Chapter 2

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(Chapter 2 is now here! I hope you enjoy! I've decided to have some tts songs on whilst I write this, and it really helps 😆)

The early morning sun shone through the bedroom window, the light hitting Cassandra's face, making her squint her eyes before slowly opening them.

Blinking a few times, her vision became clearer as she was greeted with the view of her messy bed headed boyfriend who was still sound asleep. She smiled and watched him for another few moments before she got up and went to the balcony for some fresh air.

Opening the door, she stepped outside, feeling the cold concrete on her feet sent a shiver up her spine, but she soon got use to it. Taking a deep breath in, she smiled. Well, that was until she felt something wrap round her waist making her squeal.

"Good morning m'lady." Said a familiar voice as they leaned their chin on Cassandra's shoulder.

Cassandra giggled lightly and turned around so she was facing the person.
"Morning Var." She said with a smile as she gently placed a kiss on Varians lips.

"Did you sleep well?" Varian asked with a smile after they pulled apart, ending the kiss.

"Mhm, you?" Cassandra replied.

"I slept absolutely devine, thank you." Varian said with a, what sounded like a mix between a Scottish accent and a posh accent, making Cassandra laugh.

"Please Var, no weird posh accent." She said with a chuckle, which made Varian pout.

"Aw, c'mon Cassie, it's not that bad... Is it?" He asked.

"It is seriously bad. Not gonna lie." Cassandra replied, still chuckling.

Varian rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled along with her.
"C'mon, we'd better get ready and go down to breakfast before Rapunzel sends some guards after us." He said with a laugh.

"Yea, I suppose that would be best." Cass said with a chuckle before she went back inside, grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom to get changed and quickly brush her teeth.

When she came back, Varian was already changed and ready to go, Ruddiger sitting on his shoulder.

"Ah, so the lazy little raccoon has finally decided to awaken from his slumber has he?" Cassandra said with a chuckle as she walked over and scratched Ruddiger under the chin, earning a happy chirp in response.

Varian chuckled and leaned down, gently placing a kiss on Cassandra's cheek.
"Come on, let's get down to breakfast." Varian said with a smile, Cassandra nodding in agreement.

But as soon as they opened the door, they were greeted by Hayley and Avery running down the hall.

"Woah you two speed hurricanes, calm down, otherwise your gonna hurt yourselves." Cassandra said as she reached down and grabbed them both, making them both squeal in delight and fits of laughter as Cass brought them in for a hug.

"Morning Aunt Cass, morning Uncle Var." Hayley said with a smile as she calmed down from her little laughing fit.

"Sorry Aunt Cass, we were just playing chase on our way over to breakfast." Avery said with a smile.

"Ahh, I see... Well then, maybe you'll both run even faster if.... The big scary Aunt Cass was trying to catch you!!" Cassandra yelled as she let the girls go, watching them run off down the hall as they screamed and laughed.

Cassandra laughed and pulled Varian out the door, making him close it since he was holding onto the door handle, she began running after the twins, Varian running not far behind.

"I'm going to get you!" Cassandra said with a chuckle as she ran after the girls.

After about another 10 minutes of running, the twins eventually opened the doors to the dining room.

"Mommy! Daddy! Help! Aunt Cass and Uncle Var are chasing us!" Hayley squealed as she jump onto Rapunzel's lap, whilst Avery climbed onto Eugene's lap giggling.

Cassandra and Varian soon walked through the door looking exhausted.
"Wow, you two are really fast." Cassandra said with a giggle.

"I agree, you girls win this game of chase." Varian said with a chuckle as he tried catching his breath.

"Yay!! We are victorious!!" Avery said with a giggle as they girls climbed off their parents and went to sit in their own seats, Cass and Varian going to their seats and sitting down.

Rapunzel chuckled and smiled.
"Well, now that the little game of chase is over, let's get breakfast." She said with a smile as the maids came through and placed some toast and jam in front of the twins, and leaving some fruit in a bowl for them as well as filling their cups with fresh orange juice before placing some other palates of food on the table for the adults to choose from.

Cassandra only had some fruit and yoghurt with some orange juice, whereas Varian and Eugene filled their plates with sausages and eggs whilst Rapunzel simply had some porridge and fruit with a glass of water.

After everyone was finished breakfast, Avery and Hayley went to get their things sorted for school and Rapunzel and Eugene said their goodbyes to the twins before going to do their Kingly and Queenly duties.
Cassandra and Varian walked the girls out to the carriage that took them to school and said goodbye before going back into the Castle, little did they know... Something would happen to the twins on their way to school......

(Ohhhhh, a cliffhanger.... What happened to Hayley and Avery? Is it something good? Or bad? Or is it both? Who knows, I mean, not me, cause I'm just winging this story XD, so, ye, who knows what's gonna happen, hope you enjoyed!)

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