Chapter 7

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Cassandra and Varian walked into the dining hall hand in hand, smiling as they sat down at the table.

Eugene looked at Varian with a knowing smile. 'Ready for this?' He mouthed to him from across the table while Cassandra was talking to Rapunzel.

Varian nodded with a smile just as the maids and butlers walked out with trays of food for them to pick at.

"Alright everyone. Enjoy." Rapunzel said with an extremely wide smile, this gesture making Cassandra a little suspicious.

"You're awfully happy today Raps, any specific reason for that?" The brunette asked the blonde.

"Huh? Oh, me? I'm just happy. The usual. I'm even more happy with the fact that it's nice we all have dinner together every night." She said happily, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Cassandra noticed this, but decided to drop it anyway so she could eat. "Alright, if you say so." She smiled to her friend.

Rapunzel let out a relieved sigh before beginning to eat her own meal.

"Mom, Avery keeps trying to take my mini sausages!" Hayley whined, catching everyone's attention.

"Avery, leave your sisters food and eat your own please." Rapunzel warned softly.

"But Hayley took the last of the mini sausages!" The small girl replied rather loudly.

"Avery, indoor voice please sweetheart. I'll give you some of mine, but you need to promise to quieten down. Okay?" Eugene told her, this seeming to calm her down as she nodded.

"Okay dad." She replied, sticking her tongue out to her twin.

The night continued to go smoothly after that. Well... for everyone but Varian anyway. He was getting rather nerved up for his proposal that he was about to make to the love of his life.

The young man turned to Eugene with a worried, nervous expression. Eugene just smiled towards him and gave him a reassuring nod.

Varian took a deep breath as he stood up, making Cassandra look at him confusedly.

"Everyone, your attention please? I have an extremely important announcement I'd like to make." The young man said nervously, everyone's attention, including the woman of his dreams, now on him.

Taking yet another deep breath, he looked around before his eyes landed on Cassandra. "As you all know, today marks 3 years since me and Cassandra started dating. It was difficult to begin with, learning how to be in a relationship seeing as we had both barely been in any sort of relationships before that. But we eventually managed. And now, three years later, on our anniversary, I have something extremely important to ask of my beloved girlfriend. Cassie, you know I love you so, so very much. And I'd do absolutely anything for you. At any and all costs. From the moment I saw you when you and Raps came to me when her hair grew back, I was immediately engrossed in you, your smarts, wits, beauty, thoughtfulness. Everything about you, I immediately fell in love with you, and I fell damn right hard. I knew it was far too early for either of us to even think of a relationship, and you weren't interested in anything to do with me to begin with; that still wounds my poor little heart to this day..." He joked with a slight grin, earning a few chuckles from the table, Cassandra still trying to process what he was saying, smiled slightly. "But it wasn't until you left to find your destiny that I finally knew how much I truly loved you. And I will continue to love you ever so dearly through the rest of our lives. So... what I'm trying to ask of you, m'lady, is... would you do me the honours of making me the happiest man alive, and becoming my wife?" Varian finished, pulling out a simple but beautiful ring.

A wedding to rememberحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن