Chapter 2 The Quint Tutor

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Itsuki's Pov (3:35 PM Friday)

Using the map that Toshinori gave me which was very detailed and organized with where to go, how to get there, and even shortcuts. The map helped me find my way faster than I would have on my own that's for sure. I arrive at the library to find Toshinori already there waving at me brightly I swear he's so innocent and caring it's amazing. I wave back to him in return sitting down on the opposite side of him "so what is it specifically you struggle with?" He asks in a serious slash curious tone. "well I struggle with every subject...the only subject I'm close to being decent with is... science" I say nervously as he nods. "it's quite alright we'll start small by seeing which subject specifically is the most of a bother for you and work on that and then so on with the other subjects...and another thing to consider is your studying habits..." He says in an analytical tone mumbling a bit as I giggle. *he seems to truly put effort in helping's admirable maybe dad will let him be our official tutor?* I wonder in my head as I nod to what he explained before. "you ready to begin?" He asks "yes thank you very much!" I say putting on my glasses prepared to learn.

1 hour later Toshinori Yagi's Pov

"Well seems you ponder too much on one question...if you don't know the answer right away answer the ones your sure of and don't stress yourself out to much yeah?" I explained as she nods her head. "I'll keep that in mind!" She says smiling as I chuckle "here I got you a snack" I say handing her a decent sized chocolate bar as she immediately takes it devouring it in a proper way as I laugh. "what's so funny?!" She says flustered as I scratch the back of my head nervously "sorry...I wasn't trying to make fun of ya...I was just in a good mood seeing you so happy" I explain honestly as she blushes "oh...sorry my bad..." She says shyly as I smile. "it's alright besides you earned the treat for working so bloody hard yeah?" I say chuckling as she then taps my arm looking at me with a serious expression. *she seems to enjoy food alot but seems real sweet as long as you don't offend her as I unintentionally almost did...oh bullocks...* I think nervously as she gets her phone out calling someone. "hello dad I think I found someone who fits the bill for tutoring us his name is Toshinori Yagi" Itsuki says to her dad *us who's us?* I wonder confused. "here you go" she says handing me her phone "...oh... alright then..." I say nervously as I put the phone to my ear. "uh...hello...?" I ask as I hear an older man on the phone. "ah Mr Yagi Itsuki told me great things about may I ask you some questions?" He asks as I hum yes in response. "very well then...for my first question... what is your position in your school?" He asks "I'm uh... number one yeah?" I say nervously. "I see...that's really good well then as for my...second's your financial situation?" He asks as I chuckle "it's not that good I'm afraid" I say nervously. "I see...and for my final question... although I'm sure you'll accept but I'd rather hear your answer first...are you currently looking for a job?" He asks curious "yeah I am actually!" I say excited my nerves going away. "well would you like to work as a tutor for my daughter's?" He asks as I then realized Itsuki has a sister or sisters although I'm not sure how many which explains the 'us'. *that explains why she used the word us earlier* I think my curiosity being satisfied for now. "yes I would thank you for the offer Mr Nakano!" I say excited as he chuckles a bit "eager to work huh... curious...tell me I ask this out of personal did you meet Itsuki and what is your dream?" He asks as I chuckle. "it's a bit of a long story init...but if your down listening to my reasons your more then welcome to yeah?" I ask as he hums yes as I take a deep breath then start explaining everything from my passion for Egyptology to my desire to help other people and how I meet Itsuki when I finished explaining he chuckles again. "I see...your a genuinely good's nice to see a teenager like you around...but...don't you dare...hurt any of my daughters you hear me?" He asks sounding impressed at first then sounds colder than the continent Antarctica. "Yes sir!" I say with fear as he sighs "good...then I look forward to seeing your results good luck...oh and one other thing...your payment per day is...5,000 yen..." He says as my mouth drops. "BLIMEY BLOODY HELL THANK YOU SO MUCH MR NAKANO IM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL!" I yell with pure joy as he sighs "...just do your job...don't hurt my daughter's and we'll be on good terms...alright...have a good day Mr Yagi" he says hanging up as I give Itsuki her phone and instantly hug her with all my joy and might."thank you Itsuki...thank you thank you thank you!" I say with pure joy as I then feel her start hugging me back. "'s the least I can do for your kindness..." She says sounding embarrassed as I then let her go blushing as well. "oh...crikey sorry Itsuki I umm got excited...and carried away bad...bloody hell..." I say to her whispering the last part to myself. "it's alright I understand your financial situation isn't good at all... besides your a good person so it all works out in the end it truly is fate!" She says smiling as I start to laugh then we both laugh together then calm down. "um when's my job supposed to begin?" I ask awkwardly "every day after school around 5:00 PM same time for the weekends" she explains as I nod. "thanks Itsuki I'll make sure to remember that" I say chuckling awkwardly as we part ways I start heading home until I hear someone running behind me panting. I turn my head to find Itsuki behind me catching her breath "you forget something Itsuki?" I ask confused as she nods. "let' I can call you...if the schedule changes...suddenly...or an emergency..." She explains as I nod my head. "yeah that does make sense don't it?" I say laughing a bit as we exchange our contact info. "well sorry for troubling you..." Itsuki says embarrassed as I chuckle. "it's quite alright yeah don't worry" I say doing a thumbs up geasture smiling brightly as I noticed her blushing looking away from me. "you alright?" I ask as she starts to react suddenly. "what me no I'm fine I swear!" She says embarrassed as I laugh. "your probably thirsty from running all that distance here..." I say nervously handing her a plastic bottle of water I had in my bag. "oh...thank you..." She says as she chugs it down in four gulps "I'll walk you home if you want so your safe on the way yeah?" I ask as she nods her head. "besides it will also help me familiarize myself with your area" I admit chuckling as she nods "oh yes...I see makes sense!" She says understandingly as I nod and we make our way to her apartment. *this is quite the situation init...oh my daze...this is making my nerves go bonkers...oh dear...* I think to myself just a little bit worried.

25 minutes later Narrator's Pov (the sky starts to get darker signifying the time of the night arrives with a crescent moon up on the sky tonight with decent amount of clouds nearby)

Toshinori brings Itsuki home parting ways and saying goodnight. As he starts to walk back to his home a smaller building next to the apartment is a figure shaded out by the moonlight being blocked by the clouds. When the clouds move away the moonlights glow reveals a figure wearing linen bandages around it's body with a gold symbol of the crescent moon on it's chest holding a staff with the same symbol on the top of it's staff facing up and it's face was that of a ravens skull looking old and a bit withered. It looks at Toshinori as the clouds cover the moon and when it's uncovered again the figure then disappears as a birds croak is heard echoing into the stillness of the night from afar.

(Time start 1:09/ Time end 1:10)

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