// Chapter Eight : Practice Makes Perfect

Start from the beginning

Should I stop? I don't want to embarrass myself even more so I think I'll take a break and go back at it later.

"I think I would like a break and maybe try it again later," I say.

The maze shuts down and everyone comes down to my level.

"Good try, Lance!" Hunk pats me on the back.

Pidge punches me in the shoulder, "Yeah, you did better than last time we did this," She says. 

"Good job, Lance," Shiro puts his right hand on my (hurting) shoulder.

Why are they complimenting me? I sucked!

They're pitying you, Lance. They think you're weak and pathetic! Even Keith agrees that you're weak!

What!? No way! I mean, I understand why they think I'm pathetic... I AM! They're just trying to make me feel better about myself so I won't leave the team. And there's no way Keith Kogane likes me! He's just with me out of pity as well... God, how can I be anymore stupid...

"Hey, you okay there, Lance? You zoned out for a tick," Coran asks, worry in his tone.

"Yup, I'm just great, Coran! But I am hungry. You guys want to go eat?" I lie.

"I am!" Pidge and Hunk yell in unison.

We all walk into the kitchen. I sit in my usual seat next to Keith and Hunk puts the food goo in front of me.

"Thanks buddy!" I say with a big smile.

Keith comes and sits next to me and scoots his seat closer to mine. He takes my hand in his and starts eating.

We get interrupted by the castle shaking.


"Coran, what's happening?!" Allura yells.

"We were flying near a planet down below with tons of Galra on it. They are attacking the castle!" Coran yells back, looking at the Altean map.

"Paladins, get to your lions now! Coran put up the particle barrier!" Allura shouts.

We all sprint to our lion's hangers and blast off to the planet down below.

"Shiro, what's the plan!?" Pidge hollers over the coms.

"Keith and Pidge, since you guys have smaller lions, you go and shoot the bases and be as sneaky as possible. Hunk, Lance, and I will take out the ones that are shooting the castle and cover you. After that, we'll go on the surface of the planet and see if there are any prisoners," Shiro shouts his order and we all get into action.

I start shooting the Galra ships without missing a shot. I turn my lion around and see that they are surrounding Shiro. I take a couple out while Hunk and Shiro gets the rest.

"Thanks Lance!" Shiro says.

I blush from Shiro's praise, "Anytime buddy," I say back.

"Guys, we got all the lasers. Should we go down to the surface now?" Pidge asks.

"Yes, let's go," Shiro says in return.

We all land on the purple planet and get out of our lions.

"Okay guys, let's look around," Shiro says.

We all split up and look into different bases.

"Okay, I don't see anybody. What 'bout you guys?" Keith asks everyone.

"Nope, nothing. Can we go? This place is giving me the creeps!" Hunk fearfully.

"Yeah, let's go. I'll meet everyone in the castle," Pidge says.

I begin to walk back to my lion as well, but stop when I hear footsteps. I activate my bayard and aim where the noise is coming from.

"Hello? Who's there?" I asks the quiet, abandoned hallway.

I begin to walk fast back to Blue, but I hear a gun activate and feel a excruciating pain in my back. I let out a bloody scream and I put my hand on my back and look at my hand.


I hear my teammates asking me what happening through the coms, but I don't answer.

I turn around and see a Galra soldier with his gun loaded, ready to shoot at me again. I dive out of the way and hide behind a pillar. The soldier blasts at me again and I reactivate my bayard.

I look behind the pillar, but don't see anyone. I sigh in relief when I think I lost him.

"Well, hello there little paladin," a deep voice says. I look up and see the tall Galra soldier with his gun at my head. I try to move away from him, but he backlashes me with his gun.

I fall on the ground and hold my head in pain. The Galra grabs my leg and stars to drag me.

I look and see that I still have my bayard. I aim at the Galra's head and pull the trigger.

The Galra's body falls to the floor and a pool of blood starts to form around him.

"Hello, Lance? You there?" Keith's voice fills my ears.

"H-Hey mullet," I whimper.

"Lance! Are you ok? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Keith asks me.

"I-I'm fine. Just a b-bump on the head a-and minor bleeding," I rely back.

"Bleeding?! Why are you bleeding? Someone get a healing pod ready!" I hear Keith shout.

"K-Keith, it's r-really not that bad," I say. I don't want to be a burden...

"Hold on, I'm coming to get you and Blue," he says.

I sigh.

Great, now you're making him come and get you. You're so pathetic, Lance. More negative thoughts fill my head.

My legs start to hurt and shake so I fall onto my knees.

"-ance, Lance, can you hear me?! Where are you?!" Keith yells. His footsteps get closer. I hear a gasp and feel arms wrap around me.

"Oh god, Lance! Where are you hurt?" His hand search frantically over my body.

My eyes are starting to get heavy and begin to shut, but I force them open. The pain is getting to much. I know I'm not going to make it.

"Lance, keep your eyes open!" Keith begs me.

When did I close them?

Keith picks me up bridal style and sprints to his lion. I let out soft whimpers and yelps.

The last thing I remember before everything goes black is Keith's worried face and shouts.

(A/N~ Words 1547
I'm kinda proud of this chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Please tell me what you think!)

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