Chapter 2; "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." ~ Confucius

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The color red, however, contracts as a more evil, mad or fierce type. Which also correlates to Sudou's personality in the first few volumes as he has red hair. Even then, Sudou is and still can be, a hothead.

Black is just the definition of ice cold. Explains Horikita perfectly.

...Well there's the Karuizawa group. I'm friendly with them, not friends.

'Anyway, enough about colors, and friends. It's lunchtime and I've wasted 2 minutes already observing and analyzing-'


I recognize that voice.

I see Horikita facing Ayanokouji while saying those words to him.

"... What. What's pitiful?" Ayanokouji asks with a confused tone.

"'I want someone to invite me. I want to eat lunch with somebody.' Your thoughts are really obvious."

"You're also by yourself. Don't you feel the same way? Or do you plan on staying alone for the next three years?" Ayanokouji bombards with questions,

I decide to join in the conversation.

"Yeah. Doesn't it feel like you're an alien-like creature within a human civilization? Maybe even a ghost?"

"...In other words, he and I are saying do you like being alone?" Ayanokouji adds on

"Yes, I like being alone." 

She replies at the same second, no... even maybe exact millisecond that Ayanokouji finishes talking.

"Instead of you two worrying about me, you two should go worry about yourselves." Horikita states

"While what you're saying is true. He might be worrying about you, but who says I am?" I retorted,


Horikita stares a death-looking glance at me. If I continue looking at her eyes, I might eat my arm...

"Now, who says you're worrying about me? I did, please get out of my sight." Horikita defeated me.


" time, Shinjiro."

Besides the whole...conversation, or so verbal harassment I just got. I really need friends, even allies. It could get useful afterwards. Going outside to the movies, having nice conversations in the cafe, shopping, sigh.

A minute didn't even pass, yet half the class became empty and quiet. The people who are left either want to go but are alone just like me and Ayanokouji, are sleeping and not paying attention, or like being alone like Horikita.

"I was thinking of going to eat, does anyone want to come with me?"

Hirata, the parent, has come to pick us kids such as me and Ayanokouji up. I have done much learning today father; it is time for me to go.

I stand up from my seat as Ayanokouji slowly raises his hand.

Hirata, I'm going with you! 

Hirata, let me become a great person like you!


"I'm going too~!"

"Me too me too!"

The others, basically girls, have already showed appreciation to Hirata and began walking towards him.

Ayanokouji sees this and slowly puts his hand back down.

"Ah..." I let out a small noise that seemed to be audible to Ayanokouji.

"You too, huh? Same...same indeed..." Ayanokouji says,

Classroom of the Elite: Crimson Usurper (Volume 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin