FIVE: We Tried

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A/N: I know the last chapter was really short Im trying to draw this out lol because IW/Endgame happen so fast and is set in multiple POVs, so I gotta be creative with this lol

Yes Im aware its been over half a year and no I do not have anything to say for myself except weeeeeeeeee

The other Avengers, and T'Challa, were in the throne room, overlooking the rest of the palace. Vision was set to lay on a table below Shuri, T'Challa's younger sister, as she worked on getting the Mind Stone safely out of the synth. Wanda stood at his shoulders opposite Shuri.

Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and T'Challa were gearing up on the other side.

"Steve, what can I do?" V asked as she and Pietro arrived. Pietro went to stand by Wanda.

"Did you get the package?" Steve asked. She nodded. "Where's the bracelet?"


"There's a bracelet with the suit, it'll call the suit from wherever you are." He felt around his pockets and pulled something out. "Actually, I have it here."

V took it. She held the bracelet in her hand, staring at the purple tinted steel beads and the separate "V" bead on a flatter, darker square bead, set between two very silver beads. She put it on.

"But I've never even tried the suit," She argued. "How am I gonna know how to use it?"

"You'll get the hang of it. You know Tony built his first one in a cave with scrap metal?"

"Yeah, he didn't shut up about it for the first month I was with him." They both laughed a little.

She knew she probably wasn't going to get the hang of the suit that very day, but hoped she could use it enough to at least get a general idea of how it worked.

Steve turned his attention back to the group. But before he could say anything, an alarm sounded. Prince T'Challa hurried to see outside, then announced, "They're here." He turned to the Dora Milaje. "Prepare our troops." Then led the rest of them—except Wanda, Vision, and Shuri—and they made their way down to the fields on the outermost parts of the kingdom.


Wanda stood beside V as they peered out of the tower window-wall, watching closely as Steve, Natasha, and T'Challa approached the border of the kingdom. Another woman appeared on the other side of it, her blue skin clashing beautifully with her black war makeup and outfit, V thought.

A few moments later, the two Avengers and Wakandan king moved back to their places among the armies of dedicated soldiers and what Dora Milaje could be spared from guarding Shuri and Vision, with V and Wanda.

V twisted the beads on her bracelet anxiously. Pietro was down there on the ground, too. At this point, she just didn't want him to die. She couldn't lose him, too. Tony was gone. Peter gone. Both probably mangled by Strange... No, they could handle themselves. But could they handle the wizard himself? He was dangerous enough without magic...

Her thoughts were interrupted by orange and grey—almost black—destruction coming up from where Steve, Natasha, and T'Challa had been standing previously. V watched, uneasy, as Sam and Rhodey flew up and circled back to their original positions, and that's when she saw the five giant ships, shaped like discs. V let out a gasp then, as the Wakandan/Avengers side suddenly began to charge at Thanos's army, her eyes caught on one going unusually slow. Was Pietro scared? He had good reason to be, if that was the case. She watched helplessly as he was tossed back a few times before he disappeared behind another fight going on.

"I need more time!" Shuri yelled from behind V and she turned, her jaw clenched. "Griot, give me an update." She said to no one in particular, V didn't see anyone else besides Wanda and herself.

Wanda didn't move. V took their temporary distraction to hurry out of the room and into the hallway, where she stopped. She had no clue what she was doing, let alone what to start with. She took a deep breath and tried to think. If she could find a way to get out of the palace without being detected, she could go and help. She thought back to the few times she remembered of running away from old foster homes. Some had security V had no choice but to completely destroy in order to get out. I can't lose him too, she thought starting forward again, activating her suit once she got to the first balcony she could find, taking off. Moments before starting to get the hang of flying she saw Rhodey fall to the ground, hit. She righted herself and looked around. She saw Bruce in what looked like his own Hulk-sized Stark suit, with a lot more than he could handle.

V hurried to get to him but was blown back by a strong forceful wind, followed by two other thuds on the ground. She landed near them in case these were threats, but it turned out to be Thor and two new creatures, a tree and a raccoon on two feet.

"Thor?" V asked. Surprised.

"No time, we have to keep them back!" He replied, turning to thrust his hammer into the ground and sent lightning over the ground.

V took off again, looking for Pietro. She needed to save him, to get him out of here. It wasn't safe, if he died again... No. She refused to go down that rabbit hole. Finally she saw him, running around Bucky and the raccoon as they used their guns. V could see stray bullets again, she heard the loud echoes from the bunker three years ago in Siberia. The beeping of the heart monitor, the voice screaming for her to move... Wait–

Another body hit V's, sending her flying through the air and hit the ground. Not too hard, she'd been standing on the battlefield. Now Pietro offered her a hand up and she took it.

"What happened to 'stay in the tower?'"

"Uh... I forgot?" She tried before remembering why she left. "We need to go, we can't be here. Come on," She grabbed his hand in hers and lifted off, only barely seeing what he'd saved her from. Wanda had come out of the tower, away from Vision, and had thrown six or seven spike things over the huge field and back at the enemy.

"V, go back! They need help!" Pietro begged as they flew. V ignored him, coming to a slowed stop a while later and let him go, but he didn't leave. They stood underneath a huge flame tree, with red/green leaves and a small, sturdy trunk.

"V, what–?" She yanked off her helmet, threw it down, and reached for him. Her eyes closed, and her lips pursed, ready for a kiss.

Instead of closing the gap between them V was met with air. Her hands were empty except for what felt like confetti made of ashes. She opened her eyes to see a pile of dusty ashes at her feet where Pietro stood only seconds before.

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