Chapter 6

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Today marked 3 years since Cassandra and Varian began dating.

Varian had taken Cassandra out to their spot in the cavern for about an hour where their relationship had all started to begin their anniversary before they raced back to the village on Fidella and Koda.

When they put the horses back in their stalls, Varian took Cassandra to one of the cafés in town for lunch.

"Var, it's fine, I can pay for my food," Cassandra argued.

"Cassie, I chose to take you out for lunch, which means I pay for the meals, it's the gentlemanly thing to do," Varian replied making Cassandra shake her head.

"Varian, it's a lovely thought, but it's fine, you don't need to." She said putting her hand on top of his that was laying on the table.

"I know, but I want to. Please let me pay." He begged, Cassandra, sighing in defeat.

"Even if I say no are you going to do it anyway?" She asked.

"Yep, so there's no point in trying to stop me," Varian replied.

Cassandra rolled her eyes playfully and laughed softly. "Fine, just this once." She replied.

Varian smiled as he paid for their meal and they went to sit and eat before they left the café.

"Come on, let's go pay Uncle Monty a visit then we can do some combat practice if you like," Varian suggested.

Cassandra smiled and nodded as they both walked round to Uncle Monty's sweet shop, hand in hand.

As soon as Monty heard the little bell on the door that indicated someone was walking in, he turned around and smiled seeing the identities of the people who had arrived.

"Ah, Varian, Cassandra, what can I do for you two today?" He said softly leaning against the counter.

"We're just paying a visit, but now that I think about it, hey, Cassie, you wanting anything, my treat," Varian asked as he turned around to see Cassandra looking around at the sweet creations that Monty had made.

"Hm? Oh, I guess I'll have a lolly, but I'm paying this time, you already paid for both of our lunches, it's my turn. So what do you want?" Cassandra asked as she walked over to the counter.

"Ugh, fine. I'll have a lolly as well then." Varian said with a pout as Cassandra paid for two lollies before passing one of them to Varian gently kissing his cheek.

"Oh, come on, stop pouting." She said as she looked up at him with a soft laugh.

Varian couldn't help but crack a smile at Cassandra, her laugh was the most amazing sound, it was like music to the alchemist's ears.

"Come on. We'd better get going if we're wanting to do some combat practice." He said as he placed a soft kiss on Cassandra's lips.

Cassandra returned the kiss and nodded as the pair of them said goodbye to Monty and walked out the store, eating their lollies as they walked back to the palace and through to the practice field where the newbie-guards would usually be trained.

With it being quite late, there was no one else apart from Varian and Cassandra.

"Perfect, there's no one else here," Cassandra said with a smile as she picked up two wooden swords. "Babe, think fast!" Cassandra called to Varian as she tossed him one of the wooden swords.

Varian caught it just in time and smiled. "My reflexes and fighting have gotten better in the past few years, Cassie." He replied, making Cassandra laugh softly.

"We'll see about that." She said as she stood in a fighting stance. Varian did the same as they began to fight.

Varian wasn't kidding when he said that his reflexes had improved, along with his pretty good fighting techniques.

He tripped Cassandra up unexpectedly and held the wooden sword down at her with a smug smile. "I did tell you I had gotten better." He said, and Cassandra smirked.

"You did, and you have gotten a lot better. But, you know you can't defeat me in a game of fight." She replied, and Varian squinted his eyes in confusion before Cassandra used her legs to sweep Varian off his feet and land on his back.

Cassandra stood up quickly and pierced the sword in-between Varian's waist and arm. Varian looked down at the sword and lay his head down as he began making seriously bad sound effects of him dying, which made Cassandra laugh.

"You have impaled me! Goodbye world," Varian said dramatically as he closed his eyes and lay lifelessly on the ground. Cassandra laughed again as she held a hand down to help pull Varian up.

He opened his eyes and smiled as he took hold of Cassandra's hand, but instead of helping pull himself up, he pulled her down beside him.

"Never help your opponent, Cassie, you know that." He said with a laugh. Cassandra rolled her eyes playfully and softly punched Varian's arm before she snuggled up beside him and looked up at the now sunset orange sky.

They lay there in silence for a few moments before a low grumble could be heard from Varian's stomach and a Cassandra looked at him before she burst out in laughter.

"I'm guessing that's our alarm to tell us that it's nearly dinner time." She said with a smile as she sat up, Varian sitting up as well as he chuckled.

"Yep. I'm guessing so." He replied with a smile as he stood up and held his hand out to help Cassandra up, which she accepted and stood up as they walked to their room to get cleaned up and changed into something more suitable for dinner.

When they were ready, a knock was heard from the bedroom door.

"Yes?" Cassandra called.

"Dinner is nearly ready Miss." One of the maids replied.

"Yes, we are just coming. Thank you, Maya." Cassandra replied as she slipped her shoes on and looked over at Varian. "Ready to go?" She asked.

"Yep, ready as I'll ever be." He replied (pun intended) as he walked over and offered his hand to Cassandra which she graciously accepted as they walked to the dinner-hall together hand in hand.

Varian really was 'ready as he'll ever be'. Tonight was the night he was going to ask the love of his life to spend the rest of her life with him. Was he nervous? Dang right he was. 'This is a big moment, what if everything goes wrong? No. I can't think like that. This is all going to go perfectly. You just need to relax and calm down.'  Varian thought to himself as he glanced at the woman walking beside him, her smile lighting up the entire kingdom. Varian smiled to himself and took a small breath. Cassandra noticed this and looked up at him.

"What was the sigh for?" She asked as they walked together.

"I'm just happy. To have you as my amazing, beautiful, smart and incredible girlfriend." Varian said with a smile as he leaned down slightly and kissed Cassandra's cheek.

She blushed and softly chuckled. "I could say the same about you, babe." Cassandra replied, leaning her head against Varian's shoulder.

Tonight was going to be one to remember...

((Okay, I apologise very deeply with how gapped my chapters are, and I am really trying to get back on-top of controlling them. Just lemme get my schedule back on track, also, I have a new and better phone at my mums house now, so I will try and update as much as I possibly can. Im also having a bit of writers block on a lot of my stories lately, so I'm open to suggestions, okay, thanks, hope you enjoyed this chapter, considering the last paragraph or so was finished at like half 2 in the morning XD))

A wedding to rememberOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara