~Chapter 1~ [A New Pillar?]

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Y/N's POV;

         I was pretty much free for the entire day as it was quite peaceful and nothing much for me to do, so I decided to go for a walk when my crow, C/N had yelled at me "CAW, CAW! HEAD TO MASTERS ESTATE FOR A MEETING CAW, CAW!" I was about to say 'okay' 

        When C/N just had to repeat what it had said "CAW, CAW! HEAD TO MA-" I cut C/n off when I got fed up and annoyed about how it kept repeating when I get it "SHUT UP I GET IT C/N!" I screamed at the loud and annoying crow, huffing as I was overwhelmed. I'm not used to speaking loudly like that.

        As I set out to go to master's, I realized that it wasn't much of a far walk. I presumed that not many people were there yet as my crow is quite fast when returning news to me and I'm able to feel peoples presence and there were only two current souls over where the master resides. Later on, as I arrived, I noticed that only Sanemi and Obanai were there, as I had sat at my place I wondered what was this sudden meeting for.

        After a few minutes almost everyone was here we were only waiting on one person, as I wondered where he was he FINALLY showed up. "Oi, Oi where were you, you bastard" Sanemi glared at the figure that had just arrived "I was on a mission" Giyuu replied, aware that drama might start.

       Since I was bored, I concluded to just watch in silence until master arrived, as I watched Sanemi argue with Giyuu, I noticed my brother glaring at Giyuu, most likely due to the fact that Giyuu wasn't responding and he only watched Sanemi's facial expression, nothing more. As this continued, I had perceived that the twins were here, making me get into position; bowing down as a sign of respect, "The master has arrived." the twins said, watching as everyone scurried to get back into position.

       "Welcome master I wish for your health and to be in good condition" Sanemi being the switch up person he was, Mitsuri gave the "I-wanted-to-greet-master" face. "Thank you Sanemi, isn't the weather lovely today?" Master spoke, honestly his voice is just so soothing..

      "I apologize that I called this meeting so suddenly, but I am glad to announce that we have a new Pillar, please come in." Master smiled and suddenly this guy with black hair and blue tips with mint green eyes came in and introduced himself "I'm.. Muichiro Tokito and I think I am.. The Mist Pillar" he spoke in such a calm and emotionless way "Oh and I am 12"-

      -He added. Honestly, I wasn't that all surprised but the others were knowing that there is a kid who was just a year older than I was, yet, it's questioning as to how they're so concerned that there's another individual that's just like me, young and yet a pillar. Accidentally, I had been staring at him with interest the entire time, and he was staring right back at me, with the same expression; interest.

Muichiro's POV;

        I heard the man telling me to come out and introduce myself, as I introduced myself I noticed a girl who looked slightly younger than me. I'm assuming she's a year younger than me based off of her height, but then again I have no idea. None of her features show.

        She had a mask on so I didn't see her face at all and she wore a beanie, at least that's what I think what it was, wait, it's a hoodie- whatever, I'll forget anyway. and I couldn't see her hair at all, well I could but only strands of it. I sort of zoned out when the man said "I will give you guys time to meet him" as the master had left, I left the house and just completely zoned out, staring into the clouds.

           I was pretty zoned out until this girl with Pink and Green hair with braids came up to me and tapped me, I was kind of annoyed but I didn't show that "Hi! I'm Mitsuri Kanroji the Love Pillar! wanna come eat sakura mochi with me!?" I didn't want to and I was about to say no until I felt a gaze upon me, I turned to the direction where I swore I felt the gaze and saw a guy with heterochromia giving me a death stare. For what though? I didn't do anything to him, whatever.

           I wasn't scared at all so I declined, saying "I'm busy going on a mission soon I don't think I would have time anyway." as an excuse but it was partially true, I did have a mission upcoming soon but that wasn't for another hour or two, I think? I honestly forgot. But in all honesty, I had only one interest on who I wanted to talk to, I didn't know why I wanted to talk to her so much. I'll probably speak to her once I get the chance to, not with all these people around..

           Later on after my mission and after I reported to master, I saw the girl that I wanted to talk to earlier was chilling in a tree I walked up to her "Hey, I'm Muichiro Tokito the Mist Pillar what about you?" I asked.


           I was chilling on a tree until the new Hashira had spoke to me "Hey, I'm Muichiro Tokito the Mist Pillar what about you?" he introduced, ah so that's what his name was.. "I'm Y/N Iguro the Snow Pillar." I shortly introduced back.














Taisho Secret


Y/N didn't whisper nor mutter like she'd usually do and she smiled under her mask knowing Muichiro's name.

oh and next chapter is a time skip to Tanjiro's trial so yes, you will be 13

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