Chapter 4

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(Okay everyone, I'm back! And I'm so sorry for not writing, like, at all! I've just been hella busy the past few months, I had my final formal assessments (which are basically exams but because of covid, it wasn't a final exam, so yea) and then after that I went away on holiday for the start of the summer, got back a few weeks ago, my friends cat and rabbit passed away not long after the other, so I was trying to comfort her and make her feel better, and me and my family also got a new pet a few days ago, he is a Tortoise, and his name is Sheldon, yes, Sheldon, as in Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory 😂🤣✋.
But anyways, as well as that, I've not had much motivation lately, but I'm trying hard to come up with new chapters for you all, so if you could send me suggestions for chapters, I would be like, hella grateful 😊 thanks and enjoy!!)

Cassandra slowly came back round, her head spinning and pounding.

"ugh..." she groaned in pain from the headache she had. "What..? Where am I..?" She said as she looked around, she was in a dimly lit room, that's when she heard something from behind her.

Spinning round, she was met by two faces...

"Girls? What happened? What are you both doing here?" Cassandra asked worriedly, as she was greeted with Hayley and Avery, who jump onto Cass giving her a hug.

"Aunt Cass... We're scared, we were on the carriage to school, when a load of Bandits and bad guys appeared, we tried running as fast as we could, but we didn't get away, they caught us and brought us here, then not long after, they threw you in here with us..." Avery explained, Hayley nodding in agreement.

Cassandra wrapped her arms round the girls, returning the hug.

"Don't worry girls, I'm gonna get us out of here, I promise." Cassandra said.

"We've tried everything, this place is un-escapeable." Hayley said.

"I'm not giving up, you know how your Aunt Cass is, she never gives up." Cassandra said with a small smile, which made the twins feel a bit better.


"Okay, I need 100 on the east side, 100 on the west, and 100 on the North, me, Eugene and Varian will take the South, if you find them, send someone to the castle immediately with the news and then get the news to the other guards and us. Let's go and get my girls and sister back." Rapunzel said, everyone nodding and mounting their horses for the search party.

Eugene could see the fear and worry in his wife's eyes, he probably had the same look, but he had to comfort Rapunzel somehow.

"Sundrop, we'll find them, I promise, don't worry." Eugene said soothingly as he wrapped his arms around Rapunzel, giving her a warming hug.
That's when Rapunzel broke down into tears.
"I can't help but worry about them Eugene, what if the worst happens? What if..." Rapunzel said, before getting interrupted by her husband, who was running his fingers through Rapunzel's soft brunette hair, it had now grown out a bit, and was just below shoulder length.

"Hey, shh, it's not going to come to that, I swear to you that I will get our girls and Cass home safely, nothing bad is going to happen to them, I promise." Eugene said as Rapunzel lifted her head up to look at Eugene.
Slowly, she wiped her tears away and let a small smile come to her face.

"Thank you Eugene, I don't know where I would be without you." Rapunzel said with a smile as she gently kissed her husbands cheek.

Eugene chuckled and smiled.
"We'll, you'd probably still be in that tower, but..." Eugene said with a smile, Rapunzel rolled her eyes playfully and chuckled.
"We'll your right there hun, I would still be stuck in that tower if it wasn't for you, and if you hadn't, I never would have met all of the amazing people that I have met, and we wouldn't have the girls, and I never would have known that Cass was my non-biological sister, so in conclusion, I'm glad you tried stealing my crown, otherwise, non of this would be real, it wouldn't be possible." Rapunzel said with a smile.
"Come on, let's get our girls and Cass back." Raps said determinedly, Eugene nodding and gathering his things, as well as getting Max geared up and mounted. Rapunzel took Fidella, Cassandra's horse, and got her sorted out. Fidella seemed to be worried as well.
"Don't worry girl, we'll get Cassandra back, as well as my girls." Rapunzel said as she went to the front of the search party.

"Remember! If you find them, or even just one of them! Report back to the castle immediately, and someone will get the message to us, we could be gone for days, maybe even weeks, weeks on end! But we will not stop at anything! Not until the three girls that are missing are back in the Corona Walls safe and sound! I want extra re-enforcements around the castle and I want more guards to go with the princesses on their way to school, I am not letting anything like this happen to anyone again! Now, let's move out!!" Rapunzel said as she watched the groups go their assigned directions, leaving her ,Eugene, Varian, and a few other guards to go their designated direction.

"Let's get my family back." Rapunzel said as she turned Fidella around and flipped the reins, making Fidella run as fast as she could, the others right behind her....

(Whoo! Another chapter finished! I'm glad I had the motivation to do this chapter, cause I've seriously missed it! And again, I'm really sorry for not posting in like 3 months 😬😅 but yeh... hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter! Remember to send in recommendations and stuff like that! Byeeeeeee guys!! ✌️))

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