A/N: Where I've Been and Where I'm Going

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Heyyyy friends... long time no see, a really long time no see. 😞

The past year has been an absolute awful jumbled mess of loss and gain yet an overwhelming gain. I'm not sure if a lot of people have seen but recently I went back to school and have waited so long to even update that I'm almost done with this current program.

I've also recently in the past couple of months fell into an absolutely awful depression. A few days ago something writing related I was working on with a friend for the past five years fell through and I lost it. And it may sound stupid to some but working on anything nearly every day for five years being taken from me is definitely enough to hurt, and definitely enough to feel like I need to grieve it along with everything else this year.

I've told myself that I don't need anybody or anyone else to be a writer though and I don't know. I created the world of my story lovely myself and I created a large of the world I wrote with my friend. So while I have said it a million times and have fallen through with it a million more now I want to and know I desperately need to get back into the groove of things and find the magic of writing again.

So here's my plan:

As of now I have every intention of continuing on with the lovely series as long as I feel it needs to go. But for now I'd like to work on another book as well. I'm going to take parts of the story I was working on with my friend that I have credit for (aka I will not be stealing anything from them without their explicit permission) taking my own ideas and the face claims I used for that story and using that concept to make a story of my own.

My new story will be called 'made you up' and I would love for you to check it out if you'd like whenever I put it up. I am also nearly done with the next chapter of ilomilo too for those of you who are still interested. If you're still here I can't thank you enough, you have no idea how much all of your sweet and funny comments have pulled me out of some of the darkest times of my life I've been through lately. It's because of me and all of you guys that I'm going to fight through this and come back, this time stronger than I was before too.

I can't thank you guys enough for all the patience you've had with me. I really hope to still see you here on ilomilo and over on made you up too!

Love you all!! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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