The Changing Winds

496 39 11

You Were Adopted

Taken In By A Good Man

He Tried To Teach You

You found yourself staring at your wall in confusion. Your head was spinning and you had a killer headache. Your body also felt very cold. Of course, you found out why when you realized that you were naked under your blankets. Odd, since you never slept naked. (I don't care if you do, if you tell me I will mute you no questions asked)

You rolled onto your back, immediately realizing it was a horrible idea to do so, and groaned while your fan slowly spun around overhead. You remember going to a local bar the night before, but it was a blur after your third or so shot. Having not drank in a while, your body decided to punish you for being a moron and not taking it slow.

You lifted an arm to your head and took a breath. Wait, that smell was unfamiliar. You moved your arm to find that you weren't alone in bed. Beside you laid a sleeping woman about your age. Well, she might have been two or three years older.

Her olive skin and curly hair looked almost like copper in the morning light. The tattoo of a rose on her right shoulder popped as if it was real. She had more tattoos covering her arm, but you also noticed a small feather behind her ear. She was gorgeous, but you didn't remember what lead her to your bed. A mystery you wish you knew the answer to.

You slid out of your bed and decided to get dress. You also needed to feed Mizuno. By the time the woman, Vanessa was her name, woke up, you were making breakfast. After some small talk that you found to be less awkward than you had thought it would be, you walked her to the door.

It was around this time that Scarlet had returned from walking her three youngest sisters to school. She reached her door when yours opened. She stopped, deciding on at least telling you good morning, but stopped herself when she watched the woman walk out. She watched for a moment while you spoke to this stranger with a charming smile and an afterglow.

When she left, you were still smiling. Clearly the night had gone well. Though Scarlet didn't know who the woman was or your relationship to her. Even Carmen, who was staying home due to odd scheduling, took a peek of your supposed paramore.

You finally realized you had an audience, but it was because you had heard the door close. You looked over, believing it to have been one of your other neighbors. Thinking nothing of it, you headed back inside your own apartment.

Carmen: She was a bombshell. Guess our handsome neighbor has a type.

Carmen took a bite of her bagel, clearly unaware that her older sister wasn't listening. No, Scarlet had other things on her mind. She didn't feel jealous. No. Because that would mean that she held feelings of the romantic variety towards you. Which she didn't. You were her neighbor and friend.

Would calling you a friend be a stretch? She felt like the two of you have known each other well enough for her to be able to call you a friend. She would surely like to be. Still, seeing you with that woman......she had a knot in her stomach.

It didn't go away as the day went on. Not even after she had picked up her sisters and you went about your daily buisness.

You walked along the edge of the forest with Mizuno by your side. He didn't even need a lease, which was all the better for you. Still, you kept one on you in case something happened. But, for the most part, everything was fine. No one was really out around this time.

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