The Cost of Growth

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I Can Not Get Air

I Can Feel My Lungs Collapse

Why Didn't You Help?

Thunder roared through the empty apartment just as you sat up. Your body was sore from sleeping on the floor, but you didn't mind the pain at the moment. The smell of rusty pipes was strong now that you had just woken up. Sweat stuck to your body despite the roaring rains outside.

You shook as a shiver crawled up your spine and right to your head. You tried to shake it out but it wasn't going anywhere. It wouldn't. You were stuck with it.

You rested your arm on your knee and took a moment to collect yourself. The storm was still raging and you couldn't go anywhere. Not that you really had anywhere to be or any place you wanted to go. It was probably the middle of the night anyways. Nothing would be open.

A lightning strike briefly illuminated the room. Your bare torso stained in art and memories became visible. From the black raven that crawled up to your neck to the cracked ship on your bicep. Your hair was messier than usual. Your eyes bloodshot and dark.

You pulled yourself up to your feet and looked around the room. You still had nothing and you didn't trust the water here. You had remembered seeing a vending machine outside near the playground. It was covered too, so you wouldn't have to worry about the rain. It was something.

You needed something.

You grabbed a t-shirt and a jacket on to cover yourself and headed out into the dark hallway.

The vending machine was lit by a faint and occasionally flickering light. It was a standard off-brand soda machine. There were also options for bottled tea and lemonade as well as water. In truth you had decided that you would figure out what you would get when you got there.

This plan changed when you found another tenant already there. A familiar face yet a stranger still. A young girl that you had seen just that afternoon.

Ginger sat against the wall and watched as the rain fell. She found it hard to believe that the raindrops were water rather than some kind of solid matter. The sound it made when it hit the ground seemed similar to pebbles. And the smell was nice if a bit strong.

But her eyes were really fixated in the forest behind the veil of the storm. An adventure that was just out her reach. All because she she was just a kid. She didn't even know why that mattered.

Y/N: Contrary to popular belief....

Ginger flinched at the sound of your voice. She didn't even hear you approaching her. No one was ever out this late besides her.

Y/N: You can't actually stop the rain with your mind.

You walked towards the vending machine and began to pull out your wallet. A black leather wallet that had seen better days. Ginger didn't say anything to you at first. She just watched you go through the process of inserting the bill onto the machine.

Y/N: What do you drink?

Ginger lifted her head when you looked at you. She hadn't been expecting you to offer her a drink like this.

Ginger: Lemon lime.

Ginger: Lemon lime

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