Dog Days Of A Neighbor

462 37 13

You Brethe In The Smoke

You Inhale It In Your Lungs

You Can't Let It Out

It was almost a week since Robin was let go from the hospital. You had just taken a shower when you heard a panicked knock at your door. After wrapping a towel around your waist, you hurried over and cracked the door open just enough to see who it was.

Scarlet looked up enough to see you and immediately walked towards the door. You opened it without thinking and she entered your apartment.

Scarlet: I'm sorry to bother you right now but I need some advice and you seem to be the only person I can talk to about.....

She stopped when she saw your lack of attire. She found herself staring with wide eyes that wondered your body on their own. You couldn't help but smirk.

Y/N: See something you like?

Scarlet was at a loss for words. She couldn't deny that she had wondered what you looked like underneath that dark clothing you wore. Your hair was recently dried, but still a bit damped.

Scarlet: I...I'm sorry. I thought...I didn't know that.....

You quickly silenced her when you apporched her. Her back hit the wall and you trapped her by placing a hand by her head.

Y/N: I know damn well that you can hear my shower from your apartment. You knew what you were doing.

Scarlet: What? N-No I....

Y/N: And you're still going to lie about it? Seems like someone is just begging to be punished.

Scarlet found her cheeks suddenly getting much hotter. She couldn't help but begin to close her eyes when you started to lean down towards her. Your lips began to brush which jolted Scarlet awake.

She sat up quickly and looked around the dark bedroom. Her heartbeat was quick and she felt like her entire body was on fire. She placed a hand onto her head, pushing some hair out of her eyes. She looked to her left to where her mother was sleeping.

She didn't know why she had such a dream, but she didn't quite hate it. She did lay back down, but she couldn't go back to sleep now. She was too worked up. Why did she have to have such a vivid dream? And why did it have to be of you?

She wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night. But, luckily for her, it wasn't too early. It was around 6 when she woke up. Her mother would be awake soon and be getting ready to leave for the entire day once again. Until then, Scarlet was left alone with her thoughts.

Even after her mother left, Scarlet found herself doing what she could to take her mind off of the dream. The dishes that she had left the night before. Making breakfast that her sisters might enjoy. Checking in on Robin to make sure she was okay. Even watching a show on TV for the first time in ages.

Usually when she was in a state of mind she needed to get out, she would go to your apartment and immediately find herself at ease. However, seeing as the dream was about that very thing, she decided against it. She couldn't decide how she felt.

Was it happiness? Being able to have someone she was so close to that she could dream about them in such a way? Someone who was kind, sweet, handsome, and seemed to like her sisters like an extended family. Someone who had saved her sister from being hurt further.

Or was it fear? The fear of losing that all with some silly little crush.

She didn't know. Her heart was a flutter after the dream and she couldn't help but wonder what you really looked like under it all. She knew you had at least two tattoos. The one she sometimes saw on your wrist and the one that peeked out of the collar of your shirt. How many more did you have?

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