The Puppeteer- 24

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"If you had just one chance, one opportunity; would you capture it? Or let it slip?"
     - Eminem


"What took you so bloody long?"
"The nobleman was being uncooperative. Come on now, we have to go."
"About bloody time!"

"How did it go?"
"I threatened him and did as you requested."
"Good." he nodded. "Did you find anything I can use against him?" she nodded. "A letter, they are to hold a meeting, although it does not state the names of those who are to be in attendance, but it shows that they are solid plans laid in place." Louis took a deep breath in. "He wants to be king."
The lord protector halted suddenly, Louis digging her heels to prevent crashing into him, the guards that were behind her, flanking the king weren't so lucky as she heard grunts as they bumped into each other.
"That devious, slimy bastard." Cromwell whispered, smiling.
"Our little visit would have him down and halt all the plans he has for the foreseeable future. He is confident in the fact that you cannot have him killed."
"Oh, but for treason..."
"I relayed the same." the king turned, his eyes sparkling as he took her hands in his. "You are my greatest asset Sir Louis. Come to my study at noon, we have much to discuss and oh, you would have a gift waiting in your room at this moment. A... reward for your outstanding loyalty."
"Thank you, sir." she bowed as the entourage breezed past.

Louis straightened and watched the usurper enter the great hall. She had him exactly where she wanted.

"Ah, my dearest sir Louis. Just the company I've missed." he squinted. "You haven't changed out of your armour, if you don't take care, one would think you are getting sloppy."
"How is the life of a prisoner treating you?"

He shrugged. "You know, it's exciting. A new experience. Did you know I've never been jailed before?"
"A pity. Like you said, it is a remarkable experience. Spent a couple of months there myself." she looked around. "Although it seems we caught you at a bad time." she smiled widely. "You have no one to keep you company as the previous occupants have all..."she made a slashing motion around her neck. "...lost their heads."

Aline closed his eyes to shut out her smile. Anytime she smiled, it never went well for anyone around.
"What do you want?"
"I was hoping a few days in confinement has changed your mind." She paused and leaned comfortably against the bars of the opposite cell. "The village."
With his eyes shut, he scoffed. "I don't know what you are talking about."
She didn't reply for so long that he opened his eyes, squinting again; she had not moved from her position. Her chest unnaturally stilled, even her breathing was controlled with an iron fist.
"Does Cromwell know the type of information you seek?"
"Should I let him? I assure you; he would be the most delighted."
"Why are you doing this?" he asked tiredly, sitting on the hard bed.

Aline's body was sore, every part of him ached and the silence; God's silence was driving him mad. Perhaps all part of her grand plan. He had resulted in talking to himself to lessen the suffocating silence. Some of the knights had come to see him, some from the lower class. Even Alwyn had paid him a surprise visit, a look of pity on his face. He had apologised; for what, Aline was not sure.
They were feeding him well for sure but so little water. But sleeping was his greatest issue, his body wanted to give up and the silence was driving him mad, so despite how enraged the conversations with this knight got, he was grateful for another living being to talk to.

She lifted her shoulders casually. "I told you; I don't like secrets."
"I told you; I don't have one."
She lifted a brow and he flushed. "I mean, I don't have another secret."
"Yes." She pushed herself off the wall and extracted a key from the fat collection hanging off her waist. "Don't get any ideas." she warned, her eyes glinting. She was bloodthirsty and Aline was not that much of a fool to stroke the lust. He shifted further to the far edge of his bed. She left the door open after she came in, laying the temptation thick.

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