A Death For A Life- 7

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He died so you may live

    — The Lord's Holy Book
               Also known as the Holy Bible.

Chapter 7: Affairs Of A Knight.

It's amazing the size of detail we miss just because we do not know to look out for these details.

She was standing at the sidelines, watching the other knights train, her eyes constantly studying the Newborn.

It was now unacceptable to call him the Newborn now, two months in The Crib was enough to toughen any child up.

She noticed the way he trained, painfully restrained, almost like he was trying to quell the need to actually retaliate.

There was going to be a dinner party tonight, the monarch had decided to host a party, a festival celebrating whatever reason he deemed fit.

She didn't mind one bit, with the commotion and crowd, it gave ample opportunity for one to vanish and return undetected.

She needed to pay her little whistleblower a visit.


"So, what have you learned?"

The girl's eyes narrowed. "Payment. First"

The knight jiggled the pouch of gold.

"I must first confirm that you have information worth paying for"

"Well, Colby, the manservant of the Earl of Warwick was here the other day with his..we, friends. He said he has overheard his master converse with someone in his study. He said that the King was searching for the don of Charles, the last living descendant from the house of Stuart, the king believed whoever it was, would make an appearance at some party he was going to hold."

The party tonight. But what did that mean? Did Cromwell already have a suspect in mind? Why tonight?

The knight nodded, "Go on." 

The girl smacked her lips loudly. "I'm thirsty, I need a beer"

The hooded knight rolled a gold coin across the table and into the bartender's palm.

"I also heard some things 'ere n ere'. This said that the King had bought some noble prisoner"

A nobleman in chains? It could only mean that he had been a supporter of Charles I.

"A young lad, I hear"

"Do you hear anything else? A title perhaps?"

"A title? Eh...I think I heard something about being the son of some great duke of the old...what was it he called it again?.. Norway? Norfolk? Northumbria?"

The informant's eyes lit up with recognition.

"That was it. He said he was the son to the old Duke of Northumberland"

Katharina Louisa Victoria Algernon Percy's world tilted.


No, no. Please God, no.

The knight was riding with the wind like someone possessed, she burst into the castle gate and jumped off the still moving horses, desperate to get to the dungeon.

If Cromwell had captured a prisoner, then decides to hold a party right after the capture, it only meant one thing.

Her heart pumped dangerously, her lungs burning while her feet were long dead.

Oh Lord, please.

A public execution.

"Where is the prisoner?" She inquired the exhausted-looking guard who was sitting down and protecting an empty prison.

Affairs Of A KnightWhere stories live. Discover now