~Chapter 6~ [Truth or Dare]

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Y/n's POV;


Ugh today was that Sports Festival thing and I was not looking forward to seeing a bunch of idiots, how are they even glad about this thing? Geez, as I got ready for school, I heard a knock on my door "Breakfast is ready" Mui announced, on the other end of the door.

"Oh, I wasn't planning on eating but okay" I said while tying my hair then opening the door I put on my mask and Mui made sure I ate then we set out to go to school even if we weren't looking forward to it, we had to since it was our job technically to face off the danger for them.

All though we didn't care about them apparently, they did, and they "honored" us only because we defeated a "villain" wasn't even a big deal though but apparently to them it was a BIG DEAL which I didn't get neither did Mui.

In my opinion those so-called villains aren't even strong enough compared to demons even I can't believe I'm saying things like this but honestly even the lowermoons can destroy the so-called villains.

[Later on]

"We're here" I mumbled, and Mui just grabbed my hand and nodded because he wanted to slip by the others without them noticing I blushed but thank god I was wearing the mask, or he would've seen the blushing mess.

[Later on] 

I don't know what happened to the 'slip by' part because the next thing I knew we were playing with the others Truth or Dare, oh yeah now I remember, apparently Mina saw us and dragged us saying "You're playing truth or Dare with us weather you like it or not!"

We tried to get away, but it was no use and made us sit down. "YO THERE" I looked who yelled and I noticed another pikachu like Zenitsu who was named Denki if I remember.. "Tch, extra's." Bakugo mumbled angerly.

"Y-You actually managed to get them to play?" Deku stuttered a little, while Mina on the other hand just smiled "I actually dragged them here!" she shouted not too loud though which shocked everybody else except the smiling Mina, Mui, and me.

[1 Hour before the sports festival]

3rd Person POV;


"Y/n Truth or Dare?" Ururaka asked Y/n excitedly which she was not happy about that because most rounds were on Y/n and Muichiro "Dare" she answered looking bored thinking that she was gonna get a simple task again like earlier to take off her mask which she did take off her mask.

Ururaka smirked "I dare you to kiss Muichiro" she even said that while smirking and everyone's attention went on Muichiro and Y/n, Y/n looked at her with dotted eyes before realizing what Ururaka said both Muichiro and Y/n were blushing hard.

She turned to Muichiro and leaned in for a kiss and gave him a peck on the lips but in that moment, he thought 'her lips or so soft..' they were both blushing but what they didn't know was that the master had let the Hashira visit Muichiro and Y/n.

Mitsuri and Shinobu had a camera at all times for certain things, well for Mitsuri.. For memories and spicy things, for Shinobu was for poisons that would go great on demons, so they brought their cameras, and their opinion was a thank god they did.

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