Chapter 11 - A Familiar Voice

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You slowly began stirring awake the next morning. You just had the best sleep of your life and all the memories from before hand came flooding back and you jolted slightly, realizing you were cuddled up next to Michael.

You looked up at his face, it was easier to see him in the morning light. His peaceful expression indicated that he was asleep, and he seemed so calm. You gazed upon his features for a bit before you slightly moved, and his eyes shot open and looked directly at you. He was a light sleeper.

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you" you said with a little chuckle, you got up and crawled out of bed with Michael following suit. You gazed at the glass on the floor and sighed to yourself, you definitely needed to clean all this up.

You turned back to Michael who was just standing and staring. It was a little different without his mask, but at least you could try and read his face, despite him never showing any emotions.

"Michael, could you help me clean up a bit?" you asked with big eyes. You knew you could've done it by yourself, but you weren't ready for Michael to disappear on you, so you wanted him to help so he would be around a bit longer. He nodded softly and you ran downstairs to get a trash bag and some other supplies before running back upstairs and seeing Michael picking up glass shards with his bare hands. You ran over "Michael!" you barked, causing him to snap his head up towards you.

You knelt down and ushered him to put the glass in the bag. "Don't pick it up with your bare hands, you'll get hurt" you said, looking at his hands for any cuts. "I brought this broom and pan to sweep it up, whatever we cant get, we use a wet paper towel to pick up" you explained. He just stared straight into your eyes as you spoke, it was a little daunting. He was good at keeping eye contact, but you on the other hand weren't. Call it an anxiety or nervous thing if you will.

He helped you clean up the glass and put your thrown items back where they belong and then followed you downstairs to do the same with the broken coffee table you procrastinated for way too long.

Finally, everything was cleaned, you didn't expect living here to come with so many broken things, but you'd risk a coffee table and a window any day if it meant you could hang with Michael.

You feared that Ghostface would come back tonight, and you desperately didn't want Michael to leave, but you knew it was dangerous for him to stay for long periods of time, so you were quiet as you watched him put his latex mask back on and walk towards the back door.

"Michael" you called out before he left. He stopped and turned his head towards you.

"Will you stop by tonight? Just in case that Ghostface guy comes back?" you said. You were scared because he was unpredictable and determined and he may come back again to finish you off. You didn't really care if Michael would stay the night or not, but you wanted him to stop by just in case.

Michael nodded and then disappeared out the back door, you put your palms on the door and gently rested your forehead against it, sighing deeply as you already missed him being around, but you were slowly getting used to it.

After Michael left you called to get your window replaced, telling the people that some kids threw rocks at it as some prank, luckily they didn't question further, and you had a nice new bedroom window that was a little sturdier. You also put in an order for a new coffee table that would be delivered another day.

With this new Ghostface guy out and about, you thought about carrying your pocketknife around for protection again, who knew what this guy would be up to and who knew what he could've done if Michael didn't show up.


It was about mid-December now and the winter weather was in full force. Luckily Ghostface didn't show up all those nights ago and Michael stopped by to check on you before disappearing for a couple weeks. You missed him dearly and would remember the moment you shared regularly.

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