" he looked away from the scroll he was reading, examining her state and why she had called a meeting amongst their family.

"And I was merely stating father," she wouldn't lose the little bit of control she had left. She needed to be strong, she can survive this, she just had to find a way to get out of the marriage before it was too late.

"Why are you here? Why have you called all of us here?" Asher asked and she turned to see his older brother.

"I have come to the conclusion that you and the duchess are correct, I have decided that it is best I get married within the time she has earlier stipulated." Benson rose an eyebrow, what was happening?

This was strange, Irisa coming out and agreeing to what the duchess had requested yesterday, they were all sure that the marriage wasn't happening because even though the duke and duchess were in the room of Hasten, they all knew Irisa to be very stubborn and hard-headed. She wouldn't listen to anyone and would do whatever she wanted.

"Really?" the duke was also as surprised as the others in the room, she glanced at the duchess, looking down.

"Yes, I thought about it last night, it was selfish for me to throw a tantrum, the duchess was just trying to help and I can't fault her, the marriage alliance to the first prince of Kaley is a blessing not only to me but to the whole of Hasten." she swallowed and Nancy walked towards her, supporting her with her hands.

"Good!" the duke smiled, "very good! It is good that you are now coming to your senses, this is the best for all of us, we are going to have to prepare soon. The wedding will occur as per the duchess has planned." he grinned looking around the room in joy.

"Furthermore, I want to apologize to the duchess for what I have done, I didn't mean to be rude, what I did last night was uncalled for and I will make sure it never repeats itself." the duchess wiped the side of her lips slowly and softly, she turned to Irisa after a while and smile.

"It's no problem, I can forget the issue." she stood and walked towards her hugging her, pinched her, and moved back towards her sit.

"I want to leave for the capital as soon as possible." Benedict's eyes widened.

"What?" she nodded looking away.

"Well, I couldn't get sleep the night before so I decided to visit the priest, he told me our wedding is best done in a week time and our engagement on three days," she looked down, fondling her fingers.

"Are you sure this is the right decision? After all one week is too soon." Benedict questioned feeling somewhat disappointed.

"It's okay, third brother," she said turning to him, "I have thought this through and this is the best decision I have made in a while." Nancy looked at her lady, sad that she was the cause of her lady's sadness.

"Well, if you agree there is no reason to stop you, it is your decision anyways, go, eat launch, the maids will pack all your belongings, we are going to send the fastest message bird to the capital and inform the Queen about the agreement to the engagement." she slightly bowed.

Princess Irisa And The Fragile Prince.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora