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Kratos and Atreus made there way through the snowy woods following the Strangely entranced draugr. "Why do you think their doing that?" Atreus asked Mimir "Haven't the foggiest lad." He replied as the trio made there way through the woods the clouds seemed to be especially filled with snow given the frosty landscape.

"Its really coming down huh?" Atreus pointed out  "Thats Fimbulwinter for you lad." Mimir responded "Shame we its neverending." He added "Wait wait Neverending? What do you mean?" Atreus asked

"Fimbulwinter? The eternal Winter that'll come before Ragnorok?" He asked confused "None of this be ringing any bells?" Atreus just shook his head "Before Ragnorok comes little brother all of the nine realms will be touched by a neverending ever wrathful and bitter winter. Until Ragnorok commences than once Odin is dead and Asgard is a pile of ash being snorted by the ghosts of the Giants the realms will return to how they once were." Mimir explained.

Atreus thought for a moment taking all of this in."So if Odin doesnt want Ragnorok to happen and if he succeed than the day we killed Bauldur was the last day we saw a clear sky?" 

Mimir didn't answer for a moment but before he could (If he even had anything to say) Kratos joined in on the conversation "The day we killed Bauldur was not the last we saw of sunlight." He said gruffly "It was in Jotenheim."

Atreus expression lightened up a little bit. "When we spread mother's ashes." Atresus said s9mewhate happily he didn't know how to feel about his mother's funeral and how it could be one of his last happy memories now.

suddenly the draugr stoped dead in their tracks and fell to their knees. It took a small moment for the two of them to do anything that is until Kratos stepped forward and poked one of them with the Leviathan Axe. The druagr just fell forward face first.

"Do you think there de-"Atreus began until from the ground emerged a large grotesque flesh like tentacle and dragged  the draugr into the newly made abyss from which it came from.

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