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"Get away from me!" The child screamed as he balled himself up into a corner in his room, tears streaming out if his eyes. "Just leave me alone!"

The servants around him that had tried getting him to come out of his room hesitated, but left soon anyway.

They felt pity for the young prince.

His adoptive father, the former Emperor, had been assassinated only the day before, leaving the boy's uncle to take the throne until the prince came of age.

The dark skinned child whimpered as he dug his fingers into his feathery black hair.

The only person in the world he truly loved was gone forever.

"Law?" A familiar voice called out to the boy.

The dark skinned child sniffed. "Go away, Uncle."

He heard a sigh and a few moments later a large hand was rested on the boy's back in a supposedly comforting way.

"I know you're upset, Law." The new Emperor of Dressrosa sighed. "I'm upset as well. Corazon... Well, he betrayed me. It had to be done."

The child's tear filled eyes flew wide and he turned his head to look up at his uncle.


Only now did the boy see the large smile that decorated the large man's face.

Law felt fear fill his very being as Doflamingo's grip on his shirt tightened and his large hands tore at the small pieces of clothing.

"I said," the large man grinned. "It had to be done."

Law screamed for help until his throat was raw as the new Emperor defiled him, but the man had locked the doors and the child's father was no longer there to protect him.


The samurai woke himself with a scream and shot up on soft, silken sheets.

In his panicked state, the tattooed man couldn't remember where he was and scrambled off of the plush bed and onto the cold floor below, taking a silken red sheet with him.

Kid was shocked awake by the sudden scream and movement, and sat up in his bed to find the source.

Trafalgar Law was on the floor, surrounded by sheets, and scrambling away from the bed as fast as he could. His normally calculating eyes were glazed over with terror and he was looking around wildly, as though something would pop out if the shadows of the dark room and attack him at any moment.

The Shogun stood from the bed and rushed to the samurai's side.

Law had curled himself into a sitting fetal position and was rocking back and forth as Kid tried to snap him out of it.

"Trafalgar, wake up!" The ruby haired man ordered, shaking the smaller's shoulders.

Law just screamed again and tried get away from whatever memory he was stuck in by clawing at the Shogun's arms

Kid's heart felt heavy as he watched the pitiful display. He felt possessive about the older man and felt as though he could kill a hundred men just so that this one wouldn't cry like a scared child.

There weren't any men around for him to kill, though, so he opted for the next best thing.

The Shogun wrestled Law to the ground, then reached out a hand and slapped the samurai across the face.

And then he did it again.

"Trafalgar." Slap. "Wake." Slap. "The fuck." Slap. "Up." Slap.

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