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Spirit questions:

What's the difference between a ghost and spirit?

Ghosts are monsters, spirits are not. Or to be more specific a Spirit can be formed from nature or a dead human while a Ghost is usually a monster born for ghosts or can be the lingering soul of a human that stayed to long and flipped becoming a ghost monster.

(A spirit is the human conscious given form while a ghost is a soul given life)

What stats do Spirits have? Human spirits that is.
Atk 10 Def 18 HP 1700

What about ghosts/spirits do their souls also exist in this semi-pocket dimension since they're kind of in the same boat as skeletons? What about elementals? Or any undead monster for that matter?

Spirits typically are Soulless as they are consciousnesses given form, Ghost's Souls are similar but a bit different their on a different plane of existence all together. Like a shadow but a soul.

Wait, if Spirits are just consciousness given form, does that mean that they don't get or are immune to heats? Does this apply to Dream/Nightmare OCs that are still spirits?

Spirits still get heats as they have magic, souls are not needed for heats to happen.

If Spirits are consciousness given form with no soul, then wont the partial fusioning give them a soul? How would that work?

The Creator won't actually turn into their spirit OC, instead they will have a spirit form and have become hybrids. Similarly to danny phantom. The human form will be locked so you will have to complete a quest.

Are spirits affected by tasers/electricity?

No, since they have little to no conductivity. 

Are spirits also immune to drugs or are they still affected?

They are immune to drugs.

Can spirits faze through objects like ghosts can?

They could.

Can spirits get poisoned?


Can spirits eat ghost food?


Do spirits have the same sharp/heightened senses as a ghost?

Yes, and since a ghost is just as sharp as a skeleton's it means that they have 50x the hearing of a human, 500x greater smell of a human, and a dimmer night vision that makes the dark look the same that it does when the sunsets late.

Can Spirits also get trapped by glass or get hurt by salt like ghosts can?

Depends on the type of spirit, nature spirits like Dream and Nightmare aren't hurt my salt but can be trapped in glass jars. Human spirits can be hurt by salt but are generally too big to fit in a jar. (They can be trapped in glass rooms/boxes that are large enough though)

Do Spirits not need nutrients, because like ghosts, they mainly use magic?


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