The Taste Of Adventure

Start from the beginning

Rose: I find that hard to believe.

Y/N: It's true. I only had one friend until I was older. About Ruby's age, actually.

Rose: Really? Who were they?

You smiled fondly. Rose knew only what you told her. She knew very little about your past. Even Scralet didn't know much about you before you came here. You were an enigma, and yet you were an open book.

Y/N: She was my little sister.

Rose was absolutely shocked by this revelation. She was unaware that you had any siblings. Especially not a sister. Maybe that was why you were so kind to her and her sisters. You obviously knew how to treat one.

Rose: How old is she?

You sighed, scratching the palm of your hand with your finger tips. You looked around, trying to figure out what to say.

Y/N: She would be 16 this year.

You shoved your hands into your coat pocket while Rose looked at you. She would be 16? She quickly caught on and became embarrassed.

Rose: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked.

Y/N: Why not?

Rose: Well, I'm sure it was hard for you to lose her. Talking about her must be painful.

Rose once again found herself to be thrown for a loop when you smiled. You reached over and placed a hand on the top of her cap.

Y/N: It was, but that was ages ago. I moved past it.

You pulled your hand away.

Y/N: Death is a natural occurrence in life. It comes to everyone eventually, some sooner than others, but to fight against it would be to resist your own mortality. It's why you have to enjoy life while you can. Make every second count.

Rose began to think about her time on this earth. Had she enjoyed her life up until now? She did everything she had set out to do with such progression that the adults praised her. But, did that make her happy?

Rose: You should tell my sisters that.

You hummed. Rose continued.

Rose: Scarlet always pretends to be the adult. She wants to do other stuff, but mother left her to take care of us while she goes and works. Carmen is always so busy with trying to find boys to mess with. I guess that makes her happy, but it makes us worry sometimes. And Ruby is always talking about death and damnnation like it's just a normal topic. It scares me.

You understood what she meant. Having so many sisters, none of which had any similar personalities, much be a lot to bare. Especially with Robin still in a wheelchair and Ginger always off in her own world. But, that brought another question to mind.

Y/N: Do you feel alone?

Rose didn't respond. Rather, she nodded her head. She didn't understand how she could be so open with you about this, but something about you just made her feel comfortable. Maybe it was because of your similarities. Maybe it was because you had actually asked.

You talked to her, and not in the way others did. You spoke to her as an equal, yet also as a child. Most other adults spoke to her as a child and showered her with praise. They remained oblivious to the fact that she was actually alone. The distance between herself and her peers seemed like something most would celebrate but, for Rose, it was a gap that she could not close.

She was off the boat and in the lake. The water was filling her lungs quickly and everyone was cheering because she swam just a bit further than usual. She was drowning but people congratulated her for being better at it than others.

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