Chapter 4 - Boogeyman's Bitch

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You were finally able to relax in your home after 5 days of nothing. No sightings, no random appearances and chocking for nothing, you haven't seen him since. You decided to keep everything to yourself out of fear that someone would call you crazy or more rumors would spread, but a small part of you desperately wanted to reach out to someone. It was beginning to weigh on you everything that happened and it hurt to keep it to yourself, but you knew it was for the best.

You kinda hoped that you kept Dr. Loomis' card. He would've been the perfect person to contact and talk to despite being kind of an asshat.

You were relaxing on your couch, watching the television, nothing in particular when you realized that today was an important day.

It was Halloween. There were rumors that Michael would go on killings, but they were just rumors right? People made rumors all the time so who was to say he would do that? You thought about getting candy to hand out, but you weren't sure if anyone would come trick or treating at your house, the adults and parents thought badly of you so you knew they wouldn't let their kids near your house, and if any kids did come to your house, it was probably to prank you, so you decided against wasting time and energy.

If anything, you wanted to get out of the house. For fresh air? Or to get away? Who knew but you knew that you wanted to get out and away for as much of the night as possible.

You waited until the sun began to set and the children began to litter the streets before grabbing a light sweater and heading out through the backdoor to go on a walk. You wanted to stay out of sight and avoid any confrontation or stares, so you found an old Halloween mask in your storage and threw it on. It was just a purge mask, nothing special, but it helped to keep people's eyes to themselves which is what you wanted. A night without any worry, a night away from the rumors and dirty looks, a night to be anyone but "the girl that lived in the myers house".

You walked the streets as the night went on and the children ran with screams of joy, it made you feel good. At least others could enjoy this night. You walked around the neighborhood for about 45 minutes up and down the familiar streets. You even passed by your old childhood home before you began to feel your legs beg for mercy. You rounded the neighborhood corner and started heading back home. You wished you could walk for longer as it hasn't been a long time, but you didn't typically go on walks so you got tired quickly.

You decided to go through the back door as you didn't want people seeing you enter the house from the main street, so you kept to the back sides of the houses. As you walked through the back alley's, you took your mask off to breathe a bit better, but once you rounded a corner, you ran into someone. You didn't expect to run into anyone back here. Not many people took the back alleys.

Looking up it was one of your neighbors who always gave you nasty looks every chance he could. You winced a bit, feeling anxious as he looked down at you with a disgusted expression, as if he walked in on you smoking crack or something.

"Oh sorry. Excuse me" you muttered quietly, but just loud enough for him to hear while trying to avoid his eye contact. You felt intimidated by this man and didn't want to cause issues.

"Well, what is this" he spoke, causing your gaze to meet his. "It's the boogeyman's bitch" he spat. You winced slightly at the nickname, that one being the one you hated the most. You were shocked that this man, who was obviously much older than you, could act like a school bully.

"Sorry I was just heading home" you said, trying to go around him, but he stopped you by grabbing your arm, in the same spot you were cut. You winced slightly at the contact, and you looked to him with almost pleading eyes.

"Not so fast Hun, I've been meaning to have a few words with you" he hissed out while giving a good yank to bring you closer. You could feel the fear well up inside of you as well as the urge to cry. He was taller than you and always had a nasty look, so you tried to avoid him, but you were now alone with him in the back allies of the homes, which was no good. He could do anything to you and probably get away with it.

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