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Cold. Afraid. Starving. Desperate to see the sun again. Will I ever? Is she destined to stay here forever? The little twelve-year-old girl isn't sure. She wants to go home, wherever home is.

She shivers and pulls her knees up to her chest in the darkness of the small room, sitting on the floor against the wall. She wonders when he will take her out again, what tests he will run. Will he repeat the same ones? Or will he let her die? She doesn't know.

Maybe this room is a test, she thinks. Maybe he is watching her now and taking notes on his paper.

The girl moves over to the other corner. Her head hurts and she hasn't eaten or slept in... how long? When WAS the last time she ate or slept? Her stomach growls and she yawns in response. Those things happen a lot more recently.

She doesn't eat because they don't feed her much, when they do, and only on occasion. If she sleeps she will dream about all of the things HE is doing to her. She can't do it again. Not again.

So she sits in the corner of the cell. She has already lost track of all time. She doesn't know what day it is, or even if it's day or night. She sits with her knees up close to her, her bones aching from the malnourishment.

Her head picks up from resting on her kneecaps when she hears the metal lock on the door move. It opens to a boy she's never seen before. He is tall and lean, and she can see the all too familiar craze glimmer in his topaz eyes.

The boy reeks of fear and confusion, and the girl can feel the marks starting to-

The girl crumples in on herself, lying on her side on the cold floor. Hysteria, is all she can manage to think between the boy's screams as well as her own. She clutches her head and her wrists as he writhed, as her skin burned and her arms trembled, as she was unable to make the burning sensations go away.

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