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Law awoke the next morning and knew something was wrong instantly. He could just feel it in the air.

Bonney hadn't come to pester him about Kid for the entire rest of the day and had left him to sleep peacefully that night.

He had too much to think about at the time, but now...

Quickly springing out of bed, the samurai slipped on some clothes and strapped his sword to his back before heading out of the medical wing.

He checked the Empress's usual morning stomping grounds first (the kitchen mainly) before deciding to check her chambers to see if she had possibly slept in until lunchtime.

"Bonney-ya." Law called out, opening the doors to her guest chamber.

No response.

"Bonney-ya?" He called again, moving further into the chamber.

Law's ears twitched as a noise penetrated them. It was faint, but he could hear it.

As he walked closer and closer to the noise, the smell of blood breached his senses and became more and more prominent the closer he got.

Finally as he rounded a corner, the samurai's eyes widened and he inhaled sharply at what he saw.

There, laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood, was Bonney's attendant; X. Drake.

At first glance, Law could see five- no, seven decisive stab wounds all along his abdomen and countless more slices and cuts along his body.

The noise that Law had heard was Drake's barely concious groaning.

"Law... san..." The injured man gasped, one hand pressed tightly against his throat and blood flowing from under his fingers.

Law was at his side in a heartbeat, using bedsheets, his own clothes, anything to stop the bleeding.

"Drake-ya, I need you to stay awake." The samurai instructed calmly as he tightly tied a strip of cloth around the ginger man's bleeding neck. "I'm going to get you to the medical wing, alright?"

Drake grunted and Law took that as an afirmative.

With a strained huff, the samurai hefted the larger man onto his back, careful to avoid his sword so as not to agitate the man's wounds further.

Drake's jaw clamped down onto Law's shoulder tight enough to break the skin as he tried to stifle his pain filled screams.

Law winced but said nothing as he hurried as fast as he could to the medical wing.

"Trafalgar?" A voice called out to him.

Law looked to see Killer walking towards the pair, but could see no emotion due to the mask.

"Killer-ya!" He called out, knowing that they would move faster if the royal advisor carried the missing Empress's attendant.

The masked man was by his side instantly, removing the barely concious Drake from the samurai's back and onto his own.

As the two ran, Law could feel his own now blood-soaked clothes clinging to his back and wondered desperately whether or not Jewelry Bonney was safe.

The instant Killer slammed the doors to the medical room open, Law flew into doctor mode, as did Hawkins and Chopper when they saw the severely bleeding man on Killer's back.

"The... Lady...!" Drake gasped as he was placed onto an operating table. "Is Bonney... safe...?"

Law hesitated a moment. "Bonney-ya is... perfectly well. I was with her this morning in the dining hall."

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