⚡️ Chapter Eighteen ⚡️

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I hate being here in the courtroom. I have to stand straight up and all I want to do is lay down to sleep, especially with how quiet it is right now.

Finally, the doors open and in walks Eren with two men behind him with guns, shoving them into his back. Once getting to the blocked off area, they tell Eren to get on his knees and put a pole in between his arms, since he's handcuffed.

He starts looking around the room, eventually looking at us. When he did, his eyes widened. I couldn't help but do the same.

Then, Premier Zachary, whom is over all three regiments, walks in from another door and sits in the chair, high in front of Eren. "Alright. Shall we begin?"

He picks up a paper in front of him. "Your name is Eren Jaeger and, as a soldier, you have agreed to give up your life when called to for the good of the people. Is that correct?"

"Yes." Eren answers.

"As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court-martial." The premier continues. "As commander of our armed forces, this matter is left to my discretion. Thus, I will decide whether you live or you die."

Of course this is what this debate is about. I even guessed it when we were back at the dining hall.

If he decides to kill Eren off, I don't know what I'm going to do. Losing two people that mean so much to me in a matter of two days will emotionally kill me.

"Do you have any objections?" The premier asks. I do, but my answer doesn't matter here.

Eren shakes his head. "No, sir."

"Your astuteness is appreciated." The premier remarks. "Let us proceed. As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless and unless we publicly disclose your existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made and the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate. The Military Police or the Scout Regiment?"

I know that Eren would rather have the Scouts take custody of him, but he doesn't get to decide that. I already know that I want the Scouts to take him. Who knows what the Military Police are planning on doing to him.

"To begin, the Military Police will now present their case." The premier informs.

"Thank you." A man from the Military Police side thanks. "My name is Nile Dawk. I am commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately."

It would've been easy to guess that that's what they want. I bet the Military Police hardly know a thing about Titans and now that they know Eren is one, they want him exterminated, so he won't 'shift and kill them.' Absolutely unbelievable!

"We acknowledge that Jaeger's ability played a part in turning back the latest Titan incursion. However, as has been stated, his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment." Commander Dawk continues. "For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information that we can from him, we would see him made as a fallen warrior of humanity."

I call bullshit!

"Unacceptable!" A wall cultist yells. "This verminous fiend has defiled the mighty wall..."

These wall cultist are pretty annoying. They practically worship the walls. Five years ago, they were always ignored, but now...I guess they've gotten some clout.

"Now, I'd like to hear the Scout Regiment's proposed plan." The premier remarks after the wall cultist was done rambling on.

"Yes, sir." Commander Erwin replies. Him and Captain Levi are not far from Mikasa, Armin, and I. "As the commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith, propose the following: Let Eren join our ranks. Reinstate him as a full member of the Scouts and we will utilize his Titan ability to retake Wall Maria. That is all."

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