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Kid's lips were set in a hard line as he waited at the mouth of the mountain pass to Dressrosa.

It had been nearly two hours since the majority of his forces, lead by Heat and Wire, had disappeared into the mountains.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" The Shogun growled, looking down at Law from the corner of his eye.

The samurai was looking on at the pass in extreme concentration. Kid could almost see the gears of his mind working.

"Just give it a minute, Eustass-ya..." Law muttered absently.

Kid grunted, but looked forward anyway.

Sure enough, only five minutes later, the all clear signal was given from both sides of the pass.

Instantly, Kid gave the order to charge, raising up his spear and riding a full speed into the pass.

Law drew his nodachi as Doflamingo's false army came into view and it only took about a minute for the sharp blade to slice into an enemy's armor.

There were more men than the samurai had anticipated, but as the numbers began to thin, Law darted through the crowds and into the kingdom beyond. Kid following closely behind him, half of his army trailing the both.

Kid watched his lover's back as the prince led the Shogun and his forces through the kingdom Law once called home.

The streets were filled with people who screamed and ran as the Shogun's men barreled through them.

Apparently Doflamingo had not warned his subjects of the possible invasion. Perhaps he had thought they would fall for his trick in the mountains.

Kid shook the thoughts away as the palace came into view and Law screeched to a halt in front of him.

Kid growled at the battalion that appeared in front of the army, but before he could charge at them, one of Kid's men rode up in front of the Shogun and the Samurai to face the foe directly.

"Kid-dono, take Trafalgar and go." The man stated. "We'll cover your backs."

The Shogun stared for a moment. "Your name is Apoo, correct?"

The soldier nodded. "Scratchman Apoo, fourth division commander of your army, sir."

Kid nodded and tightened his grip on Bepo's reigns as Law already began riding again. "I'll remember that after all this shit is settled, so don't die too soon, Apoo."

The soldier nodded and Kid rode after Law to the palace, the shouts of battle echoing behind them.

The samurai never payed attention to what the Shogun was doing. All he could think about was how close he was to killing the bastard that had used him for most of his life.

Law intended to make every ounce of his suffering known to Doflamingo through pain and tourture.

The long staircase up to the palace doors appeared in his vision soon enough, and Law made sure to trample any resistance under his horse's hooves.
Crashing through the monsterous, heavy doors, Law dismounted and cautiously entered the palace.

The only sound made was by Kid as he rode into the entrance chamber and dismounted from Bepo's back.

"What's going on-"

"Shush." Law put a finger to his lips and cut the Shogun off as he looked around the room with narrowed grey eyes.

A sound from above caught the samurai's attention and made his ears twitch.

Immediately Law darted backwards as daggers pierced the floor where he once stood. Kid gave out a sharp yelp as one dagger dug into his shoulder, and Law was forced back next to the injured Shogun.

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